Trump unites NFL - against him.

How does that compare to violent crime ? Is there a correlation between violent crime and police shootings. I would think so. Also let's look at why exactly police altercations occur so frequently. I'm guessing mostly to do with the unconstitutional war on drugs. Instead of going on television calling everyone that isn't a minority racist how about do something like spend time to energize your communities to get these policies changed.

I'm just here to tell you just keep doing the same things and let's see if you get different results..... You'll attract more bees with honey than vinegar.

Are you saying that black people don't experience hardship due to discrimination because of the color of their skin? Just how far do I need to go? Do I have to prove to you that racism and racial bias exists in the US? Do I have to prove to you that sexual harassment in the work place exists and that it puts women at a disadvantage to men who don't? Do I have to prove to you that violent racist cops exist?

Help me out with the boundary conditions and I'll be glad to submit some real data on it. Or maybe I'll just ignore you. It's my time too.

Are you saying that black people don't experience hardship due to discrimination because of the color of their skin? Just how far do I need to go? Do I have to prove to you that racism and racial bias exists in the US? Do I have to prove to you that sexual harassment in the work place exists and that it puts women at a disadvantage to men who don't? Do I have to prove to you that violent racist cops exist?

Help me out with the boundary conditions and I'll be glad to submit some real data on it. Or maybe I'll just ignore you. It's my time too.

Ignore me.... Seriously..... Or point me to racisist policies or companies. We can't do anything without identifing the specific problem. Show me a business that is racisist and I'll join you in boycotting them. Point me to racisist laws on the book and I will fight for it's repeal. Always remember to vote with your dollars. As far as police like I said maybe go pay the individual that commits these crimes a visit. Not blame everyone who breathes that isn't a minority.

What exactly do you mean support a system. I want for my children the same as you.
ummmmmmmm wasn't that what this whole thread is about? forcing you on the flag..? 1A?
Actually, it's about protesting cops shooting black people. The act of protest is taking one knee during the anthem. Or sitting or standing but showing support by putting a hand on the shoulder of somebody who is taking the knee in protest.

What it is not is protesting the flag or national anthem.
Ignore me.... Seriously..... Or point me to racisist policies or companies. We can't do anything without identifing the specific problem. Show me a business that is racisist and I'll join you in boycotting them. Point me to racisist laws on the book and I will fight for it's repeal. Always remember to vote with your dollars. As far as police like I said maybe go pay the individual that commits these crimes a visit. Not blame everyone who breathes that isn't a minority.

What exactly do you mean support a system. I want for my children the same as you.
I'm just saying that I'm not a professor tasked with teaching you anything. From your comments, I have no idea how far back in the class you sit, so I'll ask again. I'll format it so you can more easily sound the questions out if you can't read them like an adult would. If there are too many questions, then just answer the top one.

  • Are you saying that black people don't experience hardship due to discrimination because of the color of their skin?

  • Just how far do I need to go? Do I have to prove to you that racism and racial bias exists in the US?

  • Do I have to prove to you that sexual harassment in the work place exists and that it puts women at a disadvantage to men who don't?

  • Do I have to prove to you that violent racist cops exist?
Ignore me.... Seriously..... Or point me to racisist policies or companies. We can't do anything without identifing the specific problem. Show me a business that is racisist and I'll join you in boycotting them. Point me to racisist laws on the book and I will fight for it's repeal. Always remember to vote with your dollars. As far as police like I said maybe go pay the individual that commits these crimes a visit. Not blame everyone who breathes that isn't a minority.

What exactly do you mean support a system. I want for my children the same as you.

I don't know that it's any specific law, or company that can be pointed to. It's a systemic problem.

The stat that really jumps out at me is that black people do not use, nor sell drugs at a higher rate than whites, and yet they are incarcerated at a rate 5x higher than that of whites for drug crimes. Pretty tough to ignore that eh?
I don't know that it's any specific law, or company that can be pointed to. It's a systemic problem.

The stat that really jumps out at me is that black people do not use, nor sell drugs at a higher rate than whites, and yet they are incarcerated at a rate 5x higher than that of whites for drug crimes. Pretty tough to ignore that eh?

Sure but what are we going to do about it? That's what I'm saying if you want a fix you have to make a plan and execute it. Just jumping up and down complaining at the average white person that is busy working there ass off just to get by in this corrupt system fixes nothing. As I've stated the #1 biggest laws that can be used as tools of racism I'm against. Furthermore I'm against anything other than a flat sales tax and big government in general.

The only people that suffer from violent groups such as antifa and the kkk are the average person not the elite who doesn't care what color you are they just want to keep writing laws favoring them and to keep spying on us and taking our rights. As long as we are divided they win. End of the story. Fight for less government less taxes less government employees and you effectively take the power back.
Point me to a society in history that gave the government more power to fix there problems and it worked and I'll be stunned...... Power corrupts absolute power absolutely corrupts.
Point me to a society in history that gave the government more power to fix there problems and it worked and I'll be stunned...... Power corrupts absolute power absolutely corrupts.
Sweden is pretty nice place to live. So is Norway and Denmark. They all have more regulations than the US. By most important metrics their system succeeds better than ours. This includes social mobility, quality of health care, quality of education, happiness, length of life.

On the other hand, Somalia is a good example of how well society works when there is less government.

Point me to a society that fits the libertarian ideal and is able to defend itself, have a good standard of living and meets or exceeds the quality of life that Norway, Denmark and Sweden's people have.
How trite. Are you a teabagger by any chance? How do you generally regard Tom Cotton? As an advertiser here, are you sure you want to go down this path?

Yes I'm an advertiser and no I'm not a "teabagger" . I don't even know who Tom Cotton is. Living in a country where the sheriff shoots a deer out of season in the city park and isn't charged gives me an incite into corruption. Or how about he screwed a 14yr old girl and walked. It is very rare that a person in power doesn't use it at least somewhat to there advantage immorally.
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Yes I'm an advertiser and no I'm not a "teabagger" . I don't even know who Tom Cotton is. Living in a country where the sheriff shoots a deer out of season in the city park and isn't charged gives me an incite into corruption. Or how about he screwed a 14yr old girl and walked. It is very rare that a person in per doesn't use it at least somewhat to there advantage immorally.


You a big Trump guy Steve?
Yes I'm an advertiser and no I'm not a "teabagger" . I don't even know who Tom Cotton is. Living in a country where the sheriff shoots a deer out of season in the city park and isn't charged gives me an incite into corruption. Or how about he screwed a 14yr old girl and walked. It is very rare that a person in per doesn't use it at least somewhat to there advantage immorally.

Well, that all sounds cool, but I was referring to your views on "big government", a flat tax and the poor, poor white people. If you don't know who Tom Cotton is, shut the fuck up. You're ignorant. He's a Senator and he's been in the news a lot. You don't know who he is? Wow.
You are correct the per captia was incorrect. It was police involved shootings involving violent crime. Which is disproportionately low.

End the war on drugs and end all gun free zones and we will see how society shapes up. Without the drug war and gun free zones what excuse would police have to mess with the citizenry? Not much.....

Wanna OD on herion? As long as you aren't putting other's lives in danger be my guest.

Back on track.... STOP GIVING THAT DIPS**T all the media attention and he will go away like a bad dream......
It was people ignoring and writing off Trump that let him win in the first place, just let that roll around for a bit...

I wouldn't be posting here if I was representing my business by the way, that won't end happily.
Yes I'm an advertiser and no I'm not a "teabagger" . I don't even know who Tom Cotton is. Living in a country where the sheriff shoots a deer out of season in the city park and isn't charged gives me an incite into corruption. Or how about he screwed a 14yr old girl and walked. It is very rare that a person in per doesn't use it at least somewhat to there advantage immorally.
I'm really curious

Do you agree with or disagree with the following:

White people in the U.S. have certain advantages because of the color of their skin.
Actually, it's about protesting cops shooting black people. The act of protest is taking one knee during the anthem. Or sitting or standing but showing support by putting a hand on the shoulder of somebody who is taking the knee in protest.

What it is not is protesting the flag or national anthem.

my perspective is different.
my perspective is different.

Entitled white girl doesn't have a say in what black people are protesting. They say they are protesting this society's tolerance of cops beating or killing black people. That's what they say. Your perspective isn't important.