Trump unites NFL - against him.

Yep and by focusing 75% of the medias attention on him is exactly the wrong thing to do. P.S. progressives. Don't call people names and expect to guilt them into voting your way......

tell that to media.

so far this week, hillary has been on every major network on different shows..they never cover sanders.

they did this in the dem primary because it 'was her turn'.

'we the people' had no say in the matter..and they're set to do the same exact thing again!
TRUMP will be president again in 2020. Every time he says something stupid what is the appropriate response? Ignore him like any other idiot. What does the news media and all the progressives do? They have a melt down and start calling him and anyone that voted for him or supports the National Anthem and the American flag racist...... TRUMP TROLLED YOU AGAIN. He's winning (to my dismay)...... Back to talking about institutional racism calling middle America names is the wrong thing to do....... Just my .02 GOD HELP US 2020
What you suggest is that minority groups should set aside the their concerns for the greater good. Issues such as taking a 20% pay cut because of a uterus or skin color, racially biased justice system that arrests and incarcerates substantially more black and brown people when it's not murdering them for no good reason, educational system bias and sexual harassment in the work place. "Middle Americans" are made to feel uncomfortable when these issues are raised. How awful for (white) middle America to hear somebody who is angry about these injustices say mean things to them for supporting the system that tolerates these things.

Black people don't think that cops killing their kids for no good reason is something they should tolerate "for the greater good". Black NFL players are risking their short careers and making themselves vulnerable to criticism by taking a knee during the anthem. They disagree with you that their issues are unimportant.
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What you suggest is that minority groups should set aside the their concerns for the greater good. Issues such as taking a 20% pay cut because of a uterus or skin color, racially biased justice system that arrests and incarcerates substantially more black and brown people when it's not murdering them for no good reason, educational system bias and sexual harassment in the work place. "Middle Americans" are made to feel uncomfortable when these issues are raised. How awful for (white) middle America to hear somebody who is angry about these injustices say mean things to them for supporting the system that tolerates these things.

Black people don't think that cops killing their kids for no good reason is something they should tolerate "for the greater good". Black NFL players are risking their short careers and making themselves vulnerable to criticism by taking a knee during the anthem. They disagree with you that their issues are unimportant.

Devils advocate here...

Think back to our many conversations about campaign finance reform and repealing citizens united. Your position is that it's best for Dems to take the big money/super PAC money in order to complete on a level playing field, and then once they have a majority in both chambers/the White House work to repeal it.

What if social justice issues were similar? Would you be ok with Dems setting aside social justice issues during a general election in order to win their seat(s), and then once the Dems have the requisite majorities move issues like police brutality towards minorities, unequal pay for women/minorities, etc back to the forefront and work on those issues?

Would you support a strategy similar to what you propose for campaign finance reform for social justice issues as well?
Devils advocate here...

Think back to our many conversations about campaign finance reform and repealing citizens united. Your position is that it's best for Dems to take the big money/super PAC money in order to complete on a level playing field, and then once they have a majority in both chambers/the White House work to repeal it.

What if social justice issues were similar? Would you be ok with Dems setting aside social justice issues during a general election in order to win their seat(s), and then once the Dems have the requisite majorities move issues like police brutality towards minorities, unequal pay for women/minorities, etc back to the forefront and work on those issues?

Would you support a strategy similar to what you propose for campaign finance reform for social justice issues as well?
It's only logical that Democrats must take charge in order to enact progressive change.

I think you misunderstand what I've been saying regarding individual races that have to be won to accomplish that. It stands to reason that a Democrat who wants to win in some conservative leaning districts will probably not support all the same issues as a Democrat from San Francisco or Vermont. Democrats running in the primary have to decide for themselves which issues to run on, run against or waffle. I hope that Democratic party voters will have more than one person to choose, in which case, let the voters decide which one they prefer.

Regarding social protest. I don't think we should muffle protests to avoid hurting people's feelings. Never ever.
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What you suggest is that minority groups should set aside the their concerns for the greater good. Issues such as taking a 20% pay cut because of a uterus or skin color, racially biased justice system that arrests and incarcerates substantially more black and brown people when it's not murdering them for no good reason, educational system bias and sexual harassment in the work place. "Middle Americans" are made to feel uncomfortable when these issues are raised. How awful for (white) middle America to hear somebody who is angry about these injustices say mean things to them for supporting the system that tolerates these things.

Black people don't think that cops killing their kids for no good reason is something they should tolerate "for the greater good". Black NFL players are risking their short careers and making themselves vulnerable to criticism by taking a knee during the anthem. They disagree with you that their issues are unimportant.

Please site the actual statics. Not what the news media says but actual statistics...... Point us to racist laws and policies and I will gladly stand beside you. Point me to racist institutions by name and I'll join you in protesting them and boycotting them.

Please tell me how saying slogans like "the racially biased Justice system" solves anything. How about in the case of real Injustice "the North Carolina murder of a man with his back to the police" we hold that officer accountable. I bet if a mob payed these assholes a visit it would stop..... BTW you are more likely to be shot by the police if you're white then black...... That is per captia as well..... The news media is definitely dealing the FUD and if you drink the coolaid that is your deal. As for me I'll deal with the real facts.... Statistics don't lie.
Please site the actual statics. Not what the news media says but actual statistics...... Point us to racist laws and policies and I will gladly stand beside you. Point me to racist institutions by name and I'll join you in protesting them and boycotting them.

Please tell me how saying slogans like "the racially biased Justice system" solves anything. How about in the case of real Injustice "the North Carolina murder of a man with his back to the police" we hold that officer accountable. I bet if a mob payed these assholes a visit it would stop..... BTW you are more likely to be shot by the police if you're white then black...... That is per captia as well..... The news media is definitely dealing the FUD and if you drink the coolaid that is your deal. As for me I'll deal with the real facts.... Statistics don't lie.

It's true that more white people are killed by cops than black people, but it is untrue that whites are killed at a higher per capita ratio. If you are black, you are 2.5x more likely to be killed by a cop than if you are white.
Please site the actual statics. Not what the news media says but actual statistics...... Point us to racist laws and policies and I will gladly stand beside you. Point me to racist institutions by name and I'll join you in protesting them and boycotting them.

Please tell me how saying slogans like "the racially biased Justice system" solves anything. How about in the case of real Injustice "the North Carolina murder of a man with his back to the police" we hold that officer accountable. I bet if a mob payed these assholes a visit it would stop..... BTW you are more likely to be shot by the police if you're white then black...... That is per captia as well..... The news media is definitely dealing the FUD and if you drink the coolaid that is your deal. As for me I'll deal with the real facts.... Statistics don't lie.

don't mind him..he's a legend in his own mind.
He sounds like a cop, him and all of his race-hating buddies.

Didn't he say he was going overseas to for girly-boy prostitutes?

He likes 'me young, like his girlfriends on here.
You're the race-hating bigot.

There is nothing lower than you.

How can someone at the very bottom say anything about anyone?

Shit rolls downhill, kiddo.
I see you broke out the crayon box again.

I chose my words correctly, "wear-with-all" I did not edit my post.

In other words, I meant what I wrote.

Tell me, when a woman says she won't date you because you aren't "white" do you only rape her or murder her as well?

I bet you murder her first then rape her.
You run around hanging on abandon's nut sack.

If you weren't such a clock-mongrel and a race-hater your life wouldn't be as shitty as it is and you wouldn't live in fear of "white" people and being rejected by women based on your skin colour.
Thanks for highlighting your ignorance.

I chose my words carefully, you should do the same.

We all know you wouldn't say shit to my face, keyboard warrior.

Too much fear of "white" people burying your ignorant ass in the desert because no one would look for you.
Didn't he say he was going overseas to for girly-boy prostitutes?

He likes 'me young, like his girlfriends on here.
You're the race-hating bigot.

There is nothing lower than you.

How can someone at the very bottom say anything about anyone?

Shit rolls downhill, kiddo.
I see you broke out the crayon box again.

I chose my words correctly, I did not edit my post.

In other words, I meant what I wrote.

Tell me, when a woman says she won't date you because you aren't "white" do you only rape her or murder her as well?

I bet you murder her first then rape her.
You run around hanging on abandon's nut sack.

If you weren't such a clock-mongrel and a race-hater your life wouldn't be as shitty as it is and you wouldn't live in fear of "white" people and being rejected by women based on your skin colour.
Thanks for highlighting your ignorance.

I chose my words carefully, you should do the same.

We all know you wouldn't say shit to my face, keyboard warrior.

Too much fear of "white" people burying your ignorant ass in the desert because no one would look for you.
You joined RIU in February of 2017.

No one gives a fuk about you.
You joined RIU in February of 2017.

No one gives a fuk about you
Bro you're so fucking stupid you couldn't ID a fucking racist unless they wore a pointy hat and a sheet. Shut the fuck up feeble jackass.
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It's true that more white people are killed by cops than black people, but it is untrue that whites are killed at a higher per capita ratio. If you are black, you are 2.5x more likely to be killed by a cop than if you are white.

How does that compare to violent crime ? Is there a correlation between violent crime and police shootings. I would think so. Also let's look at why exactly police altercations occur so frequently. I'm guessing mostly to do with the unconstitutional war on drugs. Instead of going on television calling everyone that isn't a minority racist how about do something like spend time to energize your communities to get these policies changed.

I'm just here to tell you just keep doing the same things and let's see if you get different results..... You'll attract more bees with honey than vinegar.
Devils advocate here...

Think back to our many conversations about campaign finance reform and repealing citizens united. Your position is that it's best for Dems to take the big money/super PAC money in order to complete on a level playing field, and then once they have a majority in both chambers/the White House work to repeal it.

What if social justice issues were similar? Would you be ok with Dems setting aside social justice issues during a general election in order to win their seat(s), and then once the Dems have the requisite majorities move issues like police brutality towards minorities, unequal pay for women/minorities, etc back to the forefront and work on those issues?

Would you support a strategy similar to what you propose for campaign finance reform for social justice issues as well?

The way we level the playing field with campaign finance reform is donations from voters only with a limit.

the reason why we have the donor issue is because they have to 'compete' needing more and more cash to outdo one and other.

'we the people' want come our law makers don't?

very telling; it's time we take a stand while we have the opportunity, while establishment is out of favor.

Sanders or someone like him, will..single payer and representing 'we the people' is our future.
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How does that compare to violent crime ? Is there a correlation between violent crime and police shootings. I would think so. Also let's look at why exactly police altercations occur so frequently. I'm guessing mostly to do with the unconstitutional war on drugs. Instead of going on television calling everyone that isn't a minority racist how about do something like spend time to energize your communities to get these policies changed.

I'm just here to tell you just keep doing the same things and let's see if you get different results..... You'll attract more bees with honey than vinegar.

Hey, I don't entirely disagree with what you're saying....just correcting what you said. It was untrue.

We have a few members here that accuse almost everyone of being "racist", and I agree with you that it is both childish, and a losing strategy from a political standpoint.
To set the record straight I hate big government. I would like to see the freest most simple system possible. No need for 3/4 of the police force if we get out of people's personal lives.
Hey, I don't entirely disagree with what you're saying....just correcting what you said. It was untrue.

We have a few members here that accuse almost everyone of being "racist", and I agree with you that it is both childish, and a losing strategy from a political standpoint.

You are correct the per captia was incorrect. It was police involved shootings involving violent crime. Which is disproportionately low.

End the war on drugs and end all gun free zones and we will see how society shapes up. Without the drug war and gun free zones what excuse would police have to mess with the citizenry? Not much.....

Wanna OD on herion? As long as you aren't putting other's lives in danger be my guest.

Back on track.... STOP GIVING THAT DIPS**T all the media attention and he will go away like a bad dream......
You are correct the per captia was incorrect. It was police involved shootings involving violent crime. Which is disproportionately low.

End the war on drugs and end all gun free zones and we will see how society shapes up. Without the drug war and gun free zones what excuse would police have to mess with the citizenry? Not much.....

Wanna OD on herion? As long as you aren't putting other's lives in danger be my guest.

Back on track.... STOP GIVING THAT DIPS**T all the media attention and he will go away like a bad dream......

I'm all for completely legalizing all drugs. So long as people aren't harming others (or stealing their shit to get a fix), law enforcement shouldn't be involved. Addiction should be treated, not criminalized.