Trump unites NFL - against him.

Bullshit. Many of our very institutions have racist underpinnings. Why are you people trying so hard to dismiss and minimize the plight of our black brothers and sisters? What's in it for you?

What are you calling bullshit on? I'll break down what I said in bullet point form (in an effort to prevent you from completely mischaracterizing what I said) and you tell me what you're calling bullshit on...

- If you have money, you can buy your freedom in the courtroom regardless of skin color.

-Bill Cosby, Ray Lewis, and OJ Simpson are all rich black men that were guilty as all hell, and they walked.

-Skin color does matter though. If you take two men of the same social standing, the black man stands a much better chance of being found guilty than the white man for the same crime.

Fire away chief....
Careful're treading in to the deep end here at RIU!

I mostly agree with that. Especially when it comes to the criminal justice system. If you have money, chances are you can buy your freedom regardless of skin color. Bill Cosby, OJ Simpson, and Ray Lewis are proof positive of that. BUT, take an average black man, and an average white man and my money is on the white guy walking before the black guy. Skin color does matter.
Look, I believe the drug war itself is racist. The statistics speak for themselves. But it's also class warfare.
The justice system is racist, absolutely. But it is also about class.
Look, I believe the drug war itself is racist. The statistics speak for themselves. But it's also class warfare.
The justice system is racist, absolutely. But it is also about class.

I agree with that 100%. According to sammich, stating this obvious point makes you/me "racist". lol

I would be willing to bet every penny I own that if OJ Simpson were some broke dick nobody he would have been convicted of 1'st degree murder in a heart beat. The fact that he has money allowed him to buy an all star legal team, and ultimately his freedom.

Give your fucking head a shake @dagwood45431. If you can't even admit the obvious here then you can run along, or put me back on your drama queen ignore list.
I agree with that 100%. According to sammich, stating this obvious point makes you/me "racist". lol

I would be willing to bet every penny I own that if OJ Simpson were some broke dick nobody he would have been convicted of 1'st degree murder in a heart beat. The fact that he has money allowed him to buy an all star legal team, and ultimately his freedom.

Give your fucking head a shake @dagwood45431. If you can't even admit the obvious here then you can run along, or put me back on your drama queen ignore list.

Say, while we're kicking things around, if I remember correctly, you expressed support for men's rights groups but failed to respond to any requests for follow up. Why? The plight of white men in the USA. Good fucking grief. White rights & men's rights. There's a pattern here. As clear as can be. There is such a thin line between most of you bernbots and the average trumptard. Fascinating.
Say, while we're kicking things around, if I remember correctly, you expressed support for men's rights groups but failed to respond to any requests for follow up.

Find a quote from me "expressing support for men's rights groups" and I'll humor the rest of your make believe nonsense...

At this point I'm all but convinced that this is a sock account of buckles. The exact same one trick pony act. If this is not a buck sock, then you're a giant buck groupie. In that case, lol!
Most racists do. I've changed my opinion of you. You really are a full on racist. Pity. Oh well. Fuck off. Glad I now know.
Wow, you are quick to judge a person. I care about the truth and being reasonable about
these topics. We will not agree on everything from the start will we? I respect our opinions, brah.
All part of a discussion. But maybe I'm a white devil in disguise. Oh No.
Actually, it bugs me. I can't let it go, brah. I find the video truthful to my own experience.
You don't get a golden ticket to the lap of luxury or a free ride in life just because your skin is white.
It seems extreme to me. And there are other advantages just like that video goes through.
They exist, and there's no denying this.
What that video fails to distinguish is the difference between prejudice and racism.
Oh and I'm also Ukrainian as well. So I've also been called Sand ***** as well. In the summer I'm darker than a lot of Africans ..... I really don't let it stop me. Say what you will. I have had people not let me work on a job and I found out later they don't like people like me..... I don't want to work for someone like that anyways.
I pegged you as a narcissist pretty early on. You can't stop talking about yourself, can you? So, now you are telling me about the isolated incidents in your life where you were discriminated against. What a jerk. You remember each and every isolated incident and fail to realize black men experience twice that many in a single day. Because it's all about you, isn't it?

You don't get it, you poor downtrodden white man.

This all started with Trump's attack on black men protesting against cops who murder black people and get away with it. Since you deny that even racism exists, you'll never understand.
Can you please explain the difference between prejudice and racism and how it is measured in the context
of privilege?
Race scholars Howard Winant and Michael Omi define racism as a way of representing or describing race that “creates or reproduces structures of domination based on essentialist categories of race.” In other words, racism results in an unequal distribution of power on the basis of race. Because of this, using the n-word does not simply signal prejudice. Rather, it reflects and reproduces an unjust hierarchy of racial categories that negatively impacts the life chances of people of color.

The Oxford English dictionary defines prejudice as a “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience,” and this resonates with how sociologists understand the term. Quite simply, it is a pre-judgement that one makes of another that is not rooted in their own experience. Some prejudices are positive while others are negative.

Some are racial in nature, and have racist outcomes, but not all forms of prejudice do, and this is why it's important to understand the difference between prejudice and racism.

As dag said, he never heard of a short person being held against his will and forced to work for nothing simply because he was short. Nor do we hear of people who are excluded from college, disqualified from loans, paid lower wages, forced to the back of the bus or beaten by a cop who hated them simply because they were short.

The video also conflated prejudice which is an artificial preconceived notion that is absent of facts with natural talents that are real and part of what a person is born with or they develop. Being smart is a desired trait in many professions and people earn more because they can do more or do better work because of a talent. Sex appeal is the same. Who can say why but we all notice and respond positively to people we are attracted to.

Privilege is unearned advantage bestowed upon a person without any particular reason. Wealth, being born to a class or race, being born a US citizen are privileges or entitlements that can basically be described as winning the genetic lottery.

Nobody says life should be fair or that everybody IS equal in all ways. What protests like the NFL players made is not to say life has to be fair, just that everybody should be treated with respect, especially by the people we give license to carry and use deadly force in the name of public service.
I'm really curious

Do you agree with or disagree with the following:

White people in the U.S. have certain advantages because of the color of their skin.

Strongly agree. Doesn't matter the car you drive, clothes you wear or the money you make, if you do not have white skin in the town I work, you're chances of being pulled over are at least doubled. That's an issue as these are usually rookie cops in training in this town for a short while. Guy I work with has been pulled over like 20+ times in 7 years, 1 ticket for a tail light. I've only been pulled over once for "out of state plates".

Cops, courts and "prison for profit" are huge issues. Cops are imo 80% racial profiling, 10% visibly seeing a law broken and 10% that might be a reason. Not counting calls. It's a perpetual cycle when they're actively hunting the same people for bullshit laws. It's good business.

I also like your ideas especially help to start minority owned businesses.

I'll admit 20 years ago I didn't agree with affirmative action because it kept me from a kushy state job where I had a higher grade score. It wasn't until a couple years later I realized I likely could have "made the cut" the following year just going by the odds.

I think the laws, enforcement policies and punishments are likely the thing that not only targets but hurts those groups the most. If you keep getting knocked down, where ya gonna go?

Oh yeah, NFL thread. Don't care what the players do, if or how or why they protest. Disrespectful? Maybe. Does it matter if it is? Really? Nope. Trump's an idiot. That's simple. I do feel there are probably better ways and places but I'm not protesting anything so it's not my concern.

Props to ANY player that did what they believe in. This IS America, isn't it?