Trump unites NFL - against him.

I don't understand why Trump isn't respectful of our Country/Constitution/Individual and doesn't announce an end to Racism or violence.

All of these traffic stops and protest are costing us Productivity. Perhaps that's the plan.

Why are you so complacent?
He just wants them to shut up and play and not get all uppity.

Colin Kaepernick is an absolute genius. He might not have a team jersey this year, but he's already beaten the NFL and the White House- and the season is still young!
The NFL isn't getting any of my money. I don't understand why they can't just play the game and be respectful of their country. Why do they have to get political?

It's part of the playbook.

Brussels-backed government and Kremlin-backed separatists had used soccer as an instrument of propaganda and a source for recruitment. With frightening ease, the powers that be had turned the passionate supporters of Dynamo, Shakhtar, Karpaty, and Dnipro into the camouflaged and weaponized militiamen of Poroshenko and Putin.

“Soccer Against the Enemy: How the World's Most Popular Sport Starts and Fuels Revolutions and Keeps Dictators in Power,” the situation in Ukraine was just the latest in a long chronology of soccer’s intersection with politics and conflict and Putin just the latest authoritarian to recognize and harness the power of sport to galvanize support for his tyranny. And all just in time for the World Cup to visit Russia in 2018.
Its well known that police beat blacks. Have you seen the fucking youtube vids of how blacks still act to cops??? Id get my ass beat 20 times by now if I talked to cops like that. Im profiled too- i smell like weed and thats jailable.
uh yeah, just beat em

Exhibit A: ^^^ Evidence to explain why people think racists are stupid.
Just so you know glad you labeled me before you know me. I've tried to explain to you that if you constantly tell yourself you are a victim well..... I'm done. I totally understand racism exists and honestly I've asked for real common sense solutions to fix the problems. No affirmative action won't stop police from profiling will it. If you look at statistics which you seem to enjoy look up the chances of anyone regardless of race making it into the top 1% coming from a single parent home that lived below the poverty line...... I guess I should be and am fucked. I'm just going to give up now..... No point in trying.... Or wait like I've said work twice as hard as you feel is fair save your money invest it wisely (put it back into your business ect) and see what happens. I've never worked for anyone in my adult life. I promise you if you do the same and put 110% and every waking moment into wanting to succeed you will.

No matter the situation if you tell yourself you can't do something because of X excuse you are 100% going to fail.

I'm out.
Its all about you, isn't it? effin nacissists. effin libertarians.

I gave you an example of how racism manifests itself in lower wages for black and brown people and suggested what to do about it. You said it wouldn't stop racial profiling? WTF?

What will stop racial profiling? Fire cops and supervisors who racially profile. An independent review board that is responsible for ferreting out racist cops. Put a mike on cops that can't be shut off. Surveillance in prisons and police with independent proctors reviewing those recordings and AI monitoring those recordings to help spot issues too. Better screening of incoming candidates. If cops don't like it, they can quit.

I have a question for you:
If a shopkeeper of a public store doesn't want to serve a person because he's black, should he be legally required to do so?
I honestly don't give a damn about football. I can't believe they won't even let those guys spike the ball anymore or celebrate a touchdown what kind of bullshit is that? As far as respecting the national anthem yeah I have a problem with that. First of all many black people have died protecting this country going all the way back to the Civil War so don't give me that you're a racist shit.
You aren't listening. The NFL players are protesting against cops beating and killing black people in extraordinary numbers. They aren't disrespecting your symbols of the country. They are exercising a right we all have.

When you complain about their actions, what you really mean is you don't like it when people disagree with you. I gave you an example of how right wing Christians were fine with a Christian taking a knee in a religious-political act on the field and criticize players who take a knee over a social issue that affects them.

I never called you a racist. But I have a question for you:

Do black people experience hardship in the US due to the color of their skin?
Its all about you, isn't it? effin nacissists. effin libertarians.

I gave you an example of how racism manifests itself in lower wages for black and brown people and suggested what to do about it. You said it wouldn't stop racial profiling? WTF?

What will stop racial profiling? Fire cops and supervisors who racially profile. An independent review board that is responsible for ferreting out racist cops. Put a mike on cops that can't be shut off. Surveillance in prisons and police with independent proctors reviewing those recordings and AI monitoring those recordings to help spot issues too. Better screening of incoming candidates. If cops don't like it, they can quit.

I have a question for you:
If a shopkeeper of a public store doesn't want to serve a person because he's black, should he be legally required to do so?

No. And quite frankly if that person is forced to but is racist such as a restaurant owner do you really want to eat the food that was made by said racist behind closed doors? By not forcing it they will expose themselves and then you can vote with your dollars as will I. The only color that most business owners care about is GREEN.
No. And quite frankly if that person is forced to but is racist such as a restaurant owner do you really want to eat the food that was made by said racist behind closed doors? By not forcing it they will expose themselves and then you can vote with your dollars. The only color that most business owners care about is GREEN.
Thought so.

Fucking libertarians. Tools of the Republican right.

So you are supporting segregation. Great. Nice to know who I'm talking to.
Again putting words in my mouth...... I'm out..... seriously don't bother.
Oh but you are running away without answering my question about your fake economic philosophy.

Has there ever been a country that met right wing libertarian ideals that was as successful as Sweden or Denmark, which very clearly aren't right wing libertarian at all?

I don't think there has.

I was stuck in a van with a libertarian during a long road trip and we discussed his ideas of the world. He basically said that money was the only right anybody should have. He said that as an employer, he should have the right to demand blow jobs as part of the duties in order to get a paycheck. If the employee didn't like it, they could go look for another place of work.

Some kind of utopia you libertarians want.

And yeah, he was a fucking narcissist too.
You aren't listening. The NFL players are protesting against cops beating and killing black people in extraordinary numbers. They aren't disrespecting your symbols of the country. They are exercising a right we all have.

When you complain about their actions, what you really mean is you don't like it when people disagree with you. I gave you an example of how right wing Christians were fine with a Christian taking a knee in a religious-political act on the field and criticize players who take a knee over a social issue that affects them.

I never called you a racist. But I have a question for you:

Do black people experience hardship in the US due to the color of their skin?
No I think you're the one that's not getting it. If they want to protest that's fine. But why do they have to do it during the national anthem and disrespect veterans and people that gave their lives for the country that to this point still allows them to protest? It's an oxymoron a catch-22. Why would you protest against the same people that fought and died for you so you could protest? What are you stupid?
No I think you're the one that's not getting it. If they want to protest that's fine. But why do they have to do it during the national anthem and disrespect veterans and people that gave their lives for the country that to this point still allows them to protest? It's an oxymoron a catch-22. Why would you protest against the same people that fought and died for you so you could protest? What are you stupid?
Its a protest you idiot. What? you think protests are supposed to be held as private services? It's a protest and they observe their right to speak freely during the national anthem because that's when they get the most attention.
Its a protest you idiot. What? you think protests are supposed to be held as private services? It's a protest and they observe their right to speak freely during the national anthem because that's when they get the most attention.
I think you need to sit down and think about what you just wrote.
No I think you're the one that's not getting it. If they want to protest that's fine. But why do they have to do it during the national anthem and disrespect veterans and people that gave their lives for the country that to this point still allows them to protest? It's an oxymoron a catch-22. Why would you protest against the same people that fought and died for you so you could protest? What are you stupid?

You are turning this in to something that it is not. They are not protesting our military, or a flag, or a song. They are protesting police brutality towards African Americans. People like you are trying to change the narrative to suit your argument.

I saw a meme the other day that makes this point. It went something like this.... Saying NFL players are protesting the flag by taking a knee during the anthem is like saying Rosa Parks was protesting busses when she sat at the back of one.
You are turning this in to something that it is not. They are not protesting our military, or a flag, or a song. They are protesting police brutality towards African Americans. People like you are trying to change the narrative to suit your argument.

I saw a meme the other day that makes this point. It went something like this.... Saying NFL players are protesting the flag by taking a knee during the anthem is like saying Rosa Parks was protesting busses when she sat at the back of one.
I'm not trying to turn it into anything. It is what it is. When you refused to place your hand over your heart or kneel and and refused to honor the men and women that died for (you) that means you refuse to pledge allegiance to this country. That's what you want to do fine we don't want you. Move to another country see how that works out for you. The shit would hit the fan so fast for you it would literally make your head spin (off).
I'm not trying to turn it into anything. It is what it is. When you refused to place your hand over your heart or kneel and and refused to honor the men and women that died for (you) that means you refuse to pledge allegiance to this country. That's what you want to do fine we don't want you. Move to another country see how that works out for you. The shit would hit the fan so fast for you it would literally make your head spin (off).

Right, We need to be more like Russia and China. Here,