What did you accomplish today?

Nice work! I just flewcross country to see my father who is at the end of his life, dying of pancreatic cancer. Before I left I sent some Chem 4 to him. We just got high and it relaxed helped him to take the rest of his pills and now he is sleeping like a baby. dad,:bigjoint::peace:
Bless you and I am so very sorry.

Was busy working with boiling water, when I went to go check out why the extractor was making a funny sound (forgot I taped together a bit of a silencer).
Forgot about the hot water, spilling it over my arm through some thick winter tops so it was stuck to my body until I could get the hot steamy mess off over my head.
While I was spilling the water on my arm I thought I was electrocuting myself and kept looking up at the lights and wiring instead of down at my fucking stupid arm.
Slapped some burn gell on and later got a few burn pads and bandages, it's not looking great, will check it out in the morning, but I guess I'm going to have to go to the GP anyway just because of the size of the burn. Wasn't too deep over most of the spots.

Been burned a few times. One of the worst was when I was about 4, I stayed with this vicious little fuck in the days while my mom and dad worked. One day he put on the clothing iron, melted it into the nylon carpet, then when I came to look, he locked the door and ironed the outside of my thigh. Was scared for years, but you can;t see shit now.
Poison him slowly, use a metal base poison.

For your arm DO NOT break any blisters. Go buy some SSDI (Silver Sulfadiazine and Phisohex), wash your arm carefully with Phisohex twice a day (pour the Phisohex in the water and just swish your arm in it), slather with SSDI and wrap in gauze. If it's circumferential (all the way around you need to see a doctor). If you lose pulse or your fingers turn blue it's an emergency (see a doctor you need an escharotomy). If the gauze sticks or the water is painful as the blisters break dissolve a little salt in your Phisohex water and soak your arm a bit before washing carefully and lightly and reapplying SSDI.

If you run a temp see a doctor you need antibiotics. If you burnt your hand you need to see a doctor, if it goes black in any spot larger than a 2 cm .... see a doctor.

I'm really sorry burns suck.
Thaddeus. Accordion. Only gringo in the mariachi band. But he like, grew up in the same barrio with those fools and shit.
Rogelio. Stand up bass player. He's going through a messy divorce and custody battle with his whore-wife Itzel. He only shows up because his friends say it's good for him to be out and socialize again. He's just going through the motions though.
Just had to drive all the way to my grow shop to get these....lowes and Home Depot were out ...
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They even came with bright orange condoms .....((shrugg))

Back to work
I used to always use those and then the guy at my store was like "try these. They're the 'hatori honzos' of trim scissors". Never bought anything else since. Chikamasa B 300. Sharpest scissors ever. I recommend everyone give em a try.
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Thaddeus. Accordion. Only gringo in the mariachi band. But he like, grew up in the same barrio with those fools and shit.
View attachment 4019012
Rogelio. Stand up bass player. He's going through a messy divorce and custody battle with his whore-wife Itzel. He only shows up because his friends say it's good for him to be out and socialize again. He's just going through the motions though.

That Bitch!

Did you say you were going to scatter them around the State? If so can you give me a hint?
I bought an "army" poncho. I've got to modify the thing to make it properly useful to me. For one. The hood is gargantuan. You could suffocate yourself with the amount of hood it's got. And the buttons up the front are a bitch. I'll replace those with as sturdy a zipper I can find.