Trump unites NFL - against him.

Ending the war on drugs wont make racist cops less likely to beat black people. You conflate two problems that intersect but are unrelated. Then you blame the victim.

The KKK practically runs some police stations in the south. Berkeley California, one of the more liberal towns in the US admits to problems with racist cops on its force.

War on Drugs is evil and must end
Cops beating and killing black people for no good reason must end.

The two issues intersect but the solutions to each are very different.

Running away from a police officer isn't a capital offense, nor does it ever justify a beating or gun to a head after all resistance has ended. Do you deny these things happen at higher rates to black people than to white people?

I agree police never have a right to physically harm anyone. Does it happen more often to Black people. Yes.... I'm all for prosecuting any assualt of an innocent citizen no matter what.

I'm completely with you. I'm all for whatever it takes to make this end as long as it doesn't encroach on my rights. The answer to fixing racism is not further racism.

BTW I'm no fan of cops in the least. I would much rather wing it and take my chances as to have to look at them honestly.
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I agree police never have a right to physically harm anyone. Does it happen more often to Black people. Yes.... I'm all for prosecuting any assualt if an innocent citizen no matter what.

I'm completely with you. I'm all for whatever it takes to make this end as long as it doesn't encroach on my rights. The answer to fixing racism is not further racism.

BTW I'm no fan of cops in the least. I would much rather wing it and take my chances as to have to look at them honestly.
The justice system in St Louis recently let a police officer walk who murdered a black man. If a cop has been found guilty of murdering a black man for no good reason, I can't recall it. Even if you could find one, I'd say the exception proves the rule that cops never need to worry about killing a black man. So, I ask you what world do you live in where you can earnestly say "I'm all for prosecuting any assualt if an innocent citizen no matter what". If that's where you live, then I say get real. We don't live in that world. It doesn't exist. We live in a world where a black child can get gunned down for playing with a toy pistol in a playground and a black medic can get shot in the BACK of his head when treating a downed person and the cops walk. The list goes on and on and on and white America is angered over black athletes taking a knee to protest these outrages.

All I'm asking you to do is recognize this injustice for what it is. Institutional racism in our justice system that tolerates these killings. I think you are saying you agree but then I read this:

I'm all for whatever it takes to make this end as long as it doesn't encroach on my rights. The answer to fixing racism is not further racism.

Why did you have to hedge? What rights are you worried about losing? What further racism are you talking about?

This protest is all about black people wanting the same freedom to move about safely in this country that you have. The protest is about everybody having the same rights as you. I haven't heard one word about taking rights away.

What are you afraid of?
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BTW I'm no fan of cops in the least. I would much rather wing it and take my chances as to have to look at them honestly.

New Orleans is allowing this. It's allowing neighborhoods to hire private police forces to patrol their neighborhoods. Those neighborhoods have seen reductions in crime. The outcome is people with money were not concerned when cuts in city run police force created gaps in police coverage in poor neighborhoods. This points to the lie of the libertarian ideal. The City of New Orleans as a whole suffered and policing became just a narrow interest in protecting wealthy people's asses.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.

That's utter B.S.

I have laid out my first step in taking the power away from police. End the racist war on drugs. Secondly the less probable cause a racist police force has the less they can effect each individual. In other words take away most of there authority and they will have to effectively break the law to marginalize minorities. If they couldn't pull people over and search them for illicit substances what excuse would they have to interfere with the citizenry? Furthermore why would someone run from police at that point other than being wanted for real crimes with real victims?

Surely you can understand.[/QUOTE]
Take away the excuses and what do you have?
Fighting to make this country more equitable for all is more patriotic than standing during the anthem or wearing a fucking lapel pin. These guys are exercising a constitutional right, and are doing so peacefully. It has obviously been effective because here we are talking about it. I bet that just chaps your balloon knot.

what is it you progressives really want, equality, equity or both?

those terms seem to get mixed up a lot as if they're synonymous.
I've figured it out. Damn seaguls.

Oh, hi.

So glad that we met. I have a question that I keep asking but I guess you were too busy trying to defend cops killing black people so that your rights won't get taken away. Anyway, here's my question for you regarding your fake very interesting libertarian philosophy.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.
only literal nazis like yourself are this concerned with who is jewish or not.

if you measure concern by searching "jew" with mine and your username then you are quite concerned and I couldn't care less.

since you mention youre Jewish 100 times a day and I know a little about you, I wondered if when you get divorced from your wife for whom which you are jewish, would you remain in the faith.....
if you measure concern by searching "jew" with mine and your username then you are quite concerned and I couldn't care less.

since you mention youre Jewish 100 times a day and I know a little about you, I wondered if when you get divorced from your wife for whom which you are jewish, would you remain in the faith.....
You libertarians are sure spend a lot of time defending cops killing black people so that your rights won't get taken away.
Nazi Germany is that what you want? Since we are going to get all crazy extreme and all.
Hey, I'm not the one who says there should be no police. You are. Somalia. That's what happens when your ideology is taken at it's words. I'm just being practical. Large societies can't exist without people cooperating with each other and following some sort of system of rules of behavior or they collapse. Like Somalia. Conservative libertarian ideology is a fake philosophy. Under your ideology, society breaks down into fragmented clans fighting for territory. Otherwise known as failed nation states.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.
That video was a joke but Star Wars as a series of books and movies had a message for modern society. Don't let a rogue agent with ill intent pit the people against each other. Don't over react and centralize power or a terrible dictatorship can arise from the chaos.
Hey, I'm not the one who says there should be no police. You are. Somalia. That's what happens when your ideology is taken at it's words. I'm just being practical. Large societies can't exist without people cooperating with each other and following some sort of system of rules of behavior or they collapse. Like Somalia. Conservative libertarian ideology is a fake philosophy. Under your ideology, society breaks down into fragmented clans fighting for territory. Otherwise known as failed nation states.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.

No my words where stop the way on drugs which would remove most of the funding for these crappy police force and take away all of there power.

You pressed the subject.