Trump unites NFL - against him.

No my words where stop the way on drugs which would remove most of the funding for these crappy police force and take away all of there power.

You pressed the subject.
Wow, you have a memory problem. You specifically asked if there were any nations better than this one only a couple of days ago. Do I need to dredge the post up and show everybody how totally idiotic you are?
Hey, I'm not the one who says there should be no police. You are. Somalia. That's what happens when your ideology is taken at it's words. I'm just being practical. Large societies can't exist without people cooperating with each other and following some sort of system of rules of behavior or they collapse. Like Somalia. Conservative libertarian ideology is a fake philosophy. Under your ideology, society breaks down into fragmented clans fighting for territory. Otherwise known as failed nation states.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.

Where do you think you are. If you say this country isn't prosperous your blind. I'm a constitutionalist. What allowed this country to become as wealthy as it did.
Wow, you have a memory problem. You specifically asked if there were any nations better than this one only a couple of days ago. Do I need to dredge the post up and show everybody how totally idiotic you are?

Maybe you should move to those countries instead of trying to FORCE your idiology on everyone else. I use the word force here because if people disagree with you, you automatically attack them and call them names.
a golf course is a business. muirfield makes millions every year. you said they could not even exist on today's society, much less exist and make millions every year. but they do.

you are literally always wrong, you dumb racist child.

that course is not open to the public.
Maybe you should move to those countries instead of trying to FORCE your idiology on everyone else. I use the word force here because if people disagree with you, you automatically attack them and call them names.
Oh my. If I don't agree with you I have to move? You mean your fake libertarian ideal is already driving you to extreme authoritarianism. You are so weak minded to say you reject force and at the same time tell somebody to move if they disagree with you. LOL

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.
Point me to a society in history that gave the government more power to fix there problems and it worked and I'll be stunned...... Power corrupts absolute power absolutely corrupts.
Sweden is pretty nice place to live. So is Norway and Denmark. They all have more regulations than the US. By most important metrics their system succeeds better than ours. This includes social mobility, quality of health care, quality of education, happiness, length of life.

On the other hand, Somalia is a good example of how well society works when there is less government.

Point me to a society that fits the libertarian ideal and is able to defend itself, have a good standard of living and meets or exceeds the quality of life that Norway, Denmark and Sweden's people have.
Just saying to the libertarian ideologue that he's been pantsed and left behind in the street for all to laugh at his small penis.
Oh my. If I don't agree with you I have to move? You mean your fake libertarian ideal is already driving you to extreme authoritarianism. You are so weak minded to say you reject force and at the same time tell somebody to move if they disagree with you. LOL

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.

No I have you my opinion. You see how you turn that into I impled I want to force you to move. You deal in extremes and as I've said if sometime disagrees with your point of view they are automatically racist or some other words which is an insult to that person. See how I haven't resorted to insulting you because if your views? I respect your views although I don't agree with them.
You are the one who said it first and I replied with clear examples showing you how your ideology is fake.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.
You are the one who said it first and I replied with clear examples showing you how your ideology is fake.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.

The majority of Americans don't want that system. That is a statistical fact. So no matter if you state and feel that those countries are better off the majority of Americans want the government out of their lives. Do the research.
if you measure concern by searching "jew" with mine and your username then you are quite concerned and I couldn't care less.

since you mention youre Jewish 100 times a day and I know a little about you, I wondered if when you get divorced from your wife for whom which you are jewish, would you remain in the faith.....

tell us more about how if you are forced to serve "purples" you'll just "hate em more now".
Donald dumb f**k Trump got elected because voters viewed him as anti establishment. That is statistical fact as well. Although he is not what they titled him with that is the mood in this country by a large margin. That's why Bernie Sanders( won but was cheated out of ) the primary. Not his policies.
The majority of Americans don't want that system. That is a statistical fact. So no matter if you state and feel that those countries are better off the majority of Americans want the government out of their lives. Do the research.
You are the one claiming expertise. I look at the ideology and can't find any examples in history where this kind of social system has ever worked beyond simple farming villages where everybody is part of the same clan. I can find plenty of examples where people cooperate to in a stable orderly happy society where important services are delivered better in a socialized delivery system than how we do it here. I ask why can't I have the same good healthcare system that Canada has.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.
What allowed this country to become as wealthy as it did.
A strong government that was able to defend the country, maintain order and provided regulations that prevented monopolies from stifling innovation. Also democracy and a population that was willing to accept the results of elections even when their side lost. Also bountiful natural resources that were easily taken away from the native population. Slavery helped too. The United States was always imperfect but has evolved over time.

Admit you have no answer.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.
A strong government that was able to defend the country, maintain order and provided regulations that prevented monopolies from stifling innovation. Also democracy and a population that was willing to accept the results of elections even when their side lost. Also bountiful natural resources that were easily taken away from the native population. Slavery helped too. The United States was always imperfect but has evolved over time.

Admit you have no answer.

I'll ask again. When in history has any nation prospered, defended itself and became great under libertarian ideologies. I can point to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, all of which have large government run service organizations that are better than what is done here under private concerns.

You have 4 examples that haven't failed.... Yet. I can give you plenty of examples of those same principles applied that went down in flames. Many more have failed than succeeded by a very large margin.