Aussie Growers Thread

Honestly lads I think we might be complicating everything, 3500 cobs help me out I've heard about kelvin but n my grow room never seen him and now cobs let's be honest is all this necessary. Do you have a stealth grow in a cornfield with about 3500 corn colas about. How good is my meds going to be after I'm on understanding terms with kelvin and a few corn buds?
Honestly lads I think we might be complicating everything, 3500 cobs help me out I've heard about kelvin but n my grow room never seen him and now cobs let's be honest is all this necessary. Do you have a stealth grow in a cornfield with about 3500 corn colas about. How good is my meds going to be after I'm on understanding terms with kelvin and a few corn buds?
Are you for real ? All this talk of cobs and you wanna buy a pre rolled joint cone?
are u tryng to be a troll dude not tryng to be a dick serios question
Charlie Zelenoff is a troll init. I'm definitely not a troll bro and I definitely mean no offence just messing about, just can't understand how you know all that long winded stuff about plants and then ask if our opinions on pre rolled cones unless I'm mistaken which I may be
download (1).jpg here it sis dude second pic is what where talking about when we mean cobs led third pic is a graph of what kelvin is 1st pic is the ore rolled paper im talking about download (1).jpg download (2).jpg download (3).jpg
Charlie Zelenoff is a troll init. I'm definitely not a troll bro and I definitely mean no offence just messing about, just can't understand how you know all that long winded stuff about plants and then ask if our opinions on pre rolled cones unless I'm mistaken which I may be
I will make you loads of pre rolled cones and send them to you for free then after you receive you can teach me about 3500 cobs cause I'm lost on that
Charlie Zelenoff is a troll init. I'm definitely not a troll bro and I definitely mean no offence just messing about, just can't understand how you know all that long winded stuff about plants and then ask if our opinions on pre rolled cones unless I'm mistaken which I may be
1st of im no expert second im asking peopls opinion if there worth getting no offence bro but it really looks like youre a troll ay like dont get me wrong im not a smart man at all probly got the lowest iq on this site i still cant understand bukashi i find it hard 2 believe its that hard 2 understand the concept of kelvin when its been expleaind 2 u multyple times like to me it just really looks like ur a troll dude no offence but ur a grower from the uk its in youre name and this is the aussie growers thread i couldent care less who from where wants join in graet but from where im sitting it looks like you are a troll dude
For you free of charge to prove my worth as a newby but I thought it would be harder than just making some empty zutes?
I am keyboard happy I just joined up after reading online for years and never made a comment I might seem a bit keen I know that but I am not a troll, you know what newby are like they think they know it all just go with it bro I would love to learn and I will teach you how to roll pre rolled cones it's easy and great fun
1st of im no expert second im asking peopls opinion if there worth getting no offence bro but it really looks like youre a troll ay like dont get me wrong im not a smart man at all probly got the lowest iq on this site i still cant understand bukashi i find it hard 2 believe its that hard 2 understand the concept of kelvin when its been expleaind 2 u multyple times like to me it just really looks like ur a troll dude no offence but ur a grower from the uk its in youre name and this is the aussie growers thread i couldent care less who from where wants join in graet but from where im sitting it looks like you are a troll dude
Bro I didn't say about bushkaki I ain't got a clue either
i never get enought moistyer in my vemi hut to collect jeuce i really dont understand how bukashi works lol runnoff? im gunna have 2 hit upp google again i think
I pour a jug of water through my worm bin when I want to collect some of the accumulated nutrients. And the bokashi bin is just a fermenter.
i can roll just fine i just find it hard 2 believe youve been reading about it for years and never heard of kelvin before i dont know shit about cobs so i cant help u there bro what the fuck is a zute
I pour a jug of water through my worm bin when I want to collect some of the accumulated nutrients. And the bokashi bin is just a fermenter.
so when every thing is fermented u put it in the worm bin its one of fhose thing where i think i will only understand thru doing it 1st hand and learning from mistakes
Bro I didn't say about bushkaki I ain't got a clue either
Ain't trolls supposed to be offensive m just being drunk and tbh I admit. Haven't commented about growing in n ages but read my long ass profile. Bro if you can't understand how I think it's weird you know in depth about cobs and stuff but you cant roll a empty joint trust me that's not strange at all. If you know about cobs and Maryjane but can't roll a amity skin you are the strange 1. Who rolls your joints normally ?
i can roll just fine i just find it hard 2 believe youve been reading about it for years and never heard of kelvin before i dont know shit about cobs so i cant help u there bro what the fuck is a zute
Sorry bro im
hay have any of u guys ever used those prerolled cones considering getting a couple 2 try out
sorry bro just read back and it wasn't you talking about cobs your right it was giglewigle