Aussie Growers Thread

Ain't trolls supposed to be offensive m just being drunk and tbh I admit. Haven't commented about growing in n ages but read my long ass profile. Bro if you can't understand how I think it's weird you know in depth about cobs and stuff but you cant roll a empty joint trust me that's not strange at all. If you know about cobs and Maryjane but can't roll a amity skin you are the strange 1. Who rolls your joints normally ?
trolls basicly do youre haed in withou u realising thats there intent i think u should sober the fuck up and re read this thred mate i dont know why u think i know about cobbs n shit im still a newb for fuck sake i can roll just fine im more of a bong man tho wanted 2 try a pre roll mayne youd be more at home in the uk growers thread maybe thay will understand wtf ur on about
trolls basicly do youre haed in withou u realising thats there intent i think u should sober the fuck up and re read this thred mate i dont know why u think i know about cobbs n shit im still a newb for fuck sake i can roll just fine im more of a bong man tho wanted 2 try a pre roll mayne youd be more at home in the uk growers thread maybe thay will understand wtf ur on about
Trust me I already said I thought it was you but it wasn't check it out bro I ain a keyboard warrior I'm not at all being offensive
Trust me I already said I thought it was you but it wasn't check it out bro I ain a keyboard warrior I'm not at all being offensive
I wanna discuss exo cheddar and real og kush is this forum for smokers as well I didn't realise I thought cobs was some high end grow shi# that I don't know about that gaucho geezer has been quiet after he got us arguing init. Charlie zelenoff major troll but he's mentally retarded to hats all I know about trolls tbh I can barely remember my email and I don't have a smart phone pretty lame troll bro
When i say COBs I mean a light that's known as Chip On Board. Meaning. They've got a whole bunch of LEDs in a small area.

3500k is the color of the light. In this case the light is a bit more red. But still contains enough blue in it to get from seedling through to finished product. Without cutting the plant short at any stage of its growth.
I wanna discuss exo cheddar and real og kush is this forum for smokers as well I didn't realise I thought cobs was some high end grow shi# that I don't know about that gaucho geezer has been quiet after he got us arguing init. Charlie zelenoff major troll but he's mentally retarded to hats all I know about trolls tbh I can barely remember my email and I don't have a smart phone pretty lame troll bro
Show some respect Jiminy crotchet.

I was trying to help you- dumbass. And I've been quiet. Because I'm watching some Anime. I'm not here to answer your beck and call 24/7.

Maybe don't come on this site half cut. Sober up. Then fuckin read. Shit might sink in.
I wanna discuss exo cheddar and real og kush is this forum for smokers as well I didn't realise I thought cobs was some high end grow shi# that I don't know about that gaucho geezer has been quiet after he got us arguing init. Charlie zelenoff major troll but he's mentally retarded but hats all I know about trolls tbh I can barely remember my email and I don't have a smart phone pretty lame troll bro
Right it blatantly looks like I'm a troll fuc# this how can I prove I am not. You said I suggest you sober up and look back tomoro! Ha ha it ain't like I'm going to crash my iPad is it there is a real world beyond the internet I can't hurt myself just trying to be freind
Y to you I admit I got mixed up and thought you was talking about cobs I said I was wrong and it was gaucho he was liking our talks look back bro he loved it
lol nugs dident start shit dont palm it of on him pmsl i just have the balls to call it like i see it if ur not then cool but ye go to a site called grow weed easy hava paruse thry that it might give u a bit more understanding on what people on here are talking about
Show some respect Jiminy crotchet.

I was trying to help you- dumbass. And I've been quiet. Because I'm watching some Anime. I'm not here to answer your beck and call 24/7.

Maybe don't come on this site half cut. Sober up. Then fuckin read. Shit might sink in.
Bro I'm drunk and what ask me something other than what you copy and paste from google I seen and heard it all before I got minimal experience maybe 5!years and I dont know about cobs init I want you to teach me and the fact you can get offended by someone chatting from their house is dumbass shit you don't offend me at all bro I preferred chatting to them australiens they thought I was funny and not at all rude. If some guy on the internet can get to you and make you angry you must be a right softy now you need my help to be a man you should just ignore people giving it the big one if that's what you think they are doing.
Bro I'm drunk and what ask me something other than what you copy and paste from google I seen and heard it all before I got minimal experience maybe 5!years and I dont know about cobs init I want you to teach me and the fact you can get offended by someone chatting from their house is dumbass shit you don't offend me at all bro I preferred chatting to them australiens they thought I was funny and not at all rude. If some guy on the internet can get to you and make you angry you must be a right softy now you need my help to be a man you should just ignore people giving it the big one if that's what you think they are doing.

Fuck up cunt
lol nugs dident start shit dont palm it of on him pmsl i just have the balls to call it like i see it if ur not then cool but ye go to a site called grow weed easy hava paruse thry that it might give u a bit more understanding on what people on here are talking about
THe balls to comment on the internet mate there tiny little ball sack almost breaking from the stress of the pea sized balls you have it ain't big what's big is me not rising to your inferior male attempts to belittle me because I'm drunk it's hilarious to me I have been inside the boxing ring and lost in front of my friends and family that takes balls bro not replying to my comments on here
From the sounds of it. You haven't learned jack shit in those 5 years. So how about you "Copy paste" the words kelvin and COBs into Google. Read about what they are first. Then come back when you've got shit through your thick skull.
Bro I'm drunk and what ask me something other than what you copy and paste from google I seen and heard it all before I got minimal experience maybe 5!years and I dont know about cobs init I want you to teach me and the fact you can get offended by someone chatting from their house is dumbass shit you don't offend me at all bro I preferred chatting to them australiens they thought I was funny and not at all rude. If some guy on the internet can get to you and make you angry you must be a right softy now you need my help to be a man you should just ignore people giving it the big one if that's what you think they are doing.
u know what ur eather a typical riu troll or a comlete cunt eather way fuck off i for 1 wanted u to fuck off since youre first post here ur in the wrong thread bro fuck off dont disrespect nugs like that and i can garente all the other dudes sutch as ruby fruit and wat not would of told u to fuck of ages ago if thay where here ahow some r
Respect u prick ull get no help carrying on like that ay
THe balls to comment on the internet mate there tiny little ball sack almost breaking from the stress of the pea sized balls you have it ain't big what's big is me not rising to your inferior male attempts to belittle me because I'm drunk it's hilarious to me I have been inside the boxing ring and lost in front of my friends and family that takes balls bro not replying to my comments on here
From the sounds of it. You haven't learned jack shit in those 5 years. So how about you "Copy paste" the words kelvin and COBs into Google. Read about what they are first. Then come back when you've got shit through your thick skull.
kelvin and cobs don't mean anything to me I may be under educated on that but I know that you getting offended is dumbass shit I have won if that was what I was trying to do but I wasn't, my plants don't tell me about kelvin or cobs maybe I can not hear them I don't know but all I know is I can roll you both loads of pre rolled cones for free Evan after you try gang up on me it's nothing to me I'm all fun and games and mean no harm, read my profile it talks about name droppers like you lot talking the talk and copy and pasting stuff you ain't learnt yourself just copied but are willing to preach to others Evan if you ain't done it yourself. I might seem different to you but all I can say is I have not been involved with any social media and maybe need to learn how to communicate better over web chat I mean no harm at all I could quite easily be filling my message with hate but it ain't me it don't make me feel big like it does for you
hay so what do u guys rekon about anerobic vs airobic bacteria u rekon its better to have more anerobic bacteria my case being if say u have over watered it wouldent matter as mutch cuse the anerobic bacteria can still do there job as in after a while all the airobic bacteria plus the plant roots would have used up all the air im now wondering is it bad if making a tea with both arobic and anarobic bactaeria like thated end up just competing for the same food source and killing eatch other off
u know what ur eather a typical riu troll or a comlete cunt eather way fuck off i for 1 wanted u to fuck off since youre first post here ur in the wrong thread bro fuck off dont disrespect nugs like that and i can garente all the other dudes sutch as ruby fruit and wat not would of told u to fuck of ages ago if thay where here ahow some r
Respect u prick ull get no help carrying on like that ay
Never said nothing about nugs mate where is that written