Aussie Growers Thread

i no ay like all this shit about copy paste evennif somebody was copy pasting if its the write answer who cares some times its easyer to copy paste stuff rather than write an essay and its more about how youre treating people veses what youve saed about em u have over stayed youre welcome i really dont care if some one soins the aussie thread if there from somwhere else where all here to laern but when i wanna be a rude prick then its time to fuck off
trolls basicly do youre haed in withou u realising thats there intent i think u should sober the fuck up and re read this thred mate i dont know why u think i know about cobbs n shit im still a newb for fuck sake i can roll just fine im more of a bong man tho wanted 2 try a pre roll mayne youd be more at home in the uk growers thread maybe thay will understand wtf ur on about
Bro you know about all this anaerobic shit around the roots but cannot roll a cone I'm sorry if I offended but that's what made me confused. When you mentioned your a bong man I
I'm starting to wonder if this guy was dropped on his head when he was a kid.

No matter the information given. He just prattles on.
yeah I have a personal ps
I'm starting to wonder if this guy was dropped on his head when he was a kid.

No matter the information given. He just prattles on.
you ain't giving no info mate it's all copy and paste shit that Evan you don't understand. do you really think everyone can't see that?
where am. Involved in that
i am officially never gunna buy expensive nutes again i think im gunna just get some of that coco mix that with castings and some seamungus and use the gogo jeuce jeuce if i need a feed gunna mix in some rock dust also just to see but ye i might grow a tomato plant with it first just to see rather then potentially wastes a seed lol is it even possable to have a mix strong enought 2 germinate in that can also take it all tje way to harvest wondering if im gunna need a ph buffer tho like oyster shell flour id like 2 use a bit of dolomight if possable as that has sulfer in it and i hear that has somthing to do with terpine and cannabinoid production maybe ill be better off getteng some canna terra as i have exp with that the ph of the soil always seems to be 7 to 7.5 but i could provably get 2 50 liter bags cut that with 20 liters of castings and maybe 10 litwrs of the seamungas bty way im also thinking about having a decent base soil henc most of this post and having a soil made purelly to transplant into the final pots veg for 2 more weeks then flip so more of a flower soil would be pretty cool to have a soil for veg and a soil for flower lol
i am officially never gunna buy expensive nutes again i think im gunna just get some of that coco mix that with castings and some seamungus and use the gogo jeuce jeuce if i need a feed gunna mix in some rock dust also just to see but ye i might grow a tomato plant with it first just to see rather then potentially wastes a seed lol is it even possable to have a mix strong enought 2 germinate in that can also take it all tje way to harvest wondering if im gunna need a ph buffer tho like oyster shell flour id like 2 use a bit of dolomight if possable as that has sulfer in it and i hear that has somthing to do with terpine and cannabinoid production maybe ill be better off getteng some canna terra as i have exp with that the ph of the soil always seems to be 7 to 7.5 but i could provably get 2 50 liter bags cut that with 20 liters of castings and maybe 10 litwrs of the seamungas bty way im also thinking about having a decent base soil henc most of this post and having a soil made purelly to transplant into the final pots veg for 2 more weeks then flip so more of a flower soil would be pretty cool to have a soil for veg and a soil for flower lol
after all that try roll a cone
Bro you know about all this anaerobic shit around the roots but cannot roll a cone I'm sorry if I offended but that's what made me confused. When you mentioned your a bong man I
yeah I have a personal ps

you ain't giving no info mate it's all copy and paste shit that Evan you don't understand. do you really think everyone can't see that?

where am. Involved in that
dick head if saed like 3 time now i can roll a joint just fine 2cnd of all copy or paste whore cares i dont think it was but who gives ashit like id like to now what in youepre brain thinks its automaticlly dissmissed becuse u think its copy pasted personally id be fucken stoked my question got an anser u who gives a shit if its copy pasted fuck off even if it was ur luky u got that ay uve over stayed youre welcome her bro be a prick towords me all u want but i think u should show a bit more respect to the boys i aint gunna sit here and let u disrepect them thsre top blokes u need to fuck of before u make me triggered piss of to the uk growers thread man dont even come back to say sorry ur an iratating cunt u cant get shit thru that thick fucking head i can roll pretty fucken good when i want to piss off cunt
Bro you know about all this anaerobic shit around the roots but cannot roll a cone I'm sorry if I offended but that's what made me confused. When you mentioned your a bong man I
yeah I have a personal ps

you ain't giving no info mate it's all copy and paste shit that Evan you don't understand. do you really think everyone can't see that?

where am. Involved in that
fuck ur a dumb cunt and thats coming from me so wow cuse its copy pasted its automaticly c
Assed as irrelivent info like wow maybe u shouldent dring if ur that dumb and i dont think that was copy pasted at all was to many big words for ya bro
I'd respond to your questions more Gigle. But, I don't know how to answer half of them.

I'm a soil organics kinda guy. I don't play with any synth nutes.
i just cant comprehend how in his mind the info is invalid becouse he thinks its copy pasted and it wasent in my opinion not that theres any thing wron with that fuck now im triggered if u are just a troll uve one and i homestly hope for youre sake u are just being a troll but if bot please dont have any kids
I'd respond to your questions more Gigle. But, I don't know how to answer half of them.

I'm a soil organics kinda guy. I don't play with any synth nutes.
lol all good bro but what im asking is nothing to do with synth nutes pmsl im asking about mycrobes and soil lol i get it tho between thst dude and my grammer uve probably fot a mygrain now sorry bro i think im gunna get some of those fabric pots a sell for growing potatos that have a flap at the bottem and grow diferent vegies in em to test out the mix 1st so i dont kill any weed seeds cuse this soil mix recipe im tryng to put together id like it to be able to use for every thing im most likley gunna get it tested eith that link coco put up im sure if any one has an anser thaetpy will chime in lol
lol i dont wanna spam but i have a question i cant seem to find an answer to on google can u foliyer feed humic acid my line of thinking is it helps with the uptake of nutrients or is a buffer or somthing i dont want to get to technical but for what it seems to do im thinking id be better off just adding it 2 the soil
You don't need those expensive fabric pots. Get a couple of those recyclable bags from woolies. Put two together. Then fill with medium of choice.

If mixing up a soil. You don't need to add kilos of extras to say a regular potting mix base.

You could put a cup or two of rooster booster or seamungus to a 25kg bag of regular potting mix. Throw in a handful of gypsum. Add a bag of perlite for good measure. Then give a thorough mix.

There's your base soil mixed up.
lol i dont wanna spam but i have a question i cant seem to find an answer to on google can u foliyer feed humic acid my line of thinking is it helps with the uptake of nutrients or is a buffer or somthing i dont want to get to technical but for what it seems to do im thinking id be better off just adding it 2 the soil
No idea with that one. I've yet to find humic/fulvic acid in any of the stores.
You don't need those expensive fabric pots. Get a couple of those recyclable bags from woolies. Put two together. Then fill with medium of choice.

If mixing up a soil. You don't need to add kilos of extras to say a regular potting mix base.

You could put a cup or two of rooster booster or seamungus to a 25kg bag of regular potting mix. Throw in a handful of gypsum. Add a bag of perlite for good measure. Then give a thorough mix.

There's your base soil mixed up.
ye i know ill be getting those wollies bags im thinking cuse iv got a fabric pot for potatos immpretty sure it took like 25 but ur right i couod just sow 2 together espeacielly if its autos im growing ill more than likely just sow em to gether still tryng 2 find a cheap option for the raised garden bed iv run out of room in this one ay lol thanks for the input man ill be gowing to bunnings tomorro yiipey i only sead kilos cuse i was thinking in terms of the 180 liter compost tumblr bu following that recipe will be pretty easy 2 work out how mutch to add cheers man healped a lot ay
No idea with that one. I've yet to find humic/fulvic acid in any of the stores.
i got my humic acid from ebay its nts brand ithink also it ties up the chlorine if i remeber corectly dr ellain ingham doas it im wondering about fulvic now if i should get some of that
im gunna have a look tomorro and see wat i can get from bunnings of neutrog brand i like there compeny migjt by some seasol brand products unlest theres a betwr brand of what thay make id like to give my buisnes 2 dr greenthumbs and organic gardening solutions but fuck im not paying all that id rather buy it all cheaper and learn how to diy it
I don't really want to buy shit online. Would rather go to a store where I can see the product in person.
ye for the most part im the same but if certain things if its not in the store and i feel its a good compeny plus u can see if the seller is trustworth or not ay but i lime going to the store it gets me out of the house