If I had gigz working with me his job would be to get hopped up on beer and pingaz lolI don't want help from a derro.
No offense. But I'd rather have gigz all hopped up on beer and pingers helping me.
Dolomite lime is just like regular lime but contains more magnesium problem is that magnesium won't become available for about 25+ years and unless you need the lime to adjust your soil ph it's only other benefit is calcium which is better sourced from gypsum. So I'd say add 0 cups of dolomite .If you're using rock dust. I don't think you need the dolomite.
i have no clue how im gunna do mine atm im thinking of waiting till the soil is dry as fuck my only concern tho is its gunna be hot and i dont want 2 evaperate all the terpines off it im thinking of of getting some bovedas and puting it in the fridge in jars during the day lol i have no clue about dryng and curing yetQuestion for you lot. Do you trim wet. Or wait til it's dry?
u wouod wanna have a few beers then lolIf I had gigz working with me his job would be to get hopped up on beer and pingaz lol
I never wet trim it's one of worst thing you can do to buds,I'll take the big shade leaves of sometimes.Question for you lot. Do you trim wet. Or wait til it's dry?
Nah bro it's better for the world if I don't get on the beers lolu wouod wanna have a few beers then lol
so once iv aded the amenments and iv let it cook and break down the ph shouod be around 7 ye if i did need to add somthing to buffer ph would u say gypsemDolomite lime is just like regular lime but contains more magnesium problem is that magnesium won't become available for about 25+ years and unless you need the lime to adjust your soil ph it's only other benefit is calcium which is better sourced from gypsum. So I'd say add 0 cups of dolomite .
lol i ment for me dude it will take a few for me to get drunk speacially if im on pingasNah bro it's better for the world if I don't get on the beers lol
I never wet trim it's one of worst thing you can do to buds,I'll take the big shade leaves of sometimes.
Cooking soil is a bit of a wierd term,the composting action of the soil is what is creating the heat so you don't want to put a plant in "hot" soil,also as it's doing this the microbes consume N from the soil before releasing it which can rob the plant of th e N it needs. Unless you have been pumping salts into your soil or haven't let your soil "cook" long enough you should never need to worry about ph so adding lime isn't necessary,gypsum has no effect on ph so you should use it and oyster shell flour as your sources of calcium rather than lime and bone mealso once iv aded the amenments and iv let it cook and break down the ph shouod be around 7 ye if i did need to add somthing to buffer ph would u say gypsem
The leaves shield the buds from uv and also contaminants and also help the drying process more even. I try to hang them whole for 4/5 days if possible then take the branches of the stems bag it up over night than hang for a day or 2 remove the rest of the shade leaves and bag overnight again by then it should be almost dry I test by snapping the stems if the don't snap clean it needs more time if they snap clean it's good to pack. I don't usually buck it of the stems and final trim till I'm ready to seal it upWhy is that though?
If you don't have enough castings just use what you have as a top dresswell i know im gunna need no more than fifteen percent castings so 27 liters of that i better get the worm farm cranking i think im doing it wrong is there any thin i can do to help speed things up thay dont seem very active ay i v still got potato peeling in ther from a few weeks ago there not even mouldy or nothing i got some more in the freezzer along with some egshells im gunna put em in the blitzngo thing i got from woollies along with the volcanic rock dusts i got what about the sulfer in the dolomight lime is that available to the plants google time ill see if i cant find answer on google
Gypsum I think has about as much Sulfur as dolomite maybe a little less but it's got enough for what you needwell i know im gunna need no more than fifteen percent castings so 27 liters of that i better get the worm farm cranking i think im doing it wrong is there any thin i can do to help speed things up thay dont seem very active ay i v still got potato peeling in ther from a few weeks ago there not even mouldy or nothing i got some more in the freezzer along with some egshells im gunna put em in the blitzngo thing i got from woollies along with the volcanic rock dusts i got what about the sulfer in the dolomight lime is that available to the plants google time ill see if i cant find answer on google
ill have enough in my vermi hut the bottem tray is all castings now plus im gunna get some more worms soon i really gunna start nerding out with the worm farm soon though but ye ill keep it simple and see what the lab people say it couldent hurt ill probly give it a month and a half should i ad any neem cake or meal or whatever thay call it will defenetly be topdressing some DE but ye any thingfast realese or soluble i can allway add thru a tea and what notIf you don't have enough castings just use what you have as a top dress
Its usually 1/3 compost so you can use a mix of compost and vermicompost or just use compost in your mix and top dress with the castings that's what I'll do because I can't get hold of the amount of castings I need till later in the year. The soil mixes posted by people are a really good guide but slightly varying them isn't going to cause any major dramasso far iv learned the ratio is 1/4to1 cup per cubic foot and generally 1 third aration and 1 third castings and 1 third coco im about to hit goggle to find out what that is but i think ill go simple and when i think its done i think im gunna send a sample at that place u shared a link of before u still got the link i think imforgot to bookmark it @OzCocoLoco co Plus from what i just read u want slow realease and fast release
Must be a big tray thought you needed 27 litresill have enough in my vermi hut the bottem tray is all castings now plus im gunna get some more worms soon i really gunna start nerding out with the worm farm soon though but ye ill keep it simple and see what the lab people say it couldent hurt ill probly give it a month and a half should i ad any neem cake or meal or whatever thay call it will defenetly be topdressing some DE but ye any thingfast realese or soluble i can allway add thru a tea and what not