Aussie Growers Thread

Alfalfa meal 15 doller a kilo neem 12 dollers a kilo and from the other site the crustatuon calciem blend meal was like 19 dollers for the kelp iv got that eco brand kelp from bunnings will that do maybe instead of coco ill get a cheap potting mix wollies had a brand called bloom and just amend that im willing to slowly get every thing to gether but defanetly dont think i wanna get raped by these online compenys ill have a look tomorro at bunnings im 100 percent not getting any thing syntetic tho i dont need this mix now tho im gieassing i need 60 liters of soul i think maybe i should just get some canna terra i think iv still got more then ten liters left pluss thay come in 50 litier bags idk iguess ill get what i can from bunnings maybe the seamungus and some seasol i rekon that will get me thru and ill se what brands of soil thay have and ill see what else theve got but im posative iv got enough stuff to grow pretty good plant as good as its genetics would allow just would prefer to have a water only mix i am pretty broke tho im only gunna have 120 after i pay my bills and i wanna get some driving lessons to get this job so i think seeing as i dont need it wright this minete ill hold off ill still get the seamungus tho but ye ill see what thay have at bunnings and ill let u guys no
Alfalfa meal 15 doller a kilo neem 12 dollers a kilo and from the other site the crustatuon calciem blend meal was like 19 dollers for the kelp iv got that eco brand kelp from bunnings will that do maybe instead of coco ill get a cheap potting mix wollies had a brand called bloom and just amend that im willing to slowly get every thing to gether but defanetly dont think i wanna get raped by these online compenys ill have a look tomorro at bunnings im 100 percent not getting any thing syntetic tho i dont need this mix now tho im gieassing i need 60 liters of soul i think maybe i should just get some canna terra i think iv still got more then ten liters left pluss thay come in 50 litier bags idk iguess ill get what i can from bunnings maybe the seamungus and some seasol i rekon that will get me thru and ill se what brands of soil thay have and ill see what else theve got but im posative iv got enough stuff to grow pretty good plant as good as its genetics would allow just would prefer to have a water only mix i am pretty broke tho im only gunna have 120 after i pay my bills and i wanna get some driving lessons to get this job so i think seeing as i dont need it wright this minete ill hold off ill still get the seamungus tho but ye ill see what thay have at bunnings and ill let u guys no
Don't use the shit from woolies it no good. Bunnings have the organic richgro potting mix it's a good price. I wouldn't worry about the alfalfa,the Eco seaweed is soluble powder not meal so your better to mix it up and water it in and if you use seamungus that will be a substitute for kelp meal and you won't need to buy seasol either
You know what I'm saying lol @giglewigle don't think I'd be wrong if I said the main reason we all grow or what got us into it and kept us in it is we love the plant and take enjoyment from growing it,it should be fun dodging cops and stopping rippers and stuff is stressful enough you don't need to stress over every thing that you do with it just enjoy it bro :)
true i aggree 100 percent i think ill be allright once i get a harvest under my belt i think it cuse i fuck up so many times not realizing its as simple as growing any thing else just give it what it needs and ittl grow lol plus i just naturelly over think things
Alfalfa meal 15 doller a kilo neem 12 dollers a kilo and from the other site the crustatuon calciem blend meal was like 19 dollers for the kelp iv got that eco brand kelp from bunnings will that do maybe instead of coco ill get a cheap potting mix wollies had a brand called bloom and just amend that im willing to slowly get every thing to gether but defanetly dont think i wanna get raped by these online compenys ill have a look tomorro at bunnings im 100 percent not getting any thing syntetic tho i dont need this mix now tho im gieassing i need 60 liters of soul i think maybe i should just get some canna terra i think iv still got more then ten liters left pluss thay come in 50 litier bags idk iguess ill get what i can from bunnings maybe the seamungus and some seasol i rekon that will get me thru and ill se what brands of soil thay have and ill see what else theve got but im posative iv got enough stuff to grow pretty good plant as good as its genetics would allow just would prefer to have a water only mix i am pretty broke tho im only gunna have 120 after i pay my bills and i wanna get some driving lessons to get this job so i think seeing as i dont need it wright this minete ill hold off ill still get the seamungus tho but ye ill see what thay have at bunnings and ill let u guys no
Leave the crustacean blend out for now aswell the gypsum will cover your calcium
Don't use the shit from woolies it no good. Bunnings have the organic richgro potting mix it's a good price. I wouldn't worry about the alfalfa,the Eco seaweed is soluble powder not meal so your better to mix it up and water it in and if you use seamungus that will be a substitute for kelp meal and you won't need to buy seasol either
KK so if i see any of that richgrow soil ill grab a few bags of that i may not have enough boot room to get enough of every thing to do a 180 liter mix but i can alway just get a few bags and then just amend that
true i aggree 100 percent i think ill be allright once i get a harvest under my belt i think it cuse i fuck up so many times not realizing its as simple as growing any thing else just give it what it needs and ittl grow lol plus i just naturelly over think things
Bro you aren't alone in making mistakes with grows and you'll make plenty more if your anything like me,it's only a problem when you make the same mistake over and over
KK so if i see any of that richgrow soil ill grab a few bags of that i may not have enough boot room to get enough of every thing to do a 180 liter mix but i can alway just get a few bags and then just amend that
Why do you need to make 180 litres in 1 go. You can do whatever you want it's your grow there isn't any hard and fast rules just guidelines
Why do you need to make 180 litres in 1 go
i dont i just have a 180 leter compost tumbler i was gunna use to let the soil cook breakdown so i figured may as well make 180 liters but all previas things considered money and what not ill just see what i can doo ill 100 percent get the seamungus and ill see how mutch soil i can get maybe ither than the seamungus ill spring for the neem meal to get rid of everything in thats allready in the tumbler its half full atm but i gotta say iv yet to see a single mite for a few days now tneres a few knats still tho not many ihope i can end up using that cuse ir smells so earthy and ritch was thinking ov emtying it out then filling up the 20 liter putting it back in so i no exactly how many liters i have but its defanetly around half way full
i def wanna get tne seasol foliyer feed tho lol iv been wantic to try for ages hay wev got epsom salt isent that just cal mag
It's magnesium sulphate so it's 1 part of cal mag. I give my plants in coco a bit once a week unless they look like they need a bit more fuck cal mag it's needed about as much as you need a kick in the nuts lol
How you going with the blumats ?

they work great just gotta dial in my neut concentrations the girls didn't seem to like it at even a small strength of EC 0.4 had to do a flush today cause they were not looking happy, glad i did cause runnoff was coming out at 2+. figure if im going to keep using them i need to have it fully draining and not running into the bottom of the pots to get soaked back up.
they work great just gotta dial in my neut concentrations the girls didn't seem to like it at even a small strength of EC 0.4 had to do a flush today cause they were not looking happy, glad i did cause runnoff was coming out at 2+. figure if im going to keep using them i need to have it fully draining and not running into the bottom of the pots to get soaked back up.
Are you using H&G drip clean ?. Fuck that's high salt build up you can't let them sit in the run off that'd be your problem. With the drippers you shouldn't have much run off but it'll just keep at that optimum moisture levels
Are you using H&G drip clean ?. Fuck that's high salt build up you can't let them sit in the run off that'd be your problem. With the drippers you shouldn't have much run off but it'll just keep at that optimum moisture levels

yeah i was using drip clean, i did some reading and it seems if i am using drip clean i should be using it from start to finish, and i started this on day 15 or 17 so apparently it can cause problems, and yeah was not much sitting in the bottom but with the way the airpots are designed it does soak it back up. gonna just finish up building the damn drain table on the weekend and hand water until then. will get some pond liner and drill a hole in the middle of the table let it just run into a collection valve.

still pretty crazy amount of buildup after just a few days, i was even cleaning out the trays every 2 days. i want to get it working though cause will be worth it in the end when they are dialed in better.
they work great just gotta dial in my neut concentrations the girls didn't seem to like it at even a small strength of EC 0.4 had to do a flush today cause they were not looking happy, glad i did cause runnoff was coming out at 2+. figure if im going to keep using them i need to have it fully draining and not running into the bottom of the pots to get soaked back up.
I usually start my veg plants at 1or 1.2 ec and haven't had any show issues till I got to 1.4 or 1.6? I was running critical Kush at 2.4 in full bloom mode with shooting powder and the works it could handle it's food lol