Aroma and taste


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I've been running hempys for the last few years and it's been going great. The last harvest I had seemed to be lacking taste and aroma. The high was there but it just didn't have that kick. I was wondering if anybody knew something I could do. I was thinking about using bud candy or something similar. Any suggestions?
Ever since I started curing a bit on the wetter.side I've had awesome results. Takes a bit more work and patience, but so does the rest of growing.....GL
Good idea but the last harvest cured for a little over a month and still was just not there
"cure" is subjective. tobacco, where the "cure" comes from burns, smokes, sweats, ferments for instance, your cure is fermenting only, which is a science in sealed jar if thats what you use. bacteria grows on sealed up wet marijuana, and will ruin flavor
change your bulbs and your stink socks, maybe strain too?
if there were tricks....they wouldnt be called tricks, be just the way we all do it.
You're probably right. I'm running a Bruce Banner and Jack right now. Gonna see if I can get some samples of some stuff and see what happens
Good idea but the last harvest cured for a little over a month and still was just not there
Yes ....but if you start to dry to begin with ...or chop to early ...not saying you do either of those ....but both those things will effect final product ....obviously strain/genetics have a lot to do with it .....but on your next harvest I challenge you to start curing way earlier than you normally would .....I start in paper grocery bags half full folded over ...easy to burp and dump if necessary ....I've found starting wetter and pulling that moisture slow does wonders for final product ......but some strains will never be super loud ....I grow northern lights somewhat often ....super mild smell, but is a pleasure to smoke....other strains that do have insane smell, may seem mild after a long cure ....but as soon as you bust open a nug or bruise it .....hello stoners Starbucks .....make sense?
Yes ....but if you start to dry to begin with ...or chop to early ...not saying you do either of those ....but both those things will effect final product ....obviously strain/genetics have a lot to do with it .....but on your next harvest I challenge you to start curing way earlier than you normally would .....I start in paper grocery bags half full folded over ...easy to burp and dump if necessary ....I've found starting wetter and pulling that moisture slow does wonders for final product ......but some strains will never be super loud ....I grow northern lights somewhat often ....super mild smell, but is a pleasure to smoke....other strains that do have insane smell, may seem mild after a long cure ....but as soon as you bust open a nug or bruise it .....hello stoners Starbucks .....make sense?
Yeah, I get what you're saying. I think I'm gonna let these two go to the limit and try the curing method you suggest. I also know that curing too wet means I just wasted my time so gotta be careful. Thanks for the advice guys
both are stinky strains when I grew them, so maybe something else at play
First time growing these two, last ones were Carmalicious and Chronic Haze. First time growing them. Friends like the carmasame high but said it lacked the taste on the other hand the haze had the high and aroma. But both were a very good high
Yeah, I get what you're saying. I think I'm gonna let these two go to the limit and try the curing method you suggest. I also know that curing too wet means I just wasted my time so gotta be careful. Thanks for the advice guys
Explain curing to wet means you wasted your time .....I'm curious is all ...please explain.
its really easy, there is no guesswork. I followed the cervantes rules, rh, temp, air flow, and never see a jar. I use a large tent to dry in.
there is no waiting to see how it goes because its perfect every time.
people use jars because they dont have a proper space they can control. problem is a proper space for drying does not include fermentation(traded for a slower dry. With proper control the material dries perfectly of course. 2 week its awesome, 3 and its supreme, four and ready for long term storage. any longer than 8 and it changes in effects, degrades.
its really easy, there is no guesswork. I followed the cervantes rules, rh, temp, air flow, and never see a jar. I use a large tent to dry in.
there is no waiting to see how it goes because its perfect every time.
people use jars because they dont have a proper space they can control. problem is a proper space for drying does not include fermentation(traded for a slower dry. With proper control the material dries perfectly of course. 2 week its awesome, 3 and its supreme, four and ready for long term storage. any longer than 8 and it changes in effects, degrades.
Where can I find this method?
-57 RH
much air flow/exchange, never in the garden, no full time lights, fresh air scrubber, clean closet, no cooking smells or laundry soap allowed. I use a walk in grow tent in a closet in my jam studio, equipped with ac, dehuey, fan, stink sock, and some kick ass tracks, guitars, mixers, speakers, cramped as all hell, embarrassingly messy, but comfortable perfect
Just my 2cents.

I always get super stinky buds. I like to air dry in a tent for 4-6 days (depending on how dense the nugs are). Once buds are dry to the touch BUT the stem can still bend without snapping, then at exactly that point I put them into glass jars. I put a 58% 2-way desiccant (by Bovida) in the jar to control the humidity. No burping required, the desiccant gets it perfectly. I do 2 weeks minimum and one month max with the Bovida in there before taking it out. When I crack the jars to smoke them, I swear the neighbors can smell that skunky goodness. For the record, never had a mold issue with this method after 4+ years.