Random Jabber Jibber thread

back to the wall, away from the glass and close to an exit
LOL there were a few years it was tough to go to a restaurant with me too.

If we went to dinner together we'd all be fighting for that one "Safe" chair. :smile:

@Bob Zmuda - Unapologetic post flattering my trouting ability on the White river.
Double Haul!


Before you ask, Olive wooly booger cause I can't stand the hinging that happens on the leader when nymphing with a damn bobber (indicator). :wink:
Man, oh man this is so horrifically fucked up :(

A gunman on the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas Strip casino opened fire on an outdoor music festival, killing at least 20 people -- including two off-duty police officers -- and wounding more than 100, officials said early Monday.

He turned a ar15 to a fully and killed 59 people and some still in critical 2 people from my city just came home tonight the shooter was some twisted dude he had a couple different assault rifles my question is how the fuck did he get it passed the front desk with full surveillance luckily he took his own life im sure lots of people we're willing to help him after this
He turned a ar15 to a fully and killed 59 people and some still in critical 2 people from my city just came home tonight the shooter was some twisted dude he had a couple different assault rifles my question is how the fuck did he get it passed the front desk with full surveillance luckily he took his own life im sure lots of people we're willing to help him after this
When I pay for a hotel room privacy is part of the deal. How many bags or trunks, as well as the contents, stored in the room is no business of the management or public.

If I want to set up 2 dozen fully automatic dilldoes that my business and no one else's.
He turned a ar15 to a fully and killed 59 people and some still in critical 2 people from my city just came home tonight the shooter was some twisted dude he had a couple different assault rifles my question is how the fuck did he get it passed the front desk with full surveillance luckily he took his own life im sure lots of people we're willing to help him after this
Now they're reporting he had 23 firearms.
In one (if not THE) city with the most cctv cameras in the world nobody noticed something strange? Just the ammo alone would be heavy AF.

even if it was a booth along the back wall we'd still have to rock/paper/scissors for aisle seat. ;)
How about we arm wrestle?
RPS has too many choices (I always pick rock btw) Lol.
Now they're reporting he had 23 firearms.
In one (if not THE) city with the most cctv cameras in the world nobody noticed something strange? Just the ammo alone would be heavy AF.

Same thing im saying he's by himself all that luggage

How about we arm wrestle?
RPS has too many choices (I always pick rock btw) Lol.
Now they're reporting he had 23 firearms.
In one (if not THE) city with the most cctv cameras in the world nobody noticed something strange? Just the ammo alone would be heavy AF

People go to vegas with the specific purpose of using automatic firearms, they are legal in Nevada and they are extremely commonplace there.

Nevada has some really relaxed gun laws. It's an open carry state. Virtually anyone can bring a gun almost anywhere.
People go to vegas with the specific purpose of using automatic firearms, they are legal in Nevada and they are extremely commonplace there.

Nevada has some really relaxed gun laws. It's an open carry state. Virtually anyone can bring a gun almost anywhere.
If I were paranoid I'd wonder if this will open the conversation about Nevada gun laws = bad, because guns...

If I were super paranoid I might be researching false flag.
What’s up peeps. So I’m wondering if anyone here has gone on a cruise recently and if so what’s the security like? Airport style with dogs and scanners? I think you know where I’m going with this.. 5 days without smoke isn’t my idea of vacation.. :?
last cruise i went on was 10 years ago. they spread the luggage out in a gymnasium size room and had the dogs run up and down looking for fruit, plants and drugs, so...