Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
registry for anything above and beyond self defense and hunting capabilities,
that's one i thing i think most people would have a problem with. the other 3 you mentioned are no-brainers i think.

it will take a year to get rid of the supply we already have here. i think 10 states already have mag restrictions in place. Magpul moved HQ from CO to WY because of the mag restrtitction in CO
that's one i thing i think most people would have a problem with. the other 3 you mentioned are no-brainers i think.

it will take a year to get rid of the supply we already have here. i think 10 states already have mag restrictions in place. Magpul moved HQ from CO to WY because of the mag restrtitction in CO
Full on registries alresdy have majority support, I am not for those.

Have a handgun, hunting rifle, and maybe a couple other arms without registering. Want 49 military grade firearms like mr. WhiteBoy McShootsAlot? You need to register them.
FOX Radio was quite telling today. Both Hannity and Libaugh were in total, very obvious lockstep on loudly and wrongly (the favorite mode of the right) repeating one lie over and over. That lie is that the guns used in the massacre were illegal guns and that the shooter violated the law in obtaining them - so why would gun laws have mattered?

For Hannity, this is no big deal - he is a consummate liar on a daily basis, but Limbaugh is much more careful typically. Limbaugh usually relies on his call in guests to lie for him by carefully choosing them and just playing along - giving him plausible deniability. This is easy to do because, well, they are pretty dumb in the first place. Today Limbaugh was choosing guests very well. One of them was saying he saw the FBI profiler on FOX say that the shooter chose his victims carefully because he hates right-wing country and western concert goers because they voted for Trump so he was clearly an Obama supporter. "Really?!" Rush would say. I do not believe such an exchange happened - even on FOX.

The fact of the matter is that there is no evidence whatsoever that any of the guns used were obtained illegally. Rush leapfrogged off of that by exonerating the NRA completely. Hannity pointed out that Hillary said that the NRA and the Republicans are complicate "in other words, she said it is all the Republicans' fault." Yes, in other words - in words she did not use. Hannity pointed out the type of sick person that Hillary is; the type that uses a massive tragedy to score cheap, politic points. He "would never do that" - lol. That is exactly what he would do and anybody that thinks that he would not be doing exactly that if this was a black man or an Arab is delusional.

But hey, that is what thought guides are for.

I do not believe for a minute that today's performances by these consummate performers and entertainers is an accident. They are in a blind panic and their overlords are calling in chits.
Fix News exists for exactly this kind of mass disinformation operation.

The worst part is that they're distracting the public from matters of far more lasting importance;


This is what a slow motion coup in America looks like.
say the guy found out he had terminal cancer. lots of gambling lately, sent money overseas to girlfriend etc.

if only his doctor knows about the diagnosis, can the doctor make that public? or is that covered under patient confidentiality stuff??

just curious. have no inside info or anythgin.
The doc can say anything now that the patient is dead.
it's not another part, it's the main component. Automatic rifles have existed for decades yet violence of this magnitude is a more recent occurrence. Guns haven't changed, the object is to find out what has and correct it.
There's a mass shooting in America (defined as four or more people shot, not including the shooter) almost every day now.


Something is definitely badly wrong with our country and the strain has been showing for a long time.
A national policy would be nice. Background checks with no sales allowed to those with certain mental conditions best decided on by people with more knowledge than me. A national registry for at least certain types of guns, perhaps with exceptions for shotguns, .22 cal and or revolvers under or at .38 cal. No immediate sales - waiting periods for everything. Eliminating the sale of military grade weapons such as the AR-15 and AK-47, small caliber hypersonic loads - I realize that some hunting calibers are just as powerful, even more powerful. I would want limitations on the size and weight of long rifle, they should be pretty large and heavy with a maximum of ten or so rounds. I would restrict the number of rounds for handguns at a dozen or so.

I would eliminate concealed carry without an established reason and close registration.

Why would you eliminate concealed carry? Just asking.
From one business owner to another I highly suggest you walk away and stop defaming my company and myself before I own a window installation business as well. I'm absolutely tired of your drawing rediculous conclusions and name calling. If you want to continue calling My company and myself names take it to P.M. where we can settle it like men......

Abiqua said:
Eat a black dick.
Thought you were done here, racial segregationist.

Go back to your safe space snowflake. We will expand your free speech zone when we need you. Until then bye Felicia.

P.S. I know you have a lot of built up anger and frustration. I won't judge You I promise...... If you come to my bakery I'll bake you a beautiful wedding cake.

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Can said person not speak for themselves?

More insults from the intellectually challenged. Can you have a constructive conversation or is 6th grade one liners all you have?

Witless blowhard your gaseous babbling merits only derision.
Go back to your safe space snowflake. We will expand your free speech zone when we need you. Until then bye Felicia.

P.S. I know you have a lot of built up anger and frustration. I won't judge You I promise...... If you come to my bakery I'll bake you a beautiful cake

Cringe, "P.S"? Simple clown youve sucked all the dull, spineless idiocy out of trumps bone spurs.
there are far better ways to harm/kill (mass) people then guns. in fact, if you want to inflict a lot damage: I think guns are really a poor choice. (now that I'm on some list for typing that)

anyways the problem here is not the delivery of doom, but the cause. our mental health system is piss poor, in the light of countries like japan of other well funded health care societies see a lot less of this kind of stuff.

I mean, our mental sanitariums are in the open streets. we closed and keep closing programs, and hospitals for people to find help. or make it out of reach because of cost.

the fact that he used a GUN, if the very least of the problems in this incident. why people keep pointing at guns is beyond me, because if its one thing we know for a fact, is gun laws don't work

if someone really set their mind to harming people, I would think guns would only be a small part of it.

just think of what he could have done, by jumping the curb smashing the chain link fence and driving a food truck GT5 style all over general admission.......
It could have worse than that, he had explosives at his house, he owned two airplanes,don't know what kind but he could have rented a large twin engine plane and loaded it with explosive and homemade napalm and crashed it into the concert.