Trump is a fucking moron

Here is the thing. No matter what, if you become an angry name calling and raving fool because of Donald Trump, your heart rate is going to go up exponentially. That means your heart beats for Donald Trump. That means he owns your emotions because you let him. If you people are content to let a fool wind you up like tops, be my guest. If he incites enough of you to riots and terrible behavior, he has all the justification in the world to use force to control you.
I am not a Trump Supporter. I side with George Carlin in that you people are fools to think you even have rights. I personally am quite entertained watching people like all of you jumping up and down in hysterics.
You can't change the world, but you can make a lot of people smile and laugh while you jump up and down and turn red in the face trying. You can however, change the things you don't like about your own life.
Go suck trumps dick
No thanks

I won’t be voting for the party that is endorsed by the kkk
50 years ago, during this current calendar week*, 242 GI's were kia in Vietnam. Meanwhile Trump scamily was using their ill gotten lucre to bribe a physician to submit false documentation to save Conald from serving his country. Trump rapes women, he cheats colleagues, he steals from the govt and he never stops lying. He is a rotten coward from the get go. He rapes the country to bloat his ego and save his failing empire. Yet his followers are blind to the facts because you cant teach anyone knowledge that reveals the corroded foundation of their own deepest beliefs.D77N3_MXsAAfKNa.jpeg DxAe71YW0AA9iRF.jpeg IMG_20181201_015331.jpg Dt2_yVkU8AItBo-.jpeg .

*Stonewall riot occurred this same week
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50 years ago, during this current calendar week*, 242 GI's were kia in Vietnam. Meanwhile Trump scamily was using their ill gotten lucre to bribe a physician to submit false documentation to save Conald from serving his country. Trump rapes women, he cheats colleagues, he steals from the govt and he never stops lying. He is a rotten coward from the get go. He rapes the country to bloat his ego and save his failing empire. Yet his followers are blind to the facts because you cant teach anyone knowledge that reveals the corroded foundation of their own deepest beliefs.View attachment 4356530 View attachment 4356531 View attachment 4356534 View attachment 4356532 .

*Stonewall riot occurred this same week

But...but his "personal Vietnam" was avoiding STDs. So, there's that.
Here is the thing. No matter what, if you become an angry name calling and raving fool because of Donald Trump, your heart rate is going to go up exponentially. That means your heart beats for Donald Trump. That means he owns your emotions because you let him. If you people are content to let a fool wind you up like tops, be my guest. If he incites enough of you to riots and terrible behavior, he has all the justification in the world to use force to control you.
I am not a Trump Supporter. I side with George Carlin in that you people are fools to think you even have rights. I personally am quite entertained watching people like all of you jumping up and down in hysterics.
You can't change the world, but you can make a lot of people smile and laugh while you jump up and down and turn red in the face trying. You can however, change the things you don't like about your own life.
you're just a typical irrelevant defeatist malcontent only worried about number one, the majority of apathetic malcontents are the problem when they choose to sit on their hands an watch the world burn up an remain as quiet as a sheepish little church mouse waiting to pick through the ashes to find what is salvageable after the incineration.
you're just a typical irrelevant defeatist malcontent only worried about number one, the majority of apathetic malcontents are the problem when they choose to sit on their hands an watch the world burn up an remain as quiet as a sheepish little church mouse waiting to pick through the ashes to find what is salvageable after the incineration.
Why do the biggest idiots invoke George Carlin? Nothing against Carlin, but the guy was a comedian. 98% of the people who look up to him as a political theorist are the alt-right Nazi types - and yet I get the feeling if Carlin were alive he would hate these people.
Why do the biggest idiots invoke George Carlin? Nothing against Carlin, but the guy was a comedian. 98% of the people who look up to him as a political theorist are the alt-right Nazi types - and yet I get the feeling if Carlin were alive he would hate these people.
lack of philosophical contemplation?
snappy jokes & one liners parroted from a dead comedian are easy...
lack of philosophical contemplation?
snappy jokes & one liners parroted from a dead comedian are easy...
I cringe at the prospect of one of these mental midgets somehow ever getting elected President and thinking that military intelligence and business ethics are really oxymorons rather than an amusing joke.

On that day, we will have fulfilled Idiocracy.
Funny thing is, the only people I see posting pictures of Nazi's, white suppremists and KKK members are the leftist mob types foaming at the mouth. A lot of folks from the left are so angry these day's they don't even see how crazy they are behaving.
Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Infowars, on and on, all hate mongering for years. Evangelicals supporting removing womans right to decide when and how many people to push out of herself and who and how people decide to love one another. Racial segregationists deciding people who don't look like them should not be upset about the previous generations not having the same ability to hand down land and wealth because the government sanctioned them being excluded from what white people had. Right wing organizations attempts to dumb down our education system with religious curriculum and removing rigorous mathematics from economics. Foreign trolls getting our names to pair with stolen data from the Trump campaign (read the Mueller report if you don't know what I mean) so that they could micro target our most vulnerable citizens with scare and hate tactics to either vote for Trump or not vote at all giving him the presidency.

Its like blaming the christmas story kid for being unreasonable during the fight scene.
