The trump family is an international crime syndicate

Ivanka and junior had daddy's lawyer bribe a prosecutor to get out of felony fraud charges in 2012.

They are all criminal also who belong in prison.

Did you hear Tillerson likes to call Jared and Ivanka "the royal family". I think it's his way of laughing at them, no way does he believe they are superior to anyone lol.
I didn’t know where to put this link and didn’t want to start another thread. This is an appropriate time to bump this thread anyway. Funny shit lol.

Trump instructed Michael Cohen to make sure Don Jr. went to jail instead of Ivanka - Raw Story

I didn’t know where to put this link and didn’t want to start another thread. This is an appropriate time to bump this thread anyway. Funny shit lol.

Trump instructed Michael Cohen to make sure Don Jr. went to jail instead of Ivanka - Raw Story

is there a proper term for his love of Princess? like a reversed Oedipus complex or something?