Wearing a hat while stoning increases how stoned you get


Well-Known Member
I have performed an epidemiological research study on two separate groups of stoners of all ages who have never wore a hat while consuming cannabis in different forms.

All subjects had to go to a location everyday at 4:20pm and consume a 1 gram joint and 0.1g of bho. For the duration of one week, one group wore a hat and the other group in a separate room didnt. After a week, the groups swapped and interesting observations were made. Many of the participants that wore the hat the first week started sneaking in their own hats cause without one ''it wasnt doing the trick anymore'' they claimed whereas the group which didnt wear at a hat at first were absolutely flabbergasted how high they was getting, some, i might add, couldnt even finish their allotted joints and refused bho completely claiming, they were high enough (whatever that means).

If this wasnt proof enough we then collected the individuals that tried to sneak hats in to the no hat group and conducted a placebo experiment. We basically made the guys oregano joints for a week saying it was a special sativa (i know lol) and they claimed they were still getting high as fuck! Go figure.

Conclusion, wear a hat when getting stoned!
Cool story bro.
I have performed an epidemiological research study on two separate groups of stoners of all ages who have never wore a hat while consuming cannabis in different forms.

All subjects had to go to a location everyday at 4:20pm and consume a 1 gram joint and 0.1g of bho. For the duration of one week, one group wore a hat and the other group in a separate room didnt. After a week, the groups swapped and interesting observations were made. Many of the participants that wore the hat the first week started sneaking in their own hats cause without one ''it wasnt doing the trick anymore'' they claimed whereas the group which didnt wear at a hat at first were absolutely flabbergasted how high they was getting, some, i might add, couldnt even finish their allotted joints and refused bho completely claiming, they were high enough (whatever that means).

If this wasnt proof enough we then collected the individuals that tried to sneak hats in to the no hat group and conducted a placebo experiment. We basically made the guys oregano joints for a week saying it was a special sativa (i know lol) and they claimed they were still getting high as fuck! Go figure.

Conclusion, wear a hat when getting stoned!
TRUE samw iwth aclochol too
pleezedon't mind me my english keybord is fucked mightbethesapacebar ....nohat_either ....lol