Look fantastic! you are one solid grower. The NLXhaze i looks haze Dom. your gonna have some nices spicy haze smoke. HAve you ever smoked any Haze befor? The smell is unmistakeble.
ANd those BB chese are buities aswell. I have had the pleasure of smoking some my last trip to Amsterdam and it was one of my favorites for sure. Its so KUshy its cheesey and the high is sublime. I will be grow ing that strain for sure next round. I am glad to see one greow so I know what to expect
Thanks Mattso, some nice positive words there.
Grab a seat n a cold beer (if boneman quits hogging the crate
) and see how these cheese turn out, im so eager to see how they smoke compared to the real cheese i smoked so much of and pulled untold 'whiteys' with when i first started my ganja smoking career many moons ago.
Iv grown and smoked Arjans haze No2 and that was pretty awesome, but no ive never smoked the nl5 x haze, yea your right, they are looking very hazey/sat dominant especially now theyre going into full bloom, stretching like fuck and very slender long leaf blades, they look alot more haze than the Arjans haze iv grown, 11 weeks tho, realistically 12-13 or so, so i hope its worth it!