you are less than worthless
Your observation or endorsement, like your thoughts and beliefs, are witless shit bombs.Hey you're not screaming or too offensive. That's a good start.
Bro unless the posts have all been taken down there's history of your shaved ass being kicked all over the threads. E thug?, is he your bul, son?
so, no real argument, just whatever.The guy who has talked about being bullied as a teenager, sees nothing wrong with berating and belittling people that disagree with him.
No irony there
Rapier like wit!Can you speak up? I can't quite hear you.
I found one of those posts.
Seriously? You dont remember this brutal chimney sweep you took on the threads?
you make the shittiest, worst memes of all time.
You're hideously fucking stupid AND you need medsAwe, you edited your post so no one could see how much of a hypocrite you are by calling me a "resourceful twink".
If you're going to say/write something at least be man enough to stand by it.
remind me who you voted or again after you're done playing dumb, nazi.
Your observation or endorsement, like your thoughts and beliefs, are witless shit bombs.
You're irrevocably tied to appalling ignorant shit you've defended and the preposterous "logic" that underpins your imbecile dogma. You're a fucking clown, aping a circumspect tone with vomit on your breath and an overstuffed diaper. Sad, very sad or sick.
name 5 lies then, nazi.
yes that and your history of posting wretchedly ignorant crap and regurgitating dogma of the fucking clueless.Follow your logic to it's inevitable conclusion.
I voted Trump so that makes me an asshole.