Name a country that's better than America

This is still just an Internet forum. I don't know these people. And I never said I agreed or disagreed with any of the crap you keep writing.

I said you are annoying. And I said your evidence is crap. And apparently your knowledge and even your opinion too.

Good luck. You are obviously stressed and irrational over something. You should be positive and happy for your new baby.

Congratulations by the way. Try to keep your head up buck. You are a downer.
Whether you know them or not, you are in the company of a rabid anti smite with your fake jew hunt.
I liked Germany. there are many countries with better health care and education.but we are an immature society and easily misled. we willingly give up out right for security against an imaginary threat while ignoring the real threat to our freedom
jews denied you that loan for the 87 honda.


Do you see anything offensive in that clip to our dark skinned brothers?

and you should know who created and produced the show, who is another fake like you.
I want a gold watch and I'm not fucking around. The communist crap isn't viable. I said Gold. Not turnips and vodka.
Laughing as i stretched your asshole like a clowns pocket didnt turn me on creeper.

You attracted another witless ass to you team of shit masters.

Assholes and asshole whisperers version 1.0

Now I see you contradict yourself, you give me some hope
Now I see you contradict yourself, you give me some hope
Other things ive given you tonight
#1 a brutally stretched out thought hole
#2 persuasive reasons to keep that shit scented orifice zippered.
#3 a reality check to characterize your nonexistent wit and hobbled intellect