How do you recharge the carbon?
Take apart the filter. Use deionized water and an organic biodegradable scentless soap to wash the carbon In a pan it'll fit in. Swish the carbon around and let it set 10 min. Swish for 3 min. - then rest for 10, swish for 3 and drain. Then rinse well with clean deionized - 3 times (changing the deionized each time), same way as washing....Some have told me they have done this AND boiled it at the same time....They say it works better! (Not tried that)....
Now dry the carbon in your oven at a high temp like 450+ F for 2 hrs or till 0 moisture content is reached. A well known drug company in my area wash's their lab [carbon] filters this way. This makes the carbon last a lot more then the 3-4 recharges simple heat cleaning does.
You can clean by heat. The idea behind that is that your evaporating/incinerating the foreign particles trapped by the carbon. This idea that it take's intense heat and longer times. Is kinda Bull Shit! Yeah, hotter the better but the thing is. I want to know what the flash point of that carbon is (752 F or 400 C). You have to remember that this carbon is most likely made from burning something (Coco fiber is one source). This means it will burn. Grilling anybody?
The action of heat on activated charcoal, even when not "washed" first.
Will reduce the accumulated particales by evap and "cooking" them off.... Might not get it back to 100% but pretty close and it can be done repeatedly. Oven at 300F for an hr or (I would go 400 - 450 and 2 hrs - 500 F if your oven will do it). This way you can reuse like 4 times - or till it doesn't really work any more...
All you have to do to "clean and reactivate" a military "activated charcoal" anti chem suit is to throw it in the dryer at high heat for a full 1 hr cycle. Ok the AC is smaller but it's still the same principle...
So put away your autoclaves as they can not reach good temps for removing the organic compounds trapped in the AC. Even the pressurised steam at that temp will not be as effective as simply baking it! The steam will have organic contaminates in it too. Any metals leeched from the unit and of course the contents of the water it's self.....Might try deionized but, the temps are still too low....To remove any metals present in AC. You now have to do a weak hydrochloric acid wash (3%) - bad for the AC too.... and then do the others....
Skip the autoclave. "Intense heat" is
not necessary.... Try what I gave you......You'll find it works just fine!