Skunk and Shit.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
A few of us have some of @eastcoastmo seeds but I haven't seen to much on them so I started a grow journal to see how they go for those interested but the journals seem complicated and a bit broken so ive come here.

I grabbed a few of eastcoastmo seeds a few months back.

They will be my second grow in a 4x4 tent once the first grow finishes up. They will be under a 600w HID in soil.

Ok we have,
Skunk x skunk/shit- eastcoastmo- (reg)
Shit x shit/skunk- eastcostmo- (reg)
Ice- Royal Queen seeds (fem)
Choc mint OG - HSO (fem)
But its not about those two.
pic 1.jpg

pic 2.jpg

I know the white cups are not ideal but ive got a few of them so ill use em.

Currently under 130w of a CFL.
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Hey, thanks for the thread and the heads up. I tried a dozen or so of the Poly Shunk 1 IBL seeds {I made with my full seasons} a couple weeks ago. {That is Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Shit/Skunk bred back to her bother} They were really new, as I had just chopped a week or so before I planted. Only had one come up, so I planted a handful of seeds in a tray last week. This morning it looks like I have 25 or 30 sprouts. I will transplant into gallon pots as soon as I can squeeze a little extra time. {I did 6 Ass Cheese and 7 Lost River Ghost Light's last night in the wee hours}
I grew a few of Easty's Shunk {shit/skunk} crosses this season. I had the summer from hell with rain almost everyday, and that other spot of trouble I ran into, so didn't give them the TLC they deserved. But so far my favorite is the Skunk Shunk {skunk X shit/skunk}. Taste and high are both really good. I made a cross with Poly Shunk 1 pollen, and I have a couple of them up too.

Also made a cross with (Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Gorille de Raisin) X {TKC X NC X Sin Mint X Sh/Sk)

And (Afghani X Sh/Sk) X (PN X SMC X GdR).

I can't remember if I planted any of the Shit X Sh/Sk, but if I did, none of them made it. I want to pop a few for my fall/winter grow, but I already have more than I have room for.
I grew a few of Easty's Shunk {shit/skunk} crosses this season. I had the summer from hell with rain almost everyday, and that other spot of trouble I ran into, so didn't give them the TLC they deserved. But so far my favorite is the Skunk Shunk {skunk X shit/skunk}. Taste and high are both really good. I made a cross with Poly Shunk 1 pollen, and I have a couple of them up too.

Also made a cross with (Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Gorille de Raisin) X {TKC X NC X Sin Mint X Sh/Sk)

And (Afghani X Sh/Sk) X (PN X SMC X GdR).

I can't remember if I planted any of the Shit X Sh/Sk, but if I did, none of them made it. I want to pop a few for my fall/winter grow, but I already have more than I have room for.

Holy shit bro, straight killing it man! Really glad to hear that you made some crosses out of the beans too, I'm sure you'll get some fire out of them!!
Holy shit bro, straight killing it man! Really glad to hear that you made some crosses out of the beans too, I'm sure you'll get some fire out of them!!
I chopped the last of the full season's last night. I'm not 100% with my memory, but I have some more crosses with your stuff. I know I have a {Blue Shiva X Blue Shark} X {PN X SMC X Ass Cheese (or possibly GdR)}. Also have a BS X BS X Ass Cheese. More strains that I can deal with.
Me want skunk/shit.... Must have skunk shit... :)
Maybe it's just me, but if weed doesn't stink to high heaven then I'm just not that interested,, Most everything I come across (From the seedbanks) Just smells like fruit..

When I get another chance I'll be reworking my shit and skunk crosses as I've now got access to some older, even stinkier skunk in seed form. I'll keep you all posted but it may be a while!
Welcome aboard people. Good to have easty here, if anyone has any Q for him I'm sure he wont mind answering.

I wont be over filling the thread with pics etc. Its a long way to go so ill just throw in the odd pic here and there and then when we get into the exciting part ill post pics every couple of weeks. Seems a few people are a little intrigued by the chuck, I know I am.

There is a difference already. The black writing (shit x shit/skunk) is actually about 1 week or so older than the blue writing (skunk x skunk/shit). Its taller but not as developed considering its a week older.
The "others" choc mint and Ice are another week behind.
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Welcome aboard people. Good to have easty here, if anyone has any Q for him I'm sure he wont mind answering.

I wont be over filling the thread with pics etc. Its a long way to go so ill just throw in the odd pic here and there and then when we get into the exciting part ill post pics every couple of weeks. Seems a few people are a little intrigued by the chuck, I know I am.

There is a difference already. The black writing (shit x shit/skunk) is actually about 1 week or so older than the blue writing (skunk x skunk/shit). Its taller but not as developed considering its a week older.
The "others" choc mint and Ice are another week behind.
More than happy to answer questions mate :)
Keep up the good work hey!!