Aussie Growers Thread

ye think im eather gonna just buy a tarp and do that or take a a few gallons and dry it out that way i just dont have the bigest back yard probly will be better of just using it like a tea or somthing would probly go futher
Just depends on what the bugs are,you can make a neem tea or get neem oil and use it as a soil drench. Drying it out in batches is a good idea then put the dried soil in a container
Pretty sure I read that if your soil did have something like 15-20 worms per shovel it would be like a perfect living soil so that’s a really healthy piece of ground,only problem is once it’s dug up all the structure of that soil is destroyed and drainage and then compaction can become a bit of an issue
Yeah I'll havt to wait and see if its good or bad with being in pots. Hoping it turns out good because its the best bush soil I've ever come across. I have a 50 litre grow with that soil in it for the last 9 days soil is still moist and airy and the whole top of the soil has grass shoots growing out everywhere
is their anything similar about?
Jaws gear was either the original breeder or one of the early guys that worked with,should be able to find a bit of info at thcfarmer forum. I’m pretty sure karma has a couple that have it in them might be mandarina Kush or fruit bowl check out the attitude it’s one of those 2.
Yeah I'll havt to wait and see if its good or bad with being in pots. Hoping it turns out good because its the best bush soil I've ever come across. I have a 50 litre grow with that soil in it for the last 9 days soil is still moist and airy and the whole top of the soil has grass shoots growing out everywhere
Just depends on what it has in it like the amount of sand vs clay