Fan leaves durring flower?


Well-Known Member
So I have been told not to remove 1 leave or fan leave while my plants have been in flower, I was told it slows flower time down and decreases yield. I have been in flower since about Sep 17 and wondering if I should take any fan leaves off, I'm growing 4 plants inside under a 1000 wattt HPS light and their is just so many leaves everywhere, let me know your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Any green leaf will provide energy to the plant to help it grow. The only leaves that I remove are the dead and dying ones.


Well-Known Member
So I have been told not to remove 1 leave or fan leave while my plants have been in flower, I was told it slows flower time down and decreases yield. I have been in flower since about Sep 17 and wondering if I should take any fan leaves off, I'm growing 4 plants inside under a 1000 wattt HPS light and their is just so many leaves everywhere, let me know your thoughts?
removing leaves because you dont have enough light is like unplugging cylinders because you dont have enough gas

consider tying, bending, training, growing smaller well trained plants that fit perfectly in your space on the next grow, but post a pic or gtfo


Well-Known Member
Those leaves are the generators providing power to the plants. Leave them alone.


Well-Known Member
You're plants look nice. They are supposed to have leaves. The plant grows them for a purpose. That purpose is photosynthesis.