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LSD Effects in Micrograms
The data within this thread was recorded with NO TOLERANCE.
A single dose of acid is [1/4 inch x 1/4 inch paper] or [1 full gravity weight drop ~ liquid]
~ Considering "set and setting" before any LSD voyage, is very advisable due LSD's radical effects. "Set and Setting" means where the trip will occur and how One feels before/during/after the trip. It is recommended to trip with people You do trust.
It is recommend for "first time" or "it's been a while" LSD users to take Level 1 or Level 2 trips before going into Strong Tripping territory. If YOU wanna get to Level 2 and stay there... I suggest smoking a lot of weed and microdosing.
Microdose Section (Level 1 Threshold) - can be achieved with low - moderate amounts of cannabis
25 mics - - first level / microdose threshold. Mild euphoria and mood lift. A lot of people use this dose as a microdose. Soft - moderate energy stimulant. Great for the daily 9 am- 5 pm "ers" [ Pot always brings back the visuals at this dose, especially during a sleepy comedown. ] Creativity starts to manifest itself. ~ Level 1 without cannabis ~
30 mics - Many use this as a daily "microdose". Increase in associative/social/creative thinking. A great fellowship / interaction / chilling dose. Meaningful expanding thoughts. Philosophical banter rants / jibber jabber / [can be annoying; at times]. Visuals/effects become more pronounced with cannabis, but not as vivid as one would think. Creating art like painting or drawing becomes extremely enjoyable. This is kind of like smoking a high end sativa with no tolerance. Nature and hikes are great at this dosage. ~ Easier to handle for Newbies, [ set and setting ]. <-----click here to learn more
40 mics - ~ Level 1 " Spiritual Birthing Dose " ~ A great beginner dose ~ Therapeutic, psychological reflection. 40+ micrograms is considered life changing. Spiritual cord is found. Confusion may arise. Cerebral head change; aka increase in thoughts, this is where next level / interesting things to start happening. Left and Right brain amplification / collaboration of the senses [.ie. music sounds wider, smells / tastes are more saturated.etc]. -Energy is more sensitive / active / energetic. If You want stronger visuals, You gotta take a higher dosage. A great laughing time. - [Level 2 with cannabis or other psychedelics]
Common Tripping Section (Level 2 Threshold) - can be achieved with heavy amounts of cannabis.
50 mics - ~" Mild Tripping threshold " Starting to feel LSD's 'tripping' effects. Optical illusions; the imagination starts to manifests... Slow come up. Appreciation for music. Intense increase of energy. Mind alterations during come up / peak. A lot more sensitive to emotions and energy. One can start to see Closed Eye Visuals. Thought patterns are noticeably sped up, this effect can be overwhelming for newbies. Melting and bending optical illusions become obvious but mild. ~ Intuition / awareness is greatly increased, ~ Mild visuals [ lucy, trails, very mild patterning on surfaces], Natural perception filter is somewhat bypassed [10%-15%] ~ Short term memory lapses. - A great dose for meditation ~ Food smells/tastes amazing. [ a lot like 150 mgs of MDMA ]
60 mics- ~ Starting to get into some interesting places. Emotional / thought recollection emerges. Healing space opens wider. Visuals: Tessellations start to appear on walls, surfaces, faces etc. [this effect is very interesting, especially in higher doses] Trails / shuttering / after imaging / tracers. Thoughts and mind start racing at a rapid rate, [some newbies need to be left alone when this effect occurs]. ~Dream / memory experience recall~ Slight blissful euphoria.. Visual acuity is enhanced. This dosage makes for a good time. Closed Eye Visuals are calm, pretty, and gentle , [some report 2D visuals with color, objects, and geometry]. Memory smells / odor hallucinations. ~ Effects last about 6-8 hours.
90 mics- Whole duration is about 8+ hours. A great dose for visuals, mindscapes, and trails. LSD visual, color enhancement [ very ‘real’ looking surroundings]. This is the dose where the mind can start to go to weird places [good/bad]. Playful / cartoony type scenarios. Tingly sensation up the spine / limbs / shivers. Mild-intense change of short term memory [you’ll ‘member] credit to South Park. ~ Increased distractive thought patterns. ~Total trip outs and fuck withs can happen. [it’s good for You, YOU can take it]. Your mind is racing: intense, rapidly sped up thoughts/ ideas / manifestations. ~ A lot like half a gram of mushrooms ~ Level 2
100 mics ~ " Common tripping threshold " THE "SWEET SPOT" credit to SCI ~ The most sought after LSD dosage. ~ Mildly tapping into source. Most people have been caught laughing their asses off for no reason at this dose. Most report this dose as a thought provoking / fun, entertaining time. Sped up thoughts / mind alterations. [comforting and/or distressing thoughts may arise]. ~Starting to revert back to natural instincts / starting to tap into source. This dose is used for sacrament. Primitive senses and impulses may come up. Body buzzing is mild but sometimes euphoric and/or uncomfortable on come up. Consciousness starts to blend with hallucinations. Sensitive / meaningful semblance and symbolism; intuition becomes more present. Some realistic imagery / imagination thought trains. Memory Trances / Visions are possible at this dose. Deep meditation. Most report Level 3 mixed with cannabis.
LSD's effects increase dramatically past this line
150 micrograms - 1,200+ micrograms
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