germinating seed (dried paper towel)


Active Member
so i put the seed in water until it sank so i put it in a wet paper towel ( yes i only had 1) a hour later i go to bed i wake up and the paper towel dried out it wasnt completly dry but it was dryer than damp i put water on it right away with it still in a papertowel and i put it in bag will it be ok it hasnt rooted or anything but since it sank i do think it must have a crack.
i wet it like at 9 pm and i woke up at 12pm so it had 15 hours to dry will it be ok?
If I'm checking old beans I use the paper towel method ....I wet the paper towel after I fold it a few times over ....ring it out a bit ...then tuck my beans in the middle and place it into a zip lock Baggie ....then I set them in the dark pantry above my stove.....or inside my entertainment center on top of the DVR/satallite receiver ..........other wise I put them directly into seed starter lock will keep it nice and humid ...GL
I pour water over mine and wait until they crack open. I pay no attention to floating/sinking, and I put the cracked ones into
moist promix in a cup, lightly water it in and I don water again until roots are to the bottom of the cup.
I occasionally had problems with paper towels drying out in the past from being to thin. No more problems now that I use six of the select a size paper towels and fold them over once. The thickness keeps them damp for longer than 24 hours and has not had a negative impact on germination.
I have many seeds in that paper towel. One is over 10 years old. I have 3 of those seeds left. Last grow I tried to germinate one of them and it was the only seed that would not germinate :sad:
If I'm checking old beans I use the paper towel method ....I wet the paper towel after I fold it a few times over ....ring it out a bit ...then tuck my beans in the middle and place it into a zip lock Baggie ....then I set them in the dark pantry above my stove.....or inside my entertainment center on top of the DVR/satallite receiver ..........other wise I put them directly into seed starter lock will keep it nice and humid ...GL
I have found that if the zip lock is stored vertical

then the germing seeds radicle will emerge straight, as in not curled

ideal for dwc or deep soil pots

praise be for earths gravity

good luck
I have two sitting in water again because they didnt sprout, and I think its because my napkins dried out as well, not once but multiple times. Im really hoping theyre not lost. Its been about a week now or more so I figured ill go ahead and get them back in water for a few hours and ill go again with the napkins. If not ill plant them. I had 3 and 2 of them didnt germinate. 1 did and shes fine. Tangerine Dream from Growers Choice. BUT...

This is my SECOND batch of AUTO seeds from GC...the first batch--of which I have datestamped photos--sprouted only 1 seed, 2 failed of the Critical Purple AUTO. They had a 90% guarantee and I am learning this is not the case. Obviously this batch isn't their fault, Im just saying.

Im not an idiot, Ive germinated seeds plenty of times, and never had this many fail. Idk. Just sayin.
I puts mine in the dirt ands gets them muddy. Fuck the paper towel industry! Ha ha ha!
Bet your germination rate is better. I know mine is. All these folks with seeds that don't pop are not helping with bowls of water and towels. It works but soil works better. Replicate nature anytime you can.