Harvest time?


Well-Known Member
first outdoor grow or grow in general I guess, would like some advice on my plant and if it's time to harvest her or not. Thanks
You want to get some type of magnifying glass and check the trichomes, depending how you like you're weed depends when you harvest. Some people harvest alittle early, some harvest when 60-70% of the trichomes are cloudy (weed/buds stoniest point)and other let it go longer for the couch lock feeling.


Nice purpling.
Let's see the whole plant.
What are your temps?
So my current lows outside are around 30s at lowest and highs around 60/70. I usually cover them up at night tho if it gets down to the low 30s.

They where topped once at about a month old so would have more main colas And then I forced flipped em bout a week or two after that because even tho I had the room I didn't want it to grow too tall and wanted to start flowering before got too cold seeing as It's was a seedling in beg. of July.



Well-Known Member
So my current lows outside are around 30s at lowest and highs around 60/70. I usually cover them up at night tho if it gets down to the low 30s.

They where topped once at about a month old so would have more main colas And then I forced flipped em bout a week or two after that because even tho I had the room I didn't want it to grow too tall and wanted to start flowering before got too cold seeing as It's was a seedling in beg. of July.
How many weeks into flower are you?