Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Happy Sunday, brethren. May the lord find you well this morning, and hopefully not playing with your junk because that makes him cry. Here's a gorgeous piece played by my teacher, Jason Vieaux. Titled Asturias, it is technically explosive, unmistakably Spanish, and hauntingly beautiful. Enjoy...

Your baby poop on you yet?. My daughter caught me with a 5' squirt the very first time we had to do diapers at home...
I'm more wired to be maternal than my wife, so this was mostly my job.

5 feet is really impressive, going for distance record hahahaha.

I've just been sharted on a few times while changing my youngest, no projectile shits. I don't stand at the end of the changing table anymore lol

My oldest said she wasn't feeling well when she was 5, so I picked her up and she threw up ALL over me AND shit her pants at the same time, poor baby. That's the worst that's happened to me so far.

Kids are great
Recently we went to a 19th Bday lunch for my grandson.

In our fam it is customary for the Bday boy/girl to choose any restaurant they would like to go to.
He chose a cuban restaurant.

We had never been there so did not know what to expect. It was a small place. I did not count the tables but I guess there were 10 4 tops and saw 2 small round tables.

Our group of usual suspects took up the 5 tables in the back.

We arrived on time and were the first to enter. Told the woman at the register we were there for a Bday party and she pointed to the back section. A few min later momma comes in with Bday balloons and asked if we had seen the Bday boy. "No we were the first here". Momma says "well he did not come home last night". OH my, this was starting with a bang.:roll: One thing you can count on in our fam is that there will always be "a turd in the punch bowl".

After about 45 min of guests filtering in, the Bday boy showed up. Kisses and hugs went all around as normal and now it's time to order.

"I think you need to order at the register". 15 fuckers sitting around and who knows how many tickets that would entail, this was not going to be easy. I still don't know what normal service is there but after a few min of momma trying to organize, I have left out 20 min of fuckery here, someone came to take our orders.

It didn't take long to understand that the only person that was going to speak english to us was the manager. Drink orders first, a word of advice DON'T order outside of the drink menu as it's not worth the headache to explain. After the drinks were served, which were not the drinks we ordered, meal orders were taken. A reasonable time passes and the different orders started coming out. 1st orders taken came out last.:???:

During the melee an additional guest arrived. "K" is a jovial, brutally honest, no filter kind of woman whom I've know more than 20 years. K is an alcoholic and never passes up a chance to party or drown her sorrows. In true form K was half lit and ordering more as soon as she sat down.

Lunch was served. When you don't know what to order usualy the beef is a decent choice.
Vaca Frita

The taste was not horrible but it made me think my plate was full of beef jerky.

The side of beans and rice was as dry as a popcorn fart and the yuca, which I had no prior experience with, looked like a dish of goo and had no taste to speak of.

I had only taken 1 bite when K decided to sample everyone else's entree. After forking my frita she says "Can I have a taste" I was instantly incensed and a flash of unreasonable responses flowed through my mind. In mid rape of my meal K asked "you don't mind do you?" Aside from the rage I was feeling I chose to be calm and honest and told her "actually I do". Not missing a beat she gobbled the fork full she had pilfered and moved on to other unsuspecting dupes. K had never portrayed this behavior before and I am now considering NOT being around her when food is involved. Asking for a taste of my drink is not so bad. Ask for a taste of my meal and I will say NO!. That's why there is a menu. Order what you want and I'll order what I want.

After eating a icecream cake was served, I omit the fuckery of this ordeal to spare you, the reader, the agony of how simply serving a icecream cake can be so agonisingly painful.

Once the Bday folies were over it was time to settle the bill. No ticket was presented. Now it is time to go stand in line at the register to pay and you have to recite what it is you ordered.:finger: Too bad it was not pay for what was enjoyed.:???:

We did pay for what we ordered.

But wait the fuckery does not end there.

"where are the keys to the car" "I don't know you drove" "Go inside and see if they are on the table"
"NO" ask son to go back to find keys. Younger grandson asks "where is my dad" "OH here they are"
"Go in and tell your dad I found the keys" They were in her purse all along.

What a cluster fuck.
Recently we went to a 19th Bday lunch for my grandson.

In our fam it is customary for the Bday boy/girl to choose any restaurant they would like to go to.
He chose a cuban restaurant.

We had never been there so did not know what to expect. It was a small place. I did not count the tables but I guess there were 10 4 tops and saw 2 small round tables.

Our group of usual suspects took up the 5 tables in the back.

We arrived on time and were the first to enter. Told the woman at the register we were there for a Bday party and she pointed to the back section. A few min later momma comes in with Bday balloons and asked if we had seen the Bday boy. "No we were the first here". Momma says "well he did not come home last night". OH my, this was starting with a bang.:roll: One thing you can count on in our fam is that there will always be "a turd in the punch bowl".

After about 45 min of guests filtering in, the Bday boy showed up. Kisses and hugs went all around as normal and now it's time to order.

"I think you need to order at the register". 15 fuckers sitting around and who knows how many tickets that would entail, this was not going to be easy. I still don't know what normal service is there but after a few min of momma trying to organize, I have left out 20 min of fuckery here, someone came to take our orders.

It didn't take long to understand that the only person that was going to speak english to us was the manager. Drink orders first, a word of advice DON'T order outside of the drink menu as it's not worth the headache to explain. After the drinks were served, which were not the drinks we ordered, meal orders were taken. A reasonable time passes and the different orders started coming out. 1st orders taken came out last.:???:

During the melee an additional guest arrived. "K" is a jovial, brutally honest, no filter kind of woman whom I've know more than 20 years. K is an alcoholic and never passes up a chance to party or drown her sorrows. In true form K was half lit and ordering more as soon as she sat down.

Lunch was served. When you don't know what to order usualy the beef is a decent choice.
Vaca Frita

The taste was not horrible but it made me think my plate was full of beef jerky.

The side of beans and rice was as dry as a popcorn fart and the yuca, which I had no prior experience with, looked like a dish of goo and had no taste to speak of.

I had only taken 1 bite when K decided to sample everyone else's entree. After forking my frita she says "Can I have a taste" I was instantly incensed and a flash of unreasonable responses flowed through my mind. In mid rape of my meal K asked "you don't mind do you?" Aside from the rage I was feeling I chose to be calm and honest and told her "actually I do". Not missing a beat she gobbled the fork full she had pilfered and moved on to other unsuspecting dupes. K had never portrayed this behavior before and I am now considering NOT being around her when food is involved. Asking for a taste of my drink is not so bad. Ask for a taste of my meal and I will say NO!. That's why there is a menu. Order what you want and I'll order what I want.

After eating a icecream cake was served, I omit the fuckery of this ordeal to spare you, the reader, the agony of how simply serving a icecream cake can be so agonisingly painful.

Once the Bday folies were over it was time to settle the bill. No ticket was presented. Now it is time to go stand in line at the register to pay and you have to recite what it is you ordered.:finger: Too bad it was not pay for what was enjoyed.:???:

We did pay for what we ordered.

But wait the fuckery does not end there.

"where are the keys to the car" "I don't know you drove" "Go inside and see if they are on the table"
"NO" ask son to go back to find keys. Younger grandson asks "where is my dad" "OH here they are"
"Go in and tell your dad I found the keys" They were in her purse all along.

What a cluster fuck.

So dysfunctional. So amusing! I'm the same way with my food...

Panic over blood-sucking vampires causes riots in Moz

Maputo – The town of Gile, in the central Mozambican province of Zambezia, has fallen into “utter chaos”, the local police admit, because of severe rioting caused by rumours that vampires are active in the area and are conniving with government officials to drink the townspeople’s blood.

Rioting in the town was so serious that the Gile district administrator has been forced to flee. The Zambezia provincial governor, Abdul Razak, confirmed on Thursday morning that the administrator has taken refuge in the neighbouring district of Alto Molocue.

According to the Zambezia electronic newspaper “Txopela”, the rumours of vampires have been circulating for the past three months. The disturbances seem to have begun last week when a mob attacked the home of a businessman in the locality of Muiane, accused of being a vampire. The crowd looted the shop, then vandalised the homes of the head of the Muiane administrative post and of the local secretary of the ruling Frelimo Party.

The spokesperson for the provincial police command, Miguel Caetano, told reporters at a press briefing in the provincial capital, Quelimane, on Monday that five people had been arrested in Muiane for spreading the rumours about vampires and inciting disorder. The police also recovered five motor-cycles, several computers and other electrical equipment stolen in the Muiane rioting.

Caetano urged the public not to fall into the traps set by individuals who, under cover of night, spread the rumour that vampires are after their blood. He said those who spread the rumour did so in order to frighten people, and steal their property.

Despite this plea, on Wednesday much more serious rioting broke out in Gile town, where a crowd wrecked the district government offices and attacked officials who are supposedly collaborating with the vampires.

Not only the administrator but lower level officials, accused of hiding the true identities of the vampires, have fled from their offices and homes and taken shelter in the bush.

Caetano called another press conference in Quelimane and admitted that the situation in Gile was “utter chaos”. He said the police are trying to restore order, and urged calm.

The vampire rumour may have reached Zambezia from neighbouring Malawi, where mobs killed five people suspected of being vampires earlier this month, leading the Malawian government to impose a nighttime curfew in the south of the country.

