Over crowding and uneven canopy.


Its my first grow and I grew 2 strains. I transplanted them from the propogator a little too early "didn't have enough roots showing outside of starter cube" and the stronger plants took off before the others. I tried to compensate using LST and some FIMming TO achieve a stadium effect. Is this going to cause any problems in the future and is there anything you guys would reccomend. Sorry if I'm being a hypochondriac about it lol.



Well-Known Member
Were re
Its my first grow and I grew 2 strains. I transplanted them from the propogator a little too early "didn't have enough roots showing outside of starter cube" and the stronger plants took off before the others. I tried to compensate using LST and some FIMming TO achieve a stadium effect. Is this going to cause any problems in the future and is there anything you guys would reccomend. Sorry if I'm being a hypochondriac about it lol.
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Well-Known Member
A bit too many plants so close together, how long was you planing veging for and what is that net thing going to do as the gaps are way to big to scrog those crammed plants.


Sorry for the bad ettiqutte " the blurple pictures" this is my first forum I've joined so I need to review the rules. The trellis net was just a horrible attempt at a scrog. With this being my first grow I was just going to wait till they were like 12 to 16" to start flowering and wasn't sure how long that would take. Definately won't put this many plants in such a small space next time. I will be making a much more effective "and actual" scrog now lol.


Well-Known Member
With this being my first grow I was just going to wait till they were like 12 to 16" to start flowering and wasn't sure how long that would take. .
If it were me then I would scrap that net thing you have, go on ebay and buy a scrog net to the specific size for your tent and 12/12 soon, what is that tent size, its hard to tell in that photo, looks like 12 plants in a very small space, you are looking at some real stressed pissed plants for sure dude if that's the case. your call.


The trellis netting is trash. I'm making one with chicken wire and a wood frame so it's adjustable. My mistake was trying to use all the openings like stupid rookie and not growing 3 to 4 plants. Its half of a 4x8x7 tent "so 4x4 effectively". Im looking at an 8 bucket RDWC system and 2 more 1200 watt light panels so I can fill that tent up next time around.