Trump Hannity ACA NFL Tax Cuts


Well-Known Member
There's been a fair amount of news since yesterday and I'm not seeing much discussion.

Today I listened to Trumps interview with Hannity last night.

GDP growth, employment, and the market sound like their improving.

The proposed tax cuts sound like we'll keep more money in our pockets. I like the idea of smaller government anyway.

On its face being able to buy only the health insurance needed and across state lines sound like an improvement.

The NFL's still a boondoggle. No resolution.
The proposed tax cuts sound like we'll keep more money in our pockets.

you don't have a $6 million estate, cancerbag.

On its face being able to buy only the health insurance needed and across state lines sound like an improvement.

you'd be dead from cancer right now if you bought one of those junk plans idiot.

so in balance, there would be a positive to it.
There's been a fair amount of news since yesterday and I'm not seeing much discussion.

Today I listened to Trumps interview with Hannity last night.

GDP growth, employment, and the market sound like their improving.

The proposed tax cuts sound like we'll keep more money in our pockets. I like the idea of smaller government anyway.

On its face being able to buy only the health insurance needed and across state lines sound like an improvement.

The NFL's still a boondoggle. No resolution.

hey spaghetti noodle,

now how about we talk about the racist sexual assaulter who touted the blatantly false racist birtherism conspiracy theory for years and years and years and years wanting to "pull licenses" for networks because of "fake news"?

is irony dead nowadays or are you piece of shit useless nazis just this shameless?
There's been a fair amount of news since yesterday and I'm not seeing much discussion.

Today I listened to Trumps interview with Hannity last night.

GDP growth, employment, and the market sound like their improving.

The proposed tax cuts sound like we'll keep more money in our pockets. I like the idea of smaller government anyway.

On its face being able to buy only the health insurance needed and across state lines sound like an improvement.

The NFL's still a boondoggle. No resolution.
Because those two always speak the truth..... You moron
Because those two always speak the truth..... You moron

spaghetti noodle thinks what weinstein did was horrible, and voted for a guy who has settled multiple rape cases, talked on tape about how he grabs women by the pussy, called himself a sexual predator, and watches him get intervierwed by a guy on fox news which was run by roger ailes of $20 million payout for sexual assault fame, and who is trying to bring back bill "i masturbate on the phone with my female colleagues" o'reilly.

oh, and also this:

spaghetti noodle thinks what weinstein did was horrible, and voted for a guy who has settled multiple rape cases, talked on tape about how he grabs women by the pussy, called himself a sexual predator, and watches him get intervierwed by a guy on fox news which was run by roger ailes of $20 million payout for sexual assault fame, and who is trying to bring back bill "i masturbate on the phone with my female colleagues" o'reilly.

oh, and also this:

There's just too much hypocrisy anymore to even keep track of. These idiots know they are on the wrong side of history but don't want to admit it
I've been reading more about the proposed tax cuts and found this interesting.

Current law allows taxpayers to deduct certain state and local tax payments from their income for federal tax purposes. As a result, states and local entities can raise taxes without raising the net tax bill of local taxpayers. This not only encourages high taxes and high spending at the state level, it allows high tax states to capture revenue that would otherwise have gone to the federal government. In effect, high tax states get to export a portion of their tax burden to the rest of the nation.

Eliminating the state and local deduction would be a huge boon to the federal government, potentially reducing future budget deficits. The Tax Policy Center has estimated that it would increase federal revenue by $1.3 trillion over 10 years.
I've been reading more about the proposed tax cuts and found this interesting.

Current law allows taxpayers to deduct certain state and local tax payments from their income for federal tax purposes. As a result, states and local entities can raise taxes without raising the net tax bill of local taxpayers. This not only encourages high taxes and high spending at the state level, it allows high tax states to capture revenue that would otherwise have gone to the federal government. In effect, high tax states get to export a portion of their tax burden to the rest of the nation.

Eliminating the state and local deduction would be a huge boon to the federal government, potentially reducing future budget deficits. The Tax Policy Center has estimated that it would increase federal revenue by $1.3 trillion over 10 years.

shut the fuck up.
China is not "Our" nation.
With assets controlled by other countries here why wouldn't you want part of their profits to fall into the trough of Federal success?

Do I need a TV more than the Oil in Navy vessels to insure it's safe passage?

Currently the federal tax burden is inequitable. Why should states with no or low tax rates effectively pay more in federal taxes than higher taxed states? They shouldn't. This would rectify that.
90 million unemployed according to Drumpf which is roughly 27% of the US population
that metric is only true when obama is president and dotard the fucking moron is running for office. dotard claimed unemployment was as high as 42% on the campaign trail but as soon as he got into office claimed it was only 4% or so and tried to take credit for obama's number.

only a real racist lowlife piece of shit would vote for someone so sleazy and dishionest like that. it would take a real ball of shit like spaghetti noodle to endorse that kind of fucktardedness.
There's been a fair amount of news since yesterday and I'm not seeing much discussion.

Today I listened to Trumps interview with Hannity last night.

GDP growth, employment, and the market sound like their improving.

The proposed tax cuts sound like we'll keep more money in our pockets. I like the idea of smaller government anyway.

On its face being able to buy only the health insurance needed and across state lines sound like an improvement.

The NFL's still a boondoggle. No resolution.
Did you see he thought the $5tril stock market improvements that happened because of our previous President had paid back one quarter of the national debt?

He hasn't a fucking clue man.
Did you see he thought the $5tril stock market improvements that happened because of our previous President had paid back one quarter of the national debt?

He hasn't a fucking clue man.
he's being drugged out the gills now. having trouble pronouncing words, remembering where he is, he makes no sense when he talks about anything. reports on his behavior are troubling to say the least: erratic, "unraveling", emotiional all the time, keeps repeating himself over and over and over and over again in conversations. the drugs will only hide the obvious dementia for so long.

it's gonna get ugly.