Its your lighting mainly. Brighr white diffused or indirect light.
Well, I'm not sure exactly. IIRC, those two were taken with the on camera flash only. I usually take pics under the HPS because it provides plenty of light whereas other methods I've tried just don't have enough light, and using the flash in the dark is hard for me, I am no photographer at all.
My blue filter hasn't arrived yet and I usually manually white balance. Last bunch of pics I tried under the HPS I couldn't remember how to adjust my f stop and playing with everything else to get the exposure right and not bleached out with the overpowering lights, I couldn't get enough of the bud in focus. I brain fart a lot when I have that damn camera in my hand, and it's actually very easy to change all those things in manual mode, f stop, ISO, and shutter speed. I even put it in manual focus the time before these last pics and I had the f stop all fucked up and could only focus on a very small plane of the buds and it just didn't come out right.
The day after that round my camera wouldn't focus at all, even in auto focus mode, and I reset it to factory settings. It was set to save multiple versions of each pic including RAW and now it just saves the one and the damn menu is confusing. It's gonna take me a few days to get some settings back where I want them now.
These last two are the same pic just cropped differently and all were taken under the 1k HPS, I can't remember which were auto focus and which were manual, but I think the ones with a very narrow depth of field were manual focus, I was trying my macro lens adapters on the more close up shots where the f stop adjustment just didn't happen for me correctly. the hard thing is getting everything set right under such a bright light.