A notable week in politics

A notable week in politics.
Trump submitted a 70-point immigration enforcement plan to Congress last Sunday.
The EPA announced the proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
CSR subsidies to insurance companies are being stopped. Trump also signed an EO allowing association health plans and short term health plans.
The Iran nuclear deal has been decertified.
The US withdrew from UNESCO.

News from tweets and left pundits portrayed chaos and disarray within the administration when actually many significant policy changes were occurring. With Weinstein and the NFL there was plenty enough to focus on already. Seems Trumps got his sea legs and is taking action regardless of how he's portrayed in the news. That's rather "honey badger" of him. I'll be curious to see any negotiations that may unfold on these issues now that he's thrown the gauntlet down so to speak.


Who needs left pundits?

1. Trump submitted a 70-point immigration enforcement plan to Congress last Sunday.
“It is the job of Congress, not the president, to make legal reforms to our immigration policies,” said Rep. Stevan Pearce, a Republican whose district covers the southern half of New Mexico.

2. The EPA announced the proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan
Alex, I'll take "things that are not happening for $800." said Carlos Curbelo, Republican Congressman from Florida

3. CSR subsidies to insurance companies are being stopped. Trump also signed an EO allowing association health plans and short term health plans.
Rep. Charlie Dent, chair of the moderate Tuesday Group caucus, told CNN that he was concerned by the administration's decision.

"I am fearful now that the president made this announcement that will destabilize the insurance markets, it will raise premiums for a lot of folks," Dent said, saying that Republicans will likely "own this" going forward.

Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida also tweeted her opposition to the decision.

"Cutting health care subsidies will mean more uninsured in my district," she tweeted. "@potus promised more access, affordable coverage. This does opposite."

4. The Iran nuclear deal has been decertified. Rex Tillerson is trying to save the fucking thing. Is he a left pundit now?

5. The US withdrew from UNESCO. UNESCO Just the Beginning': China Set to Take US's Place in Int'l Organizations Russians surely aren't left pundits, right?
No really, if you're just gonna lie in an attempt to bolster your position.

I've never once commented or posted about

Btw presidents get to pardon any dipshits and criminals they want. Check out 44's pardons for some insight.

so now a nazi is gonna try to tell me he didn't celebrate the arpaio pardon. this just gets better and better.

hey nazi cancer, we both have 'america first' sigs now! do you approve?
Me either, but Iranians are not Jihadists

like that nazi fuck bothers to differentiate between anyone with brown skin or muslim religion.

he literally voted for a guy who promised to ban all muslims then called me racist when i jokingly said to ban all whites. and he cries if you call him a racist.

he is literally that fucking hypocritical and stupid.

Neither are the IRGC "nice boys"!

Trump will focus on denying funding for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), but not go so far as to label them a terrorist organization, according to Tillerson.

Trump will direct the Treasury Department "to undertake under his executive orders additional actions for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's support of terrorist activity in the region."
so now a nazi is gonna try to tell me he didn't celebrate the arpaio pardon. this just gets better and better.

hey nazi cancer, we both have 'america first' sigs now! do you approve?

RIU has a beautiful search feature you're aware of.

Your claim is a lie.

Defend your lie.
Trump will focus on denying funding for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), but not go so far as to label them a terrorist organization


trump had his whore daughter and drunken dipshit son launder money for the iranian revolutionary guard you fucking retard.

trump does business with those fucking terrorists.

Screenshot 2017-10-14 at 3.27.33 PM.png
Your claim is a lie.

no it isn't.

it's another one of these things which you will impotently (LOL) deny.

we all know an immigrant-hating nazi like you cried with joy for the arpaio pardon, just like we all know that cancer-recidivist nazis sit around home collecting disability checks and draining the medicare system to keep your miserable existence going.

if you honestly claim that you objected to the arpaio pardon then i will slap my dog.
no it isn't.

it's another one of these things which you will impotently (LOL) deny.

we all know an immigrant-hating nazi like you cried with joy for the arpaio pardon, just like we all know that cancer-recidivist nazis sit around home collecting disability checks and draining the medicare system to keep your miserable existence going.

if you honestly claim that you objected to the arpaio pardon then i will slap my dog.

So again you got nothing except to back up lies with lies. You're consistent I'll give you that.
Okay for you, just this one time. I spoke those words to my warm wood stove and it belched fire. Happy?

the fact that you can't even pretend to object to the arpaio pardon tells me i was completely right.

you don't give a shit about subverting the constitution you nazi retard.
Neither are the IRGC "nice boys"!

Trump will focus on denying funding for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), but not go so far as to label them a terrorist organization, according to Tillerson.

Trump will direct the Treasury Department "to undertake under his executive orders additional actions for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's support of terrorist activity in the region."
What's not nice about the IRG? Is it because they don't kiss Zionist Israel or Saudi Arabia's ass,and they scare the shit out of them?
The US has been fucking with Iran since 1953, and it's no wonder they hate our guts.
The US is the largest terrorist organization in the Middle East.
Just ask anyone that lives there.
the fact that you can't even pretend to object to the arpaio pardon tells me i was completely right.

you don't give a shit about subverting the constitution you nazi retard.
the fact that you can't even pretend to object to the arpaio pardon tells me i was completely right.

you don't give a shit about subverting the constitution you nazi retard.

Using your thoughts to back up your lies isn't very convincing. Just saying.

You know sometimes a chord gets struck and and encourages me to dig deeper like DJT's Baku hotel. Some gems even spur me to contact my reps. Think about that.

Someone commented about you saying you can add to discussions positively when you choose too. Try it more.
What's not nice about the IRG? Is it because they don't kiss Zionist Israel or Saudi Arabia's ass,and they scare the shit out of them?
The US has been fucking with Iran since 1953, and it's no wonder they hate our guts.
The US is the largest terrorist organization in the Middle East.
Just ask anyone that lives there.

Long ago I actually went to a military school with a couple Iranians. Alliances change like the wind in politics.

I agree about your statement of the US in the Middle East. Maybe we'll stop trying to police the world someday and mind our own business.
I never even followed the arpaio events. I knew from news blurbs it was controversial. Can't really speak to it. Not even interested enough to research what it was about.

it's not a lie. you can't even pretend to object to the arpaio pardon you racist nazi fuck.

you think everyone is as dumb as you are but that's only because you;re so fucking dumb.
Okay you got me. Maybe we'll do it just this one time say for, how about the commerce clause, that'd be a good one!

Hmmm... o_O Interesting choice. What in particular would you like to do to it, besides pooch it and have it make you sandwich (from another State) after?