Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

castings are used to give living microorganisms to your soil not necessarily nutrients. I don't know that soil testing would do much.

If you feed your worms amendments, grains, and veggie scraps. They will be full of readily available nutrients. Most commercial castings, worms are only fed cardboard and the castings have low nutrient value if any. Thats partly why with no till if you use quality castings you don't need to reamend every round.
im guessing it would be better composting amendments then but im not able 2 get all the amendments i dont wanna fuck around with ratios n shit id rather just get a good soil and have a good castings
each ti his own man! I give my worms my left over veggies and coffee grounds sometimes finely ground eggs shells. I leave the amendments to the soil mixing and let it sit with all those good microbes for a month or so mmmm plants love! (-:
my goels is to make it easy as possable im thinking iv i need a bit of npk i can top dress somthing or make tea sort of thing but im wanting to put somthing with a bit lf npk like food scraps but here and there i wanna add minarols i dont wanna fuck arohnd like subcools soil recipe type shit i just wanna add castings n thats i have a vermi hut i started with i think 500 or a thousend last year im gunna be ordering more i think thru summer and a winter killed a few of the coco im using is hygen brand coco its allready hydrated its cal mag buffered dont really wanna mess around im happy to blent shit and then freeze it then chuck it in for npk i can use bio canna im more worried about the trace elements nd basicly everything else other then npk be a bit quicker to blend up amend ments freez em en add em versus composting em
each ti his own man! I give my worms my left over veggies and coffee grounds sometimes finely ground eggs shells. I leave the amendments to the soil mixing and let it sit with all those good microbes for a month or so mmmm plants love! (-:
i dont have the mony 2 buy all the amendments ill be atmost ill be juts getting a bag kf canna terra and mixing in some castings i dont have the funds or the energy tk fuck around with all that stuff shit if i could plant o e lut the back it be no worries at all lol
each ti his own man! I give my worms my left over veggies and coffee grounds sometimes finely ground eggs shells. I leave the amendments to the soil mixing and let it sit with all those good microbes for a month or so mmmm plants love! (-:
i bought recently a kit thats got the amendments all readdy just gotta add the castings airation and coco been sitting in the tumbler for months got all sorets of mites and shit in it
so id rather just bet a decent soil and put it with some castings im mostly growing autos
think im gunna test both soil and castings one day when i got money like PLIus one iv youre adding amendments to the worms i think im gunna buy some shell grit people saed it was quick breakdown and good source of calcium whiths is what i wand some grot to help em break down food and some cal to help em start breeding and some kelp meal
You're wasting your time with shell grit, it's entirely too large to be of ANY use in a worm bin. Same as crunched up eggshells. I've tried both and both were still chunks years later, not broken down in the least.

Google *mesh size* + lime for a better explanation. In short, for minerals, rock dust, lime, oyster shell flour (NOT "flower"), and stuff of that nature needs to be the consistancy of flour to actually become available.

What DOE'S work and works well is chicken laying mash/crumbles. It has the calcium, ground small enough to actually become available and worms flat out love it. Best of all, it's as cheap as "chicken feed", ~$15 for a 50lb bag. Guess that would translate to roughly $20AU/22kg bag.

Just, NEVER bury it (it will sour). Sprinkle lightly on the surface, mist lightly and it will be gone in a few days time, then feed again. The worms get fat and the population explodes, a real win-win.
if i can get that online cool iv got dolomight lime witch is pretty witch id say is micronozed or flour its pretty dusty i dont se why i cand bled the fuck outt of some egg shels i did it before along with some rock melon theres no sign of any of it now but i really apreciate the advice man ill only be adding things that have been micronised
do u guys think id be see any benifit sprinkling abit of volcanic rock dusts in the vermi hut versus just spinklung some directly in the garden
LOL, we do need to up our game. :0)

...and a reasonable response. Better descriptions make it much
easier to give help, if needed.

Carry on!
do u guys think id be see any benifit sprinkling abit of volcanic rock dusts in the vermi hut versus just spinklung some directly in the garden
I've been adding non-clumping kitty litter to my scraps to absorb some moisture & it seems to be working well.
All natural "Special Kitty" from wal-mart.
I've also used it in my soil mixes & plants love it.