Progressives protest Diane Feinstein; 'support single payer or retire'


Afraid of losing another primary? Put up or shut up. If you can't win the primary you don't get to run in the general as a Democratic nominee for the Senate. If foregoing legal contributions is such a winning strategy, then show us by taking out Feinstein.

They can't take her out in a primary so they just say "we hate you, retire". Weak, weak, weak. Chickens, meet the spit.

By the way, did you know that Feinstein supported Bernie's bill to repeal Citizen's United ruling? Republicans are the reason large campaign donations are still legal. They are fighting the wrong fight, but by all means, run an underfunded campaign against a well funded one and show us how much of a winning strategy it is. I'm not saying they shouldn't, I just think they are going to get pasted.
Fauxgressives, wake the fuck up, or start your own party.
@Padawanbater2 says his justice democrats know how to win so taking out feinstein should be super easy since they know how to win and all and establishment democrats do not know how to win.
Exactly. "we know how to win". Translation: "We can't beat you, so retire." LOL

Not one of them for the past month or two Ive been asking can tell me why the Justice Democrats registered as a superPAC specifically to accept unlimited Corporate Donations.
You're all suffering from the very same neurotic behavior; doing the same thing over and over- in this case blindly supporting the Democratic Party- while expecting different results.

How many more than 1000 seats do you need to lose? How many more Fortune 50 donations will you believe are given without strings? How many more Democratic votes to increase the military budget without any debate will it take?

You've managed to back yourselves into a corner. You're as indoctrinated as the average right winger, the only difference is that you've done it to yourselves even in the face of the evidence to the contrary.

We'll see who's right. If we live long enough.
You're all suffering from the very same neurotic behavior; doing the same thing over and over- in this case blindly supporting the Democratic Party- while expecting different results.

How many more than 1000 seats do you need to lose? How many more Fortune 50 donations will you believe are given without strings? How many more Democratic votes to increase the military budget without any debate will it take?

You've managed to back yourselves into a corner. You're as indoctrinated as the average right winger, the only difference is that you've done it to yourselves even in the face of the evidence to the contrary.

We'll see who's right. If we live long enough.

Why are they demanding that Feinstein resign? Why don't they just primary her? Sanders is the most popular politician in the history of the planet, his followers are the chosen ones. Everybody else is wrong, so there is no need to listen to all of those neurotic people. Just pick an anointed one who lives in CA and be done with Feinstein already. I'll even send a nickel to fund their campaign. That should just about do it don't you think?

Why are they demanding that Feinstein resign? Why don't they just primary her? Sanders is the most popular politician in the history of the planet, his followers are the chosen ones. Everybody else is wrong, so there is no need to listen to all of those neurotic people. Just pick an anointed one who lives in CA and be done with Feinstein already. I'll even send a nickel to fund their campaign. That should just about do it don't you think?
She's the one who said she wants to see single payer health Care and understands that her constituency wants it- but then out of the other side of her mouth comes up with a pile of excuses about how it isn't feasible.

Maybe those protesters prefer their politicians to be a bit less two-faced?
She's the one who said she wants to see single payer health Care and understands that her constituency wants it- but then out of the other side of her mouth comes up with a pile of excuses about how it isn't feasible.

Maybe those protesters prefer their politicians to be a bit less two-faced?
Maybe she's right about Bernie's plan not being worth the paper it is printed on?

Feinstein is California's elected Senator. They didn't put her there to follow Sanders, they put her there to represent California's interests as best she can. You may disagree with her but your claim that she's bought is garbage. She is following what she sees as California's best interests. That she's not afraid to rankle a sizable minority group in the Democratic Party tells me that she has a backbone and willing to stand and fight.

The demand is "support Bernie's plan or resign". It's embarrassing to see progressives behave as callow fools. I realize this is what Sanders' supporters are but still, they talk as if they represent the Democratic party in California. Clearly they don't. The Democratic voters in California should decide this in the primary. Instead Sanders supporters are demanding she resign. The reason? I'm guessing they know they can't win in a primary.

So, Sanders supporters, show your power already. Put up or shut up. Don't fecklessly demand Feinstein resign, replace her. I don't think you can. I think you'll cry about rigged when it's all over too.
You're all suffering from the very same neurotic behavior; doing the same thing over and over- in this case blindly supporting the Democratic Party- while expecting different results.

How many more than 1000 seats do you need to lose? How many more Fortune 50 donations will you believe are given without strings? How many more Democratic votes to increase the military budget without any debate will it take?

You've managed to back yourselves into a corner. You're as indoctrinated as the average right winger, the only difference is that you've done it to yourselves even in the face of the evidence to the contrary.

We'll see who's right. If we live long enough.
Still using Fox News talking points?

I simply put forward a question I've asked about 50 times and not one of you snowflake cucks will answer.
She's the one who said she wants to see single payer health Care and understands that her constituency wants it- but then out of the other side of her mouth comes up with a pile of excuses about how it isn't feasible.

Maybe those protesters prefer their politicians to be a bit less two-faced?
Hillary Clinton pushed for single payer back in the 90s. We probably would be talking about getting single payer now if she had been elected.

But she lost the election by a very very slim margin.

You know the election you berniebuttfucks sabotaged in order to get Trump elected.
Hillary Clinton pushed for single payer back in the 90s. We probably would be talking about getting single payer now if she had been elected.

But she lost the election by a very very slim margin.

You know the election you berniebuttfucks sabotaged in order to get Trump elected.
Coulda woulda shoulda

You sure cry a lot.

Maybe if she was worth a fuck as a candidate she wouldn't have lost to the least popular presidential candidate of all time?!
if she was worth a fuck as a candidate

she murdered bernie without taking off the kid's gloves and then got the most votes of all time for any white candidate ever.

she has never received less votes than her opponent any time she has run for office, ever.
Maybe she's right about Bernie's plan not being worth the paper it is printed on?

Feinstein is California's elected Senator. They didn't put her there to follow Sanders, they put her there to represent California's interests as best she can. You may disagree with her but your claim that she's bought is garbage. She is following what she sees as California's best interests. That she's not afraid to rankle a sizable minority group in the Democratic Party tells me that she has a backbone and willing to stand and fight.

The demand is "support Bernie's plan or resign". It's embarrassing to see progressives behave as callow fools. I realize this is what Sanders' supporters are but still, they talk as if they represent the Democratic party in California. Clearly they don't. The Democratic voters in California should decide this in the primary. Instead Sanders supporters are demanding she resign. The reason? I'm guessing they know they can't win in a primary.

So, Sanders supporters, show your power already. Put up or shut up. Don't fecklessly demand Feinstein resign, replace her. I don't think you can. I think you'll cry about rigged when it's all over too.

why do you hate jewish men so much?