Michael Huntherz
Well-Known Member
You are one of the people on this site. I prefer abrasive people to liberal tone-police. Especially white guys who presume to tell me what I should be mad about and why. Is that why you addressed me? Is that why I have alerts from you?
Do you need fucking attention? What are you doing here sweetheart? It's politics and look who is president. Did you expect everyone to be fucking cheerful and to treat you like a hotel guest?
Get the fuck out of here.
The fact did not escape me that I was one of the people on this site. Thanks for that, Mr. Obvious.
I was initially pointing out an apparent non-sequitir on your part. I was not being the tone police. There is a difference between a cogent conversation and what usually happens on RIU.
I am just as pissed off as you are, about the madness overtaking our country. You and I agree politically, you have liked about 200 (a lot, anyway) of my posts since I came back to this shithole. I'm not sure why you want to make an enemy of me now.
I was hoping you might opt to use your rational mind. I hate Trump as much as any sane person. There's seriously no reason to be angry at someone who is philosophically your ally. If we shit on the people who agree with us, who will be left to fight the war against bad ideas?
Saying mean shit to people is easy, I'm trying not to do that. The harder, more productive path is to keep your cool, use logic, and speak the truth.
Do not mistake civility for weakness.
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