The Real Reason White People Say...

You are one of the people on this site. I prefer abrasive people to liberal tone-police. Especially white guys who presume to tell me what I should be mad about and why. Is that why you addressed me? Is that why I have alerts from you?

Do you need fucking attention? What are you doing here sweetheart? It's politics and look who is president. Did you expect everyone to be fucking cheerful and to treat you like a hotel guest?

Get the fuck out of here.

The fact did not escape me that I was one of the people on this site. Thanks for that, Mr. Obvious.

I was initially pointing out an apparent non-sequitir on your part. I was not being the tone police. There is a difference between a cogent conversation and what usually happens on RIU.

I am just as pissed off as you are, about the madness overtaking our country. You and I agree politically, you have liked about 200 (a lot, anyway) of my posts since I came back to this shithole. I'm not sure why you want to make an enemy of me now.

I was hoping you might opt to use your rational mind. I hate Trump as much as any sane person. There's seriously no reason to be angry at someone who is philosophically your ally. If we shit on the people who agree with us, who will be left to fight the war against bad ideas?

Saying mean shit to people is easy, I'm trying not to do that. The harder, more productive path is to keep your cool, use logic, and speak the truth.

Do not mistake civility for weakness.
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i have never had to explain repeatedly calling someone a "f****ot" or telling people to fix racism by not talking about it.

No, but you have said (many times) that American soldiers/vets are too stupid to do anything else in life but sign up to be “bullet catchers”....and then use their deaths to score political points against Trump supporters when it fits your narrative.

I would imagine that vets would find it offensive to be called stupid bullet catchers.

he was literally too stupid to be anything but a bullet catcher, so that's what he signed up to do
No, but you have said (many times) that American soldiers/vets are too stupid to do anything else in life but sign up to be “bullet catchers”....and then use their deaths to score political points against Trump supporters when it fits your narrative.

I would imagine that vets would find it offensive to be called stupid bullet catchers.
Your talking points are filled with leading questions false equivalencies. What a cowardly way to attempt to make a point.

Calling soldiers stupid bullet catchers is not the same thing as calling a gay man a fxxxxot. I wouldn't say either myself but the two are not equivalent.
Don't backpedal now. Own it. Own each and everytime and they're are countless posts of yours, wishing cancer recurrence/death, or stating Nazi cancer in your posts to me.

Your have made yourself a pariah with your own vitriol.
youare nazi cancer and i hope you die. we are all sick of paying for your cancer only to have you turn around and pretend like you are subsidizing me you retard lying sack of shit hypocrite limp dick racist.
Your talking points are filled with leading questions false equivalencies. What a cowardly way to attempt to make a point.

Calling soldiers stupid bullet catchers is not the same thing as calling a gay man a fxxxxot. I wouldn't say either myself but the two are not equivalent.

Oh, well, you’re the resident expert on all things that offend people, so I’ll defer to your expertise.

No, but you have said (many times) that American soldiers/vets are too stupid to do anything else in life but sign up to be “bullet catchers”....and then use their deaths to score political points against Trump supporters when it fits your narrative.

I would imagine that vets would find it offensive to be called stupid bullet catchers.
excuse me for knowing the difference between a bulet catcher like @Hemlock (who pussied out on our face to face meeting) and brave heroes like abandon and olive.
The fact did not escape me that I was one of the people on this site. Thanks for that, Mr. Obvious.

I was initially pointing out an apparent non-sequitir on your part. I was not being the tone police. There is a difference between a cogent conversation and what usually happens on RIU.

I am just as pissed off as you are, about the madness overtaking our country. You and I agree politically, you have liked about 200 (a lot, anyway) of my posts since I came back to this shithole. I'm not sure why you want to make an enemy of me now.

I was hoping you might opt to use your rational mind. I hate Trump as much as any sane person. There's seriously no reason to be angry at someone who is philosophically your ally. If we shit on the people who agree with us, who will be left to fight the war against bad ideas?

Saying mean shit to people is easy, I'm trying not to do that. The harder, more productive path is to keep your cool, use logic, and speak the truth.

Do not mistake civility for weakness.

Whine and complain to someone else.
At the first sign of difficulty you abandoned your principles; You are a fucking coward. People who have overcome real challenges don’t fold up like a sheet of cheap paper. You are a chickenshit coward with no meaningful beliefs, and you are posing as a tough guy. Fuck you, bitchboy.

That is not valor, it is weakness. Have some grit, you pansy. Cutting words are easy, and if that's the game you want to play I will dominate you utterly. You claim to promote violent class-war? That's stupid. It is childish and counter-productive, at best. Unethical and criminal, at worst. You are a weakling and a blowhard. You are neither steadfast nor righteous. You are worse than a Trump supporter, you’re a malignant growth inside progressivism, and should be treated accordingly.
You seem upset.

You got all this from my comment about defender of white men, huh.

FYI, I didn't read this love letter, you're not my type.
At the first sign of difficulty you abandoned your principles; You are a fucking coward. People who have overcome real challenges don’t fold up like a sheet of cheap paper. You are a chickenshit coward with no meaningful beliefs, and you are posing as a tough guy. Fuck you, bitchboy.

That is not valor, it is weakness. Have some grit, you pansy. Cutting words are easy, and if that's the game you want to play I will dominate you utterly. You claim to promote violent class-war? That's stupid. It is childish and counter-productive, at best. Unethical and criminal, at worst. You are a weakling and a blowhard. You are neither steadfast nor righteous. You are worse than a Trump supporter, you’re a malignant growth inside progressivism, and should be treated accordingly.
How did this all get started? I'm not that familiar with you but you don't seem to be one of the assholes on this site. Neither is AC.

AC wouldn't call himself a progressive or a liberal, by the way.

I think AC has picked a fight with just about everybody at one time or another, including me. It's more like a getting to know you of social thing.

But I'm not here to get in your way. I'll just grab me some popcorn.
How did this all get started? I'm not that familiar with you but you don't seem to be one of the assholes on this site. Neither is AC.

AC wouldn't call himself a progressive or a liberal, by the way.

I think AC has picked a fight with just about everybody at one time or another, including me. It's more like a getting to know you of social thing.

But I'm not here to get in your way. I'll just grab me some popcorn.
He objected to me calling padaraper "defender of white men" and started writing me love letters. He came to /politics.47 to tone-police antiracist rhetoric.
He objected to me calling padaraper "defender of white men" and started writing me love letters. He came to /politics.47 to tone-police antiracist rhetoric.

I take it then that he's tangled with buck too. Maybe Hunter and pad are both Mossad agents.

Padaraper isn't a defender of all white men, just the ones he agrees with. Pad disagrees with me all the time. I don't know why @Padawanbater2 won't answer my question when I ask if his coworkers agree that they are less productive than he is because they are not white men. It must be a Mossad code thing.
I take it then that he's tangled with buck too. Maybe Hunter and pad are both Mossad agents.

Padaraper isn't a defender of all white men, just the ones he agrees with. Pad disagrees with me all the time. I don't know why @Padawanbater2 won't answer my question when I ask if his coworkers agree that they are less productive than he is because they are not white men. It must be a Mossad code thing.
He is probably working on another masterpiece of a love letter for me.
You are a chickenshit coward with no meaningful beliefs, and you are posing as a tough guy.

That's pretty good, man. You should maybe think about it.:wink:
If I wasn't such a chickenshit coward I would be using /politics.47 as a soapbox to make friends with racists and criticize Hillary Clinton, even though she holds no office.
How did this all get started? I'm not that familiar with you but you don't seem to be one of the assholes on this site. Neither is AC.

AC wouldn't call himself a progressive or a liberal, by the way.

I think AC has picked a fight with just about everybody at one time or another, including me. It's more like a getting to know you of social thing.

But I'm not here to get in your way. I'll just grab me some popcorn.
I just thought he made a non-sequitir, and thought he, previously, seemed smarter than that. Pretty simple. I misapprehended his politics, too, I guess.
Shit happens. bongsmilie Ain’t mad any more.