As someone who’s had somewhat a troubled and violent past, I’ve worked hard since being released from prison to change my life.
In the past I’ve committed unimaginable acts of violence. I’ve allways relived these acts in night terrors, which I attribute to my subconscious trying to make me learn my lesson and contemplate on the bad decisions in my life.
Since being released from prison the dreams have gotten considerably worse, the dreams start off the way they allways did, in first person I’m commiting an act of violence, it’s getting to the climax, I look around for some reason, which never happened in real life, but then when I look back at the victim they’ve changed into someone I love, and it dawns on me I’ve committed this act against a member of my family. At which point I start screaming and wake myself up screaming kicking punching and crying.
Fuck nahs what all this means but it’s troubling me and I needed to tell someone, so I figured why not share it on a platform where I’m already anonymous.
What you think?