Aussie Growers Thread

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
cheers for that. maybe DTW is a bit of a misnomer here but fuck me it seems everyone talking about hempy says its a type of DTW. all good, I'm not hung up on the mechanics - it seems to work OK.

ive been feeding 1/2 strength the whole way in pH'd water and I'm not seeing any signs of ill health so was tossing up whether to even bother with flushing it through. been watering with good runoff to avoid such a problem anyway but if they get angry with me i'll give them a heavier than usual drenching at 1/4 strength
Yeah could just be my understanding of it but to me DTW is drip or drain to waste with hempys Ive always bottom fed so that's the way I look at it as a bottom fed passive system
Haha, yea even what a hempy is has had me and cocoa arguing. LOL

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
just wanna say if anny one of u cunts have weed please when use knok off please have a huge cone for me lol
I may have one this arvo, stopped into the bottle shop on the way home and got a bottle of Sailor Jerry, a carton of Coopers, a can of Gin and tonic for the drive home and a can of some new beer called Iron jack or something which the lovely lass threw into my box and a bottle of coke. So I'm set for the rest of the week.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
shout out to subcool of tga subcool seeds top bloke man raises mony to help out the less fortunate gets toys 2 kids on xmas sounds like a top bloke in my bloke poor cunt among alot of others lost his farm to the fires poor cunt
I have nothing against subcool and I'm not up on all the industry news but sometimes it sounds like his wife is the knowledge and the main grower.

Hopefully they are insured (can they get insurance being fed illegal??). Unfortunately natural disasters and good and bad years is farming. Its a risky long term game.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
fuck it iv got the fire cranking abit early when tje sun goas down im gunna put some charcoel on iit and cook some staik should i chuk tje staek straight on the coal or use the grill im gunna marinade it cooking some bbq staek and some lamb chops any tips or recomendations
Chuck it on the grill when the charcoal is at its hottest..put a tablespoon of honey in your marinade it will help the marinade stick to your steak and not burn off
Pictures bitch

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I may have one this arvo, stopped into the bottle shop on the way home and got a bottle of Sailor Jerry, a carton of Coopers, a can of Gin and tonic for the drive home and a can of some new beer called Iron jack or something which the lovely lass threw into my box and a bottle of coke. So I'm set for the rest of the week.
Didn't like iron jack tasted like cats piss which is say great northern tastes like


Well-Known Member
i reckon you carnt beet staik strait on charcoel. chuck your staik into the flaymes!

just jokes. dont do that. if you marinade it and chuck it on the coals it'll get covered in shit and you won't be able to eat it.

a nice simple barbie marinade: a decent splash of teriyaki sauce, a couple cloves of crushed garlic, a tablespoon or so of olive oil. mix it all together and marinade your stuff in the fridge for an hour or more. chuck it on the grill and then slowly dribble the marinade on it when you're cooking. its best with beef but good with chops and chicken too and is near impossible to fuck up.

I make a fuckin wicked version of the above marinade using blood plums and cinnamon. takes about 3 hours all up to prep and cook but it is off tap.
Fuck thanks for that you just reminded me I haven't had lunch and Ive worn out any energy the scrammbled eggs I had for breakfast had given me. That sounds like a wicked feed


Well-Known Member
I have nothing against subcool and I'm not up on all the industry news but sometimes it sounds like his wife is the knowledge and the main grower.

Hopefully they are insured (can they get insurance being fed illegal??). Unfortunately natural disasters and good and bad years is farming. Its a risky long term game.
Yeah I'm not going to run him down like I may have but fuck the guys up there have been devasted by those fires it's a good warning to all of us how quick fires can change or at worse take our lives or the ones of family and friends. At least one of the guys from Loompa farms has lost everything aswell must be heartbreaking for all involved


Well-Known Member
i started witj petrol and servo kindling iv put servo logs on now that shoulfpd last un till dark iv got that red head matches carcoal

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm not going to run him down like I may have but fuck the guys up there have been devasted by those fires it's a good warning to all of us how quick fires can change or at worse take our lives or the ones of family and friends. At least one of the guys from Loompa farms has lost everything aswell must be heartbreaking for all involved
Yanks have been through a bit of late.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm not going to run him down like I may have but fuck the guys up there have been devasted by those fires it's a good warning to all of us how quick fires can change or at worse take our lives or the ones of family and friends. At least one of the guys from Loompa farms has lost everything aswell must be heartbreaking for all involved
between the huricanes theve had and the fires aome one posted a few weeks back about what thay ahould do poor cunt it was gunna be hes first succesfull harvest get tje fuck outta there u cant geow if youre dead