waterfarm 8 pack grow journal (suggestions?)


Active Member
So I'm starting my grow journal in hopes of getting some good advice. My setup:

ez cloner 30
GH waterfarm 8 pack with controller
Banana OG Kush and Master Kush clones

I'll be getting a 600w HPS light for the area, and will be transferring the clones today(the roots are much bigger today on the clones)

If anyone has any suggestions for plants per bucket I would appreciate it, I'm trying to get maximum yield, so let me know. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
one plants roots fills the whole bucket and the drink alot in this setup i have pretty much the same thing check it out

ps drill out the holes bigger in the buckets trust me and add a air stone to each one if you can


Well-Known Member
oh no you need that one to bring nutes to the top but you can fit another hose down that tube and put a airstone on it and get another air pump maybe a 4 outlit and split it so you have eight once your roots hit the water they take off thats what the airstone helps and the bigger holes helps get the roots down faster....my first time i didnt drill and the roots filled so much the it would not drain through the holes and had some root rott

really nice setup tho your gonna be really happy


Active Member
oh no you need that one to bring nutes to the top but you can fit another hose down that tube and put a airstone on it and get another air pump maybe a 4 outlit and split it so you have eight once your roots hit the water they take off thats what the airstone helps and the bigger holes helps get the roots down faster....my first time i didnt drill and the roots filled so much the it would not drain through the holes and had some root rott

really nice setup tho your gonna be really happy
what kind of yield do you get per bucket with it and what lighting are you using?


Well-Known Member
This is my second time with this setup and the first time i had one bucket and it was a dude so now i have alaskan ice all fem and just sprouted so im right where you are

.....we are in this together..and im along for your ride


Well-Known Member
I build everything my self just because i want to start small get the hang of it and then just add more when ever i want and im short of cash


Well-Known Member
Heres what Im working on. Im waiting for my seedlings to grow a bit more till I move them into the water. Well I have 5 ready but figured I should wait till 3 more seeds are ready so I can start at the same time, if it matters. I didnt get airstones but everyone says its a good idea huh. ? I did drill the holes a lil bigger and added the valves to the containers and res.



Active Member
much thanks for the tips on drilling the holes and the airstones. went and grabbed another air pump and started drilling out the holes and adding extras(my drill battery died so I'm waiting for it to charge, lol).


Active Member
Just finished drilling out the holes in the buckets and adding a few more. Also added an air stone to each bucket. Picked up my 600 watt hps light and put it in there...had to stick it in at an angle kinda because the reflector was a bit too wide for the closet. It's pointing half into a mirror and half direct into the plants. Hope that's ok for them. Going to transplant the clones later tonight and I'll take some pics of the space and my clone and mother room