Please, if you have advice-


New Member

I've ran into a roadblock. No matter what I do it seems I will never get approved for medical cannabis. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. I requested my paperwork (medical files). It has nearly everything that I've been affected with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) Anxiety, Clinical Depression) there was just one thing missing.

PTSD <---

My therapist tells me I have it. She's positive. We spoke about it today during our session (as we do every session now that I think of it) and when I said I was "stuck" with this she explain how it is possible to eventually get past your trauma. Past the PTSD. However on my file it doesn't mention this. Instead it refers to it as 'work through past trauma and abuse in relationships"

Why, oh why does my therapist constantly tell me I'm suffering from DID, Clinical Depression (Hence the antidepressants) Anxiety and PTSD from being abused from my childhood and teen years and sadly because of my own stupidity up until my late 20's. But the PTSD isn't on the paper which means I can't get my license.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help if you do.
take what you have, all of your rx and dont try so hard. Be sure you see a marijuana doctor,
dont bring marijuana/lara paper work with you, your marijuana doctor will prepare those for you,
they will guide you through the process successfully.
your therapist/primary doctors need not know.
What part of the state are you in?

I'm in Saginaw, Michigan. I know the nearest clinics for cannabis are in Bay City, Ann Arbor, and Grand rapids I THINK. I'm willing to drive as far as I need to get my license. I haven't told my primary doctors or therapist anything about cannabis. I just go to therapy and try to get better, being told I have PTSD among other things and yet I just get 'the past abuse and trauma"
I bet your medication makes you nauseous, and nausea is a qualifying condition. now go get some relief already, dont sweat the small stuff, use google to find a close cannabis cert center.
take what you have, all of your rx and dont try so hard. Be sure you see a marijuana doctor,
dont bring marijuana/lara paper work with you, your marijuana doctor will prepare those for you,
they will guide you through the process successfully.
your therapist/primary doctors need not know.

Thank you, I didn't even think of this. I did not tell my therapist or my primary doctors. I spoke to a woman from Denali Health and she told me to NOT mention cannabis at all because the therapist and doctor may be against it- and even some doctors may refuse to treat me (Although that seems extreme! Not treating someone because they smoke cannabis to sleep at night?)

After getting my medical papers today and seeing that everything was correct but... they left out PTSD and replaced it with past abuse and trauma I let out a huge groan of frustration hence me desperately coming to this forum as I hadn't a clue as to what to do next.

It didn't dawn on me that I needed to see a Cannabis Doctor. I don't even know WHY it didn't. I didn't even know there was paperwork to prepare. I'm in Saginaw, MI. If you have any suggestions on what cannabis clinics I should go to please let me know. I just googled it and quite a few pop up. I just can't believe I didn't think of seeing a Marijuana Doctor in the first place! You've given me a lot of hope.

Thank you both for your replies!
I bet your medication makes you nauseous, and nausea is a qualifying condition. now go get some relief already, dont sweat the small stuff, use google to find a close cannabis cert center.

Once again, THANK YOU!

And yes it does. I do NOT like the Abilify. I can't exactly explain to you what it did to me but I just didn't feel right. I felt sick, like it was ripping my brain apart. They also gave me these green pills- I can't remember the name of them, I threw those EVIL bastards somewhere under my bed after I first night I took them. I woke up, body was tensed I didn't sleep well. My children said bye to my as they left for school and I was unable to reply. :\ It was like I was in a coma. >.> My doctor said 'The dose might be a bit to high.' to which I said 'I thought I was in a mini coma and I woke up in pain' to which he said 'we can lower the dose a bit.'

Yeah... tossed it under my sofa in anger. Then there was the Vistaril... That's under my sofa too. I tend to toss things I hate under my sofa and Risperidone... ugh. I'm not schizophrenic! Stop TREATING ME FOR IT! Ok. Ok. Ok.

I'm done ranting.

Thank you all. Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to tomorrow finally. I'm actually looking forward to it. I'll call up my old clinic from the south and have my old records sent as well.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
i'd go here. dont try so hard. remember the cert center want you to be free of any symptoms
that your condition or its treatments cause. relax, hand over your records, just answer his questions
and be legal in an hour.

** be sure to spend the ten bucks and certify mail/return receipt to the state. Dont delay, send in payment immediately, money order or check is fine. Dont be concerned with the "check cashed" date, it doesnt matter. When you walk out of the office you are legal to possess and use marijuana, many places will sell you to you. do not begin to grow until you receive your card. dont call lara and rush them along, they dont like that.
look to GG4, Chemdog, OG Kush, for relief.

If you're able to drive just 35 minutes for a scheduled meeting/delivery, for the very best possible cannabis outcome, I'd consider being your last caregiver. no promises, Ima pot prick with very specific patient qualifiers. hope this helps

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When my

I've ran into a roadblock. No matter what I do it seems I will never get approved for medical cannabis. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. I requested my paperwork (medical files). It has nearly everything that I've been affected with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) Anxiety, Clinical Depression) there was just one thing missing.

PTSD <---

My therapist tells me I have it. She's positive. We spoke about it today during our session (as we do every session now that I think of it) and when I said I was "stuck" with this she explain how it is possible to eventually get past your trauma. Past the PTSD. However on my file it doesn't mention this. Instead it refers to it as 'work through past trauma and abuse in relationships"

Why, oh why does my therapist constantly tell me I'm suffering from DID, Clinical Depression (Hence the antidepressants) Anxiety and PTSD from being abused from my childhood and teen years and sadly because of my own stupidity up until my late 20's. But the PTSD isn't on the paper which means I can't get my license.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help if you do.
when my wife got her card at the cannabis clinic for depression and ptsd the dr looked at what she was getting for scripts on the computer and just having a sleep aid was enough. Stay with India’s for calming relaxing affects
[QUOTE= i'd go here. dont try so hard. remember the cert center want you to be free of any symptoms
that your condition or its treatments cause. relax, hand over your records, just answer his questions
and be legal in an hour.

** be sure to spend the ten bucks and certify mail/return receipt to the state. Dont delay, send in payment immediately, money order or check is fine. Dont be concerned with the "check cashed" date, it doesnt matter. When you walk out of the office you are legal to possess and use marijuana, many places will sell you to you. do not begin to grow until you receive your card. dont call lara and rush them along, they dont like that.
look to GG4, Chemdog, OG Kush, for relief.

If you're able to drive just 35 minutes for a scheduled meeting/delivery, for the very best possible cannabis outcome, I'd consider being your last caregiver. no promises, Ima pot prick with very specific patient qualifiers. hope this helps.

I just called them. I have a appointment on the 3rd of November at that clinic. I'm just so happy. I nearly want to cry with happiness. I was told after explaining some of the things on my paper that I wouldn't have a problem with all the things listed on my paperwork I shouldn't have a problem getting my license even if it doesn't say PTSD!
I've been reading books on how to grow cannabis. Lots and Lots of books. So I think once I get my license I won't have a problem growing them. I think.
The distant is actually way further away though. It's one hour and 32 minutes. Don't care. I'd go if it was five hours.
dont panic at the certification doctor. every dr i've seen who writes mmj recommendations has been very nice, patient, respectful.

I've ran into a roadblock. No matter what I do it seems I will never get approved for medical cannabis. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. I requested my paperwork (medical files). It has nearly everything that I've been affected with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) Anxiety, Clinical Depression) there was just one thing missing.

PTSD <---

My therapist tells me I have it. She's positive. We spoke about it today during our session (as we do every session now that I think of it) and when I said I was "stuck" with this she explain how it is possible to eventually get past your trauma. Past the PTSD. However on my file it doesn't mention this. Instead it refers to it as 'work through past trauma and abuse in relationships"

Why, oh why does my therapist constantly tell me I'm suffering from DID, Clinical Depression (Hence the antidepressants) Anxiety and PTSD from being abused from my childhood and teen years and sadly because of my own stupidity up until my late 20's. But the PTSD isn't on the paper which means I can't get my license.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help if you do.
just look up medical marijuana doctors, for 100 bucks you can basically by your medical marijuana license, just go in there and say your back hurts.