Obama won this one....


New Member
Senator McCain, who has slipped in the polls in the past days, "needed a game-changer tonight, and by any measure he didn't get it,'' said Obama-Biden campaign manager David Plouffe.


Well-Known Member
obama swept the rugg from underneath mccains feet

mccain lost and kept trying to get his word in first,and conan obrien just said that obama is goin to get mccain to loose his temper:fire:


Well-Known Member
the united states of america and all of its inhabitants?

to answer your question dave lol

its amazing, sure obama wants to pull our troops out of iraq, but he just wants to send them into Afghanistan and not back home


one wants to continue the full attack in Iraq

the other wants to, still fight in Iraq, but focus all of our troops back into Afghanistan, then on to Pakistan if they dont wise up

and dont even get either of them started on russia and georgia:wall:


Well-Known Member
id like to see a presidential debate one day, where there is more than just two partys represented

ron paul wouldve kicked both of there asses and had that audiance on its feet


Well-Known Member
i just don't understand what anyone could possibly see in such a battle of wits between two completely unarmed opponents. i started to listen to it on my way home, but soon grew bored of the posing and lies.

i understand the need to find a leader from among the "common man", but why must we start (and usually end) that search among such common morons.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I have been favoring Obama because of his stance on (or at least his word on his stance) on MMJ and patients rights. I have not followed the campaign of either party very closely other than this issue and tried to be open minded tonight. It scared me that Obama publicly called on and advocated the murder of an individual (no matter how evil or deserved). It is WRONG for ANY COUNTRY to take or advocate the taking of a human life. This IMO is not an effective way to convince the world that we as a country are fare and just, that post Bush our world image and diplomatic relationships might improve.

Call for his capture yes, but violate another countries sovereignty to kill an enemy leader? This is something I was brought up to believe we as a country fought to prevent, not advocate or condone let alone carry out!


Active Member
Kinda Agree,

Sad day for America if Obama gets the presidency. Cannabis aside, he is a slick talker compared to Mccain, but not the man we need running this country.

Geeez are these really the best guys we have to run this country????Kinda a sad statement about the US of A...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, to call that a debate is an understatement, though I have to disagree as to who the winner was.

But, I am judging it on more than presentation.

Though did you notice how Obama consistently called McCain anything from Jim, to Tom. His supporters target McCain's age, but one has to wonder if Obama has some kind of premature Alzheimer's Disease.


Well-Known Member
I think it was mostly a tie which would equal a loss for Mccain. I was surprised at how much of what Mccain said appealed to me. When I consider his statements in context with his record and more importantly his off the wall antics of the past few weeks...including his choice of Palin as VP, he comes off as very desperate and willing to do anything to be president. Coupled with the COMPLETE debacle that has been the Bush presidency I simply have to give my vote to Obama as he is the candidate that semms most likely to make some unconventional, positve, balanced changes.


Well-Known Member
Kinda Agree,

Sad day for America if Obama gets the presidency. Cannabis aside, he is a slick talker compared to Mccain, but not the man we need running this country.

Geeez are these really the best guys we have to run this country????Kinda a sad statement about the US of A...
Why would it be a sad day for Obama to get it oppose to McSame ... you want the bullshit of the past eight years to definitely continue ... the chances are good with Obama ... but excellent with McSame ...
... and "we the people" did not select these two corporatist ... corporate media and corporate amerika did ... and if they are able to pull of the election fraud they have already implamented ... see my election fraud thread for details ... they will choose McSame ...:fire:

I thought McCain won...hands down, being unbiased...
... and the reason for this unbiased conclusion? ... or aren't you able to articulate?

obama is the antichrist
So what does that make McSame?

And McCain wasn't the loser....Can anyone guess who the loser was?
Ooo! ooo! ... I know! ... I know! ... it was "we the people" ... :mrgreen::shock::o:neutral::cry:

Folks ... those of you that haven't really need to go to my thread and edumacate yourself on these people ... don't go by what they say ... go by their voting records ... then you can make an informed decision ... wow! ... what a unique concept!:clap:

Check it ... vote smart


Well-Known Member
McCain was not even in the 'debate'. He was talking about $9?? million in 'prokbarrel' spending, Never answered the $300million, Obama pointed out they both voted against money for the military, because a timeline was in or out, we both support the military.
McCains attempt to show Obama as naive about foreign policy failed miserable. If that hasn't worked (not talking to your enemies) for a few decades, lets try something different. Obama's understanding of the problem we have in Pakistan, which he took the time to pronounce correctly is accurate, we did support a dictator and the Pakistanies are not happy with us. If you change that situation, they will be a help to fight the taliban. Incursions will not be necessary.
Obama clearly showed he knows the difference between a stratagy and a tactic, he repeated, many times because John still didn't answer, that he had said going into Iraq was a mistake in Strategy. Unfortunately, he was right, it was not a good strategy and the only reason Bush pursued it was 'to finish the job his daddy started'.
We are having problems in Afghanistan, we don't have the troops to 'finish the job' there, what ever that means. If anything John McCain gave Obama so much ammunition he couldn't use it all. Yet according to reports, Obama found 13 times he could say he would agree with John on.......then point out where they differ. He was trying not to call John McCain a liar, he tried to keep it about policies and strategies, McCain wanted to talk about replacing ineffective workers, mass firings? MicroManangement to get rid of government waste? That is your economic policy?
McCain never answered when Obama pointed out that our 'effective corporate tax rate' because of all the loopholes is actually one of the lowest, and your answer is $300,000,000,000.00 more in tax cut for people that don't need them? Don't you hate it when people argue with you and the know you are right? VV


Well-Known Member
Since when is a tie anything other than a tie? Is that the new thing to tell kids to help self esteem? A tie is NOT a win. Especially when a political campaign starts calling it one, usually it means the public is screwed they are too close on core issues (just disagree with the details) and good luck getting change...

Look all this McCain predjudice is understandable u want change and are hoping Obama can bring it. I do too, but McCain is NOT Bush and is much smarter and more qualified to lead this country than Bush and I think he would correct mistakes of this administration. The only reason I think this is because I have yet to meet a more socialistic Dem than my mother, she is glued to the Cspan channels evertime I am over and even she respects McCains record and while she disagrees with a lot of what he has to say even she says he is one of the more honest one out there. My mother will be voting Obama but she said she would not be diapointed if McCain wins, if u knew my mother that would be something u would NEVER have imagined her saying something like that. It says something to me about him, actaully opened my mind a little.


New Member
Actually, being an Obama supporter, I thought McCain was very effective in keeping Obama on the defensive. To say he won, may be a stretch, but he controlled the debate. He had Obama stuttering and answering his questions, an old political ploy. McCain is definently the better politician, he is meaner and more of a go for the throat type of guy. Obama on the other hand, thinks things through and then answers, basically he has the better answers to the complex problens confronting the next POTUS. A vote for McCain would probably throw us into a WWIII situation while a vote for Obama has a little less chance of that scenario. The current regime has put us directly in harms way and getting out of it will be no small task.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, to call that a debate is an understatement, though I have to disagree as to who the winner was.

But, I am judging it on more than presentation.

Though did you notice how Obama consistently called McCain anything from Jim, to Tom. His supporters target McCain's age, but one has to wonder if Obama has some kind of premature Alzheimer's Disease.
That's because he addressed Jim ( the moderator ) before he directly addressed McCain. Jesus people, pay attention!
McCain on the other hand does not seem to be able to look Obama in the eyes.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm an Obama supporter. To me, it felt pretty much like a tie. But obviously, Obama won. Why? Because 40 percent of the people who watched *think* he won, compared to 22% for McCain (the rest said tie). I mean, that's the REAL definition of victory in a debate: if most people *think* you won, well then, you did.

I think McCain cost himself with some people. I mean, he wouldn't even LOOK at Obama, and most of the time when Obama was speaking or making a point, McCain looked like he was smirking or sneering. Very unpresidential, even rather churlish. If that was the image he was aiming for, the churlish sneering old rich dude, he totally nailed it.