End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

Sorry for my bad typing and spelling lol I'm at the end of week 4 and my leafs are looking like shit.. I vegg plants 9 weeks no problem other then we had a water boiling advisory that never got posted or knew abt and It killed one plant and almost killed the rest they was 2 weeks behind recovering .. Any way I'm now feeding at half strength farm line up each get a gal of water every 3 days then feed with a gal all at half strength so I water feed water feed.. My ph is fine I flushed thinking salt build up but did not help at all I did add half strength feed after flush. Last time I flushed for salt buildup my plants starved looks kinda like that's what is going on now but not sure.. I was told to give full strength of bigbloom grow big and bloom but only use half the small cap of the soluble chiching..its not bad but fuck that.. What y'all think? Under feeding over feeding what's up.. BTW plant went the Hole 8 weeks in ffof with out needing food.. My temps are fine my rh is 40 to 50 everything is good other then leafs.. Again I only give a gal of water when plants are dry



Well-Known Member
Sorry for my bad typing and spelling lol I'm at the end of week 4 and my leafs are looking like shit.. I vegg plants 9 weeks no problem other then we had a water boiling advisory that never got posted or knew abt and It killed one plant and almost killed the rest they was 2 weeks behind recovering .. Any way I'm now feeding at half strength farm line up each get a gal of water every 3 days then feed with a gal all at half strength so I water feed water feed.. My ph is fine I flushed thinking salt build up but did not help at all I did add half strength feed after flush. Last time I flushed for salt buildup my plants starved looks kinda like that's what is going on now but not sure.. I was told to give full strength of bigbloom grow big and bloom but only use half the small cap of the soluble chiching..its not bad but fuck that.. What y'all think? Under feeding over feeding what's up.. BTW plant went the Hole 8 weeks in ffof with out needing food.. My temps are fine my rh is 40 to 50 everything is good other then leafs.. Again I only give a gal of water when plants are dry
What's the problem your having?
The pictures you posted look fine, alittle yellowing to the leaves is cause all the energy is getting sucked out of the leaves and put into creating the buds so that is normal as you go further into flower.


OK ty.. Never experienced this before this soon in flower.. At week 6 I stop feeding and then days later I get the deficiencies by week 8 it's almost back in to the buds it's showing up on every plant on most big leafs


Well-Known Member
OK ty.. Never experienced this before this soon in flower.. At week 6 I stop feeding and then days later I get the deficiencies by week 8 it's almost back in to the buds it's showing up on every plant on most big leafs
It really depends the strain, I'm week 4 into flower and don't have any leaf decoloration at all yet.
It really depends the strain, I'm week 4 into flower and don't have any leaf decoloration at all yet.
Yes I was thinking where I vegged9 weeks I was under feeding never went 9 weeks vegg be4 but wanted to fill that screen.. One plant out of 5 is not doing that its green as duck looks black under led.. The deficiencies look horrible under the LED when I first seen it I was like what the f*** then I turned on the regular light and I'm like okay it's not that bad


Well-Known Member
Yes I was thinking where I vegged9 weeks I was under feeding never went 9 weeks vegg be4 but wanted to fill that screen.. One plant out of 5 is not doing that its green as duck looks black under led.. The deficiencies look horrible under the LED when I first seen it I was like what the f*** then I turned on the regular light and I'm like okay it's not that bad
I'm not very sure, I'm a first time grower and use a 1000 watt HPS light and havnt had any problem with my first grow. I feed with fox farms nutrients and give them Epsom salts every once in awhile and grandmas molasses durring weeks 3-6 in flower. I grow in fox farms soil as well and giving 2 of my 4 pants some BiG BUDS just to experiment. I grow out in a metal shed so it's a bit cold out their too.

