Budies 101
Well-Known Member
YES - SIR !!! That`s the point of all this useless debate.
Watercooling apparently is the only way to push energy efficiency, light efficiency and longlife
a huge step forward to future and growing-costs to a minimum.
Led tec is the only lighting tecnology which is able to convert the high heat power output
(up to 80% of electr. input)
of a light into useable energy. Not only with Cree high end modules - and not only for grow light.
Even a watercooled led fixture with low quality (lm/w) chips can bea>t any high end led, air cooled system, if you realize that watercooled led light is a perfect water heater.
aircooled = 25% energy efficient
watercooled = 85% energy efficient
The few watercoolers here on riu may know, what kind of advantage that means.
The fact, that only very few companies offer watercooled led light on the market,
doesn`t mean, that this tecnology is NOT world champion in energy efficacy.
Too much debate here on riu about light (lumen,par, pfd...) output of different light systems -
o.k. - we can`get enough...lumens out of a light...
but some more discussion about the cooling (which is allways a main issue of light products)
can`t be wrong as I pretend - the right watercooling of any cheapo-chip or CREE cob can rise it`s flux ~ 10% - but collecting the heat in a heat exchanger (and use it) can easiely
triple (>300%) the energy efficiency of a light system.
@Stephenj37826 - sorry the lighting section you advertise IMO lacks the posibillity of
watercooling and therefore any modern or smart way to combate climate change.
I don't understand how water cooling makes anything more efficient. The heat is created no matter what, you're simply cooling it via water AND a fan on the water cooler. The heat still exists in the same amount because the light is still creating heat at the same amount... You're simply cooling possible quicker with water and a fan rather than just a fan.
My lights with room temps and fans glossing over the lights stay pretty dang cool at 250-300watts. I don't need water cooling, but I get approx 170lm/w like this at 300watts... Are you saying that I would get more lm/w if I were water cooled somehow? Water cooled or passive cooled the same amount of heat will be placed into the room/tent if the light source is equal, water cooled simply removes the heat faster and transfers it to the room.
Maybe I'm wrong =)