Name a country that's better than America

Knowing people from all over the world and trusting in what they say. That's one way besides doing a lot of traveling. But even visiting a place isn't the same as living there and really getting to know what's going on. I have found that very few people who have moved here from another country, ever move back. Most people who come here to live, stay here. Additionally, of all the "better" spots that have been named, I don't know of a single person from America who wants to move away to live in any of them -be they Americans who were born here or ones that have moved here from other countries. No one wants to leave. And lots of people want to move here.

Am I saying that America is perfect? No. We are in an absolutely shameful situation now, of course. But even with all the batshit-craziness and division going on now, I still don't see any country in the world complaining of all the Americans moving to them to get away from the "tyranny".

These are all indications to me.
He sits in America and wonders why he doesn't see any expats.

shut the fuck up bitch.

All i want, is for you to speak to me like an equal. Brushing of pseudo insults from you gets tiring.

The earth is round. A flat earth is a physical impossibility. You hold to a belief that has been proven untrue, so doesn't even meet the standards of a religious discussion, which I would also not be interested in having.

You tagged me. I didn't want to insult you and I actually don't intend to do so now. I'm just being blunt.

Here, read this:

Explain these observations:
Gravity is the same all over the world


Observers at higher elevations see objects that are farther away


day and night are at different times at different locations on the earth

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You know, you can just search that conspiracy on google. It is completely debunked.
Americans would rather believe conspiracy theories than the truth.

It might be because the truth is too painful.

It might be because we've been dumbed down by the aggressive destruction of our education system.

The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ☛ Newsweek: “A Cult of Ignorance” by Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980, p. 19.

I just used this same quote in two different threads totally unrelated to one another. There's no way that's a coincidence.