Paranormal Experience


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure if I should share this or not for the risk of ridicule and disbelief.. But am still so excited (and quite the bit scared if I'm honest) that I have to!!
I went to hang out with a girlfriend last night on her first baby free night since he was born 5mths ago. I was sitting on her bed and she was standing next to it trying on pre natal outfits while we were chatting. Suddenly there's a rattling type noise similar to the sound of a door knob being twisted back and forth. I look over to her walk-in closet where the sound was coming from and took me a few moments before I saw it was a drill she'd left standing on its battery at the front edge of a blanket chest in the walk-in closet. It was rocking back and forth, side to side, just as a coin does when dropped, and then came to a stop in the same manner! (That's #1). I was like "ahh... did u see that?" She did, and thought something must've fallen off the rack and knocked it? (It was hard to see past the drill as the clothes hanging above were shadowing the back of the chest). Both of us are a touch jittery but not too concerned till she asks me to switch the light on in there and have a look. So I automatically said why don't u do it lol? We had a bit of back n forth and then I was like yep ok we're being stupid I'll switch it on. I was being silly walking towards the entrance of the robe doing the music from jaws like "de de, de de, de de", I flicked the switch and the bulb instantly blew with a sharp whack (noise) which shocked hell out of me and I kinda screamed and thru myself back onto the bed. I wouldn't have thought twice about it except that rather than the bulb blowing like they usually do, the light was still on and pulsing, like a strobe but slower and with each flash of light it was making a loud zapping type noise! (That's #2). I was like "wtf I'm not switching the bastard off! What the hell is going on!!? After a min or two both of us just baffled she quickly ran over and flicked it off. We were both pretty freaked out for a bit now, but talked ourselves into the fact that it was all just a coincidence and that something fell to knock the drill and the light bulb was just warped. After half hour or so I decided to have a look at the chest with my phone's torch to see if something had fallen earlier. There was not a damn thing on, near or around the drill! I also laid the drill on its side while I was there lol. About another half hour passes and she's grabbed a new bulb to put in and I'm still sitting on the edge of the bed looking down at my phone, then out of nowhere she makes a loud shocked noise and throws herself backwards tripping over my feet and landing on her ass beside the bed gojng "holy fuck look!!" pointing to the robe. And this is what I saw!! (#3). Above where the blanket chest was the clothes on the rack were violently swaying side to side like someone had their hands in there about a metre apart and was just shoving them back and forth!! This is not bullshit!!! I was fucking frozen in absolute confusion more than fear trying to make sense of what I was seeing!! My phone dropped out of my hands and I began heaving really badly trying to breathe!! It lasted for maybe 8-10 secs. I'm still heaving loudly at this point and then started chanting aloud in-between heaves what I needed to do which was "phone-floor- phone-get-phone-mum-ring-get-phone!" Felt like I was in slow motion. My girlfriend is near hysterical saying wtf I knew there was something here fuck this I'm moving bla bla bla!! I just concentrated my ass off instructing myself how to use this phone and get it done!! My mum finally answers(it's near midnite) and I just blurt out what's just happened and I'm sorry but I just needed someone on the line incase anything else happens ...! Then my mum surprised hell out of me replying so calmly with a bit of a giggle saying "now don't laugh but I was just reading an article recently talking about how babies see things we can't and have little drop dead freds etc.". I was like get out, this is the first nite my gf's son has not slept here since being born!!! How crazy (coincidental)is that!?

Anyway, we managed to calm down after a while, although we didn't move for about 5hrs I reckon. No toilet, no drinks, no smokes, no nothing just too scared to move until her partner arrived home in the early hours of the morning and I got him to walk me to my car...

My heart hasn't stopped thumping the whole time I've been typing this - I saw this!!
If it wasn't for the fact that someone else saw it too I'd already be questioning my own self trying to find a plausible explanation for what or how this happened?? But the fact is there actually isn't one!

I consider myself agnostic, always have. Now tho?? Well I don't know what to think?? I mean as I've just said I SAW THIS there's no taking that away, but the skeptic in me somehow wants "more" (without wanting more if that makes any sense at all?). Then I also have the believer in me saying "That's it! How lucky am I to now know!"

I can't stop going over it, so surreal, yet SO real!
I'm still just stunned! I don't really know how to explain it?

Anyway I thought I would share this crazy f'ing experience and ask if anyone else has actually experienced anything like this? Not feelings of, actually witnessed?

@Heisenberg, I'm so interested in your take of what I've just recounted too!!
:bigjoint: I don't blame you. Back in ~ 1986 or 87, me and 2 other people saw fires that shape shift into truck front & back lights similar to the one we were driving, it kept popping from the ground and started chasing each other then disappear to pop back again from a different place.. It was unbelievable :fire:.
I'm certainly not going to ridicule you, however I am very skeptical of the paranormal. The light was most likely a coincidence, but is it possible that a mouse knocked into the drill and then later got caught in the pocket of one of the articles of clothing and started shaking around frantically. Now before you go back and think about this realize that our brains reconstruct our memories and have a tendency to be biased towards what it already believes, you have the belief that this is a paranormal event and your brain is going to try to rationalize that belief and may even create false memories about the event.
Also be aware that everything we see is a construct of our brains and the brain can construct optical illusions, a simple rustling in between the clothes may have been exaggerated by your brain because you were frightened and the brains instinct was to make sure you didn't go anywhere near the clothes, which is a survival instinct.

When I was about 10 years old a friend and I both swore we saw a ghost, a woman who opened the front doors and walked out of the house, but we were looking through a pane of glass and there was a flood light on behind us, our brains will construct patterns where in fact there is none.
:bigjoint: I don't blame you. Back in ~ 1986 or 87, me and 2 other people saw fires that shape shift into truck front & back lights similar to the one we were driving, it kept popping from the ground and started chasing each other then disappear to pop back again from a different place.. It was unbelievable :fire:.

LOL! You sure that wasn't your Sole (sic) Twin?
I'm certainly not going to ridicule you, however I am very skeptical of the paranormal. The light was most likely a coincidence, but is it possible that a mouse knocked into the drill and then later got caught in the pocket of one of the articles of clothing and started shaking around frantically. Now before you go back and think about this realize that our brains reconstruct our memories and have a tendency to be biased towards what it already believes, you have the belief that this is a paranormal event and your brain is going to try to rationalize that belief and may even create false memories about the event.
I can appreciate what you're saying. But the thing is these clothes shook side to side violently! Wind could not have created that effect (I should have also mentioned she has A LOT of clothes all hung very tightly together, it's a struggle to pull anything or put it back in).. Impossible for a mouse. But mouse hitting the drill is a definite possibility. The other thing being that my girlfriend saw exactly what I did! It if wasn't for that fact as I said I would undoundedly be questioning what I really saw.
It's only after I posted this last night that memories of other occurrences from when I was younger came back to me too and they all involved lights.
I can appreciate what you're saying. But the thing is these clothes shook side to side violently! Wind could not have created that effect (I should have also mentioned she has A LOT of clothes all hung very tightly together, it's a struggle to pull anything or put it back in).. Impossible for a mouse. But mouse hitting the drill is a definite possibility. The other thing being that my girlfriend saw exactly what I did! It if wasn't for that fact as I said I would undoundedly be questioning what I really saw.
It's only after I posted this last night that memories of other occurrences from when I was younger came back to me too and they all involved lights.
Well then it is certainly very strange, if I was there myself I would definitely be at a loss for explanation. In my opinion and it is strictly my opinion there must be a natural explanation, are you sure someone wasn't in there just trying to freak you guys out?
I can appreciate what you're saying. But the thing is these clothes shook side to side violently! Wind could not have created that effect (I should have also mentioned she has A LOT of clothes all hung very tightly together, it's a struggle to pull anything or put it back in).. Impossible for a mouse. But mouse hitting the drill is a definite possibility. The other thing being that my girlfriend saw exactly what I did! It if wasn't for that fact as I said I would undoundedly be questioning what I really saw.
It's only after I posted this last night that memories of other occurrences from when I was younger came back to me too and they all involved lights.
There are many out there just like you. Every since you were a kid correct??? Regressive hypno therapy from a qualified professional could help you get to the bottom of it. Trust what iam saying.
Well then it is certainly very strange, if I was there myself I would definitely be at a loss for explanation. In my opinion and it is strictly my opinion there must be a natural explanation, are you sure someone wasn't in there just trying to freak you guys out?
Haha that's exactly what my girlfriend was convinced of! Because the walk in closet is shaped like an L she was convinced someone was hiding in there, but when her boyfriend for home he went straight in and had a look and of course there wasn't. We hadn't move out of that room either so it's not like they could've come out without us seeing.
I know, it's strange to say the least. My brain is still trying to find ways to rationalise it too. If anything I'm kind of trying to let it go cos it's too freaky to really consider. Bizarre. That's all I can say.
Haha that's exactly what my girlfriend was convinced of! Because the walk in closet is shaped like an L she was convinced someone was hiding in there, but when her boyfriend for home he went straight in and had a look and of course there wasn't. We hadn't move out of that room either so it's not like they could've come out without us seeing.
I know, it's strange to say the least. My brain is still trying to find ways to rationalise it too. If anything I'm kind of trying to let it go cos it's too freaky to really consider. Bizarre. That's all I can say.
Dont be suprised if a couple tall slender strangers dressed in brand new black suits pull up in a shiny brand new vehicle seemingly out of nowhere and start asking you questions that dont make any sense. And dont notice the fact that they have no eyebrows and thier skin looks like plastic. And no Iam not joking.
One time I took a huge dump ....I mean I pushed this thing out for a good 35 minutes ....then when I stood up to look at it ......:shock:


I couldn't believe my eyes....just clean water and no turd In sight .....get this ...I wiped my ass and not even a speck of shit......I'm freaked out again now

Only to find out later my friends

@srh88 @tyler.durden and @Gary Goodson all had the same experience .....we don't even live close to eachother all

@Bareback had a similar experience ....but there was actually shit when he wiped spooky
One time I took a huge dump ....I mean I pushed this thing out for a good 35 minutes ....then when I stood up to look at it ......:shock:


I couldn't believe my eyes....just clean water and no turd In sight .....get this ...I wiped my ass and not even a speck of shit......I'm freaked out again now

Only to find out later my friends

@srh88 @tyler.durden and @Gary Goodson all had the same experience .....we don't even live close to eachother all

@Bareback had a similar experience ....but there was actually shit when he wiped spooky
My girl does that all the time. False poop
One time I took a huge dump ....I mean I pushed this thing out for a good 35 minutes ....then when I stood up to look at it ......:shock:


I couldn't believe my eyes....just clean water and no turd In sight .....get this ...I wiped my ass and not even a speck of shit......I'm freaked out again now

Only to find out later my friends

@srh88 @tyler.durden and @Gary Goodson all had the same experience .....we don't even live close to eachother all

@Bareback had a similar experience ....but there was actually shit when he wiped spooky

Invasion of the shit snachers
One time I took a huge dump ....I mean I pushed this thing out for a good 35 minutes ....then when I stood up to look at it ......:shock:


I couldn't believe my eyes....just clean water and no turd In sight .....get this ...I wiped my ass and not even a speck of shit......I'm freaked out again now

Only to find out later my friends

@srh88 @tyler.durden and @Gary Goodson all had the same experience .....we don't even live close to eachother all

@Bareback had a similar experience ....but there was actually shit when he wiped spooky
Ghost dookie.. spooky
There are many out there just like you. Every since you were a kid correct??? Regressive hypno therapy from a qualified professional could help you get to the bottom of it. Trust what iam saying.
No definitely not since I was a kid, more my early twenties.
One instance, I was changing mobile phones and had removed my SIM card and sat it on the bed next to me. Opened up the new phone and put my hand next to me to grab my card but it was gone. Simply gone. I never ever found it. On that same day I was leaving to pick my boyfriend up and just before I closed the door noticed how bright the room was and thought I left the light on. So I went to switch it off and as my hand has gone over the switch I felt it was already off. Then realised it was the sun coming thru a blind I normally kept down. So I left. When we arrived home, the light was on. ??? That night we awoke to our bedroom and ensuite light on. Also at the time my boyfriends mother (who lived upstairs) was away on holidays and kept her bedroom door locked. When she arrived home the day after the light stuff, she came straight downstairs and asked who'd been in her room as the light and both bedside table lamps were on. ??
One time I took a huge dump ....I mean I pushed this thing out for a good 35 minutes ....then when I stood up to look at it ......:shock:


I couldn't believe my eyes....just clean water and no turd In sight .....get this ...I wiped my ass and not even a speck of shit......I'm freaked out again now

Only to find out later my friends

@srh88 @tyler.durden and @Gary Goodson all had the same experience .....we don't even live close to eachother all

@Bareback had a similar experience ....but there was actually shit when he wiped spooky
It'd have to give u the shits wouldn't it!? ;)