Can phone pics get u busted?!


Well-Known Member
I do know in some situations they can. For example, if ur at work and u have to take a pic of a part or something and send it. It could easily get sent to someone or while scrolling through ur gallery someone being nosey might get a peek. Then ur busted. My question is can our phone pics be hacked by an agency that decides to inspect RIU for anything illegal. For example if you're person who freely takes tons of pics and shares. You could be a person of interest, then what? Can they find out the source of the pics and whether or not the pics were taken personally from that phone or just downloaded from some sight. For example, a newb wanting tons of rep posting amazing pics to impress everyone but in reality he or she is just downloading from another site. I'm interested in how much big brother knows and how much he cares to know. Big brother could be many people. A nosey neighbor with hacking skills, the local police, fbi, u name it. No one actually grows legally because mary j is still illegal federally. I made that statement because the first thing someone's going to say is I'm legal man. No you're not bro. Just depends if and when they feel like messing with growers. They meaning big brother again. With all that being said what does RIU think?
I do know in some situations they can. For example, if ur at work and u have to take a pic of a part or something and send it. It could easily get sent to someone or while scrolling through ur gallery someone being nosey might get a peek. Then ur busted. My question is can our phone pics be hacked by an agency that decides to inspect RIU for anything illegal. For example if you're person who freely takes tons of pics and shares. You could be a person of interest, then what? Can they find out the source of the pics and whether or not the pics were taken personally from that phone or just downloaded from some sight. For example, a newb wanting tons of rep posting amazing pics to impress everyone but in reality he or she is just downloading from another site. I'm interested in how much big brother knows and how much he cares to know. Big brother could be many people. A nosey neighbor with hacking skills, the local police, fbi, u name it. No one actually grows legally because mary j is still illegal federally. I made that statement because the first thing someone's going to say is I'm legal man. No you're not bro. Just depends if and when they feel like messing with growers. They meaning big brother again. With all that being said what does RIU think?
Everyone is legal man.
Everyone is legal man.
I was hoping for better and more serious answers. How much can I expect from potheads?! Figured I'd have a little sense of humor. I can't believe this isn't a very interesting topic. I see so much bs and nonsense on here with tons of pages. I figured this would be a great thread for all of us ADULTS.
Awe c'mon vonk. A simple google search will turn up more than enough examples on why you shouldn't do it, especially if you are in a deep red state.

People are just having fun with it.

Pictures on phones, especially geotagged pics, can get you busted if you let police search it. Pictures on social media can also get you busted.

Don't be stoooped. Stay in the herd, Don't be tasty and visible if you are defenseless.
Awe c'mon vonk. A simple google search will turn up more than enough examples on why you shouldn't do it, especially if you are in a deep red state.

People are just having fun with it.

Pictures on phones, especially geotagged pics, can get you busted if you let police search it. Pictures on social media can also get you busted.

Don't be stoooped. Stay in the herd, Don't be tasty and visible if you are defenseless.
Very intelligent answer! Thank you sir!
Awe c'mon vonk. A simple google search will turn up more than enough examples on why you shouldn't do it, especially if you are in a deep red state.

People are just having fun with it.

Pictures on phones, especially geotagged pics, can get you busted if you let police search it. Pictures on social media can also get you busted.

Don't be stoooped. Stay in the herd, Don't be tasty and visible if you are defenseless.
I know I could google it but sometimes I like to get on here and read others opinions and relate to other members. Since I'm affiliated with this site and can pm any member asking why this and why that. If I google it, I want be able to directly deal with the person making the statement. This way I have the opportunity to learn a little and meet fellow members.
I know I could google it but sometimes I like to get on here and read others opinions and relate to other members. Since I'm affiliated with this site and can pm any member asking why this and why that. If I google it, I want be able to directly deal with the person making the statement. This way I have the opportunity to learn a little and meet fellow members.
Grow an be free, I feel you worry too much. Let me explain why I'm not worried my home state of Louisiana is talking now about the legality of medical use and that was a story from last week. Second I go to the VA and they suggested and promoted the use of cannabis because they know it works better than most of the pills they dole out. But let me tell you those pictures on your phone aren't private your internet traffic isn't private almost nothing in this world is private anymore ( this coming from a network engineer) best bet is do what you do and stay within reason and if your not already go to a state that's more cannabis friendly.
Awe c'mon vonk. A simple google search will turn up more than enough examples on why you shouldn't do it, especially if you are in a deep red state.

People are just having fun with it.

Pictures on phones, especially geotagged pics, can get you busted if you let police search it. Pictures on social media can also get you busted.

Don't be stoooped. Stay in the herd, Don't be tasty and visible if you are defenseless.
Well if this is the truth I probably shouldn't have my grow thread on here.. shit.
Vonkins, you need some Sativa bro, the paranoia. strip the images of the GPS tags, in windows just right click and go to properties and the details tab. use a VPN to anonymize and get out of the USA (if applicable).
Sometimes we impress ourselves and have no one to share it with. Sharing pics doesn't benefit in any way. STAY HUMBLE! I could share some treasures right now. Oh yeah I gotta stay humble.
Vonkins, you need some Sativa bro, the paranoia. strip the images of the GPS tags, in windows just right click and go to properties and the details tab. use a VPN to anonymize and get out of the USA (if applicable).
I wouldn't say paranoid just on my A-GAME! Who wouldn't be scared about going to prison!