What's The Correct Way Forward For Progressives?

What's The Correct Way Forward For Progressives?

  • Take over the Democratic party from within

  • Start our own party

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It's too late for America. Give up. America, as a nation, is too stupid to continue. Nuclear wart (sic) is probably the best option. The annihilation of the US is a subject that interests me. #FuckTheUSA #CalExit
Oh, hi

I was hoping to see you around. I was wondering what you thought of those papers regarding the fact that Trump won the election becaouse he attracted racist and sexist white voters.

You urgently needed them and made multiple requests to me about them so I thought I'd ask what you thought about them?
I was about to ask you the same.
Whoa hey, he's a go getter seeking a real sweetheart. He doesn't have to contribute anything or explicate your arguments. Your argument was premised on the obvious falsehood that Bernard is not the most popular kid at West View Highschool. Therefore it's a strawman. Therefore he needs only to call you a name.
Whoa hey, he's a go getter seeking a real sweetheart. He doesn't have to contribute anything or explicate your arguments. Your argument was premised on the obvious falsehood that Bernard is not the most popular kid at West View Highschool. Therefore it's a strawman. Therefore he needs only to call you a name.
You are right. I should apologize, shouldn't I?
Barnie is more popular than Jesus
Why stop at Jesus?
He's kind of like barnie but not at as pooular
Ah ok. You mean that republican guy?
What are you talking about? You babble sir.

This is what you are sniveling about: two-thirds of the state’s delegates are allocated to elected officials in the state, That's the way it is, dude. Sanders supporters packed caucus meetings and gained a majority of those delegates. THE REST of the delegates are elected to office. Damn man. They won extra seats by packing caucus meetings. Good for them. Get some people elected, then they will call the shots. I think it's a good thing that the people who actually won elections had greater numbers of delegates than people who sneak in by packing caucuses.

This is the third time that I know of where you guys have tried to subvert the will of voters.

and have benefited from cashola/payola..hola? of course they're not going to vote against it..

the delegate system is ancient rule for an ancient time when many were uneducated farmers who couldn't travel relied on those who can cypher.

now it's used for railroading wall streeters to the top.
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Oh, hi

I was hoping to see you around. I was wondering what you thought of those papers regarding the fact that Trump won the election becaouse he attracted racist and sexist white voters.

You urgently needed them and made multiple requests to me about them so I thought I'd ask what you thought about them?

you mean the donors who sit in a dark audience booing and snearing 'hang john mccain'?
We could stand to just keep the current electoral system honest, too;

Greg Palast, 'The Best Democracy Money Can Buy'

Honesty within a system which originates from contradiction (presumed consent) will gain you what ?

That sounds a lot like asking thieves to be honest when they divvy up their stolen goods. It misses the point.
Anyone remember Naders run in 2000 and 2004?
The people that voted for him in 2000 had 4 years of Bush and in 2004 he was so unpopular because of that. The republicans had to bankroll his campaign in 2004.
Sanders is done. You berniecunts should of done more to back Clinton
and have benefited from cashola/payola..hola? of course they're not going to vote against it..

the delegate system is ancient rule for an ancient time when many were uneducated farmers who couldn't travel relied on those who can cypher.

now it's used for railroading wall streeters to the top.
Sanders supporters will start winning and then they will gain control. That's how to do it. If you want to change the rules, win elections. Sanders sees this and he's working to build the grass roots support to do this.

It's going pretty well for you guys. I'm just concerned that your gang lacks the ability to maintain focus long enough to do the job. It's embarrassing to watch your gang while you grow up but the teenage years are something we all go through.
Bernie says he will run as an Independent in the next Vermont election. There is your answer
He's always run as an independent in Vermont's senatorial contest. Not the same as a presidential run. He also hasn't announced intentions for 2020 prez race.
Anyone remember Naders run in 2000 and 2004?
The people that voted for him in 2000 had 4 years of Bush and in 2004 he was so unpopular because of that. The republicans had to bankroll his campaign in 2004.
Sanders is done. You berniecunts should of done more to back Clinton
Nader 2028!