All it did for me was give me the shits and made my cock disappear!
That and my bank balance!
I’m gonna use triaplantanol
Yeah same here. Lukio mentioned it to me a while back when we were discussing Mammoth P. Found a legit guy on eBay UK who sells it - If I recall correctly he makes his own solution with it in - and for £10 it has to be worth a try. Did a bit of reading and it sounds like solid science.
Yes mate, can’t believe people waste their hard earned cash on it a second time!
I think we get used the the idea that all these boosters need to be £100 odd they’re mostly water if there’s stuff that works for lots less cash I’m in.
powdered form in the fridge...
I thought the cocaine discussion was over.......... :D
dilution rates are important
I had an email exchange with the guy who sells it and he said exactly the same. I asked him a couple of questions but he said some of the info was commercially sensitive because it isn't simply a case of buying the powder and "mixing it with some water".

It's a bit more expensive than I remembered but not much.
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very nice mungo!

The ocd in me wants to get in and defoliate - better for air circ/mould prevention and light penetration. I couldnt not strip em these days. Thats all ive got (:

Dear Mr Triplantanol, Lukio says you're a wanker. Now gimme the ratios you fuck!
Best wishes,
Stone :D
thatll do it.

Reusable scrog netssssss howwwwww? i have to cut em out, string gets so tangled, shits a nightmare lol
very nice mungo!

The ocd in me wants to get in and defoliate - better for air circ/mould prevention and light penetration. I couldnt not strip em these days. Thats all ive got (:

thatll do it.

Reusable scrog netssssss howwwwww? i have to cut em out, string gets so tangled, shits a nightmare lol
Defoliation just feels wrong, I’ll try it next go tho as you always get better yields than me.
The nets are really strong, I cut the plant from them then stick them in the washing machine, they have them at straight up hydro in dartford.