Guys, the earth is actually flat.

OMG you poor dear. Hey did you ever get to see or test those rocks for yourself ? or did you just believe what you are told.

Are you seriously telling me you are clueless to the Apollo 11 telemetry data poof gone, missing, erased, vanished "whatever the fuck" for ever. I'm thinking you are not ready to have this conversation.
I'm still liking you :grin:
The tapes you talk about were from a video broadcast during the Apollo 11 landing. It wasn't "all the data" it was the video broadcast backup tape and nobody at the time thought it was all that important. We didn't lose all the data, just that tape. Plenty of data came back from those expeditions. In fact we continue to gather data from those expeditions.

The problem with cynicism is that it stops with doubt. Did you know that several experiments were conducted using instruments left behind on the moon that continued to send data back to earth decades later. I'll bet you never even tried to learn about what all has been gathered from these expeditions. To this day, reflector arrays left behind by the four missions where we landed are used to accurately measure the distance and change in orbit by the moon. It's an international science experiment. The center for the study is in Germany. Lasers beam light to the moon and the arrays reflect the light back. Have I seen the reflectors personally, no, I haven't but I have no reason to doubt the studies. These aren't top secret programs, countries around the world participate in them.

Why do you believe satellites circle the earth but can't believe we went to the moon?
The tapes you talk about were from a video broadcast during the Apollo 11 landing. It wasn't "all the data" it was the video broadcast backup tape and nobody at the time thought it was all that important. We didn't lose all the data, just that tape. Plenty of data came back from those expeditions. In fact we continue to gather data from those expeditions.

The problem with cynicism is that it stops with doubt. Did you know that several experiments were conducted using instruments left behind on the moon that continued to send data back to earth decades later. I'll bet you never even tried to learn about what all has been gathered from these expeditions. To this day, reflector arrays left behind by the four missions where we landed are used to accurately measure the distance and change in orbit by the moon. It's an international science experiment. The center for the study is in Germany. Lasers beam light to the moon and the arrays reflect the light back. Have I seen the reflectors personally, no, I haven't but I have no reason to doubt the studies. These aren't top secret programs, countries around the world participate in them.

Why do you believe satellites circle the earth but can't believe we went to the moon?

There is no thrust in the vacuum - gasses can't do the "work" - that was my first red pill that fucked with my cognitive dissonance long after i got over non existence of Santa.
Are you seriously telling me you are clueless to the Apollo 11 telemetry data poof gone, missing, erased, vanished "whatever the fuck" for ever.

I've got a few boxes of these out in my garage. My uncle used to work at Goddard back in the day.

@Fogdog those data tapes that you just brush aside were a much higher resolution. Meaning better quality than the bullshit your parents watch on TV, but we will never see them, because NASA lost the data tapes to the first moon landing done by man. GTFO.
There is no thrust in the vacuum - gasses can't do the "work" - that was my first red pill that fucked with my cognitive dissonance long after i got over non existence of Santa.
Huh? No Santa? Now I've heard it all.

As far as "no thrust in vacuum". The physics of rocket propulsion are the same, whether on earth or in space. On Apollo, the propulsion unit mixed two liquids that spontaneously combusted upon mixing. The expansion of gasses produced by the explosion was directed by the unit in one direction. Basic physics takes over -- a gas is accelerated in one direction, an equal force in the other direction will propel the spacecraft in that direction.

Drugs weren't very helpful to me when studying, at least not the ones available at the time. I hear that adderal is a good one for today's cram sessions.
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@Fogdog those data tapes that you just brush aside were a much higher resolution. Meaning better quality than the bullshit your parents watch on TV, but we will never see them, because NASA lost the data tapes to the first moon landing done by man. GTFO.
I'm not brushing them aside, I'm just saying that if that's the source of your denial, you are ignoring all the other information. You said "all the data", I'm saying not all the data from the trip was lost, just the one tape. We had several other expeditions than the first one as well. If your doubt rests on the missing tapes, I ask what about the instrumentation that was left behind and continue to send data back from the moon? Also satellite images sent back from the moon orbiter now in place?

Four Apollo missions landed on the moon. Each brought back samples from the moon and more data. Each expedition left behind a reflector array that reflects light from lasers shined on them from the earth.

If you doubt we flew in space, why do you not doubt satellites exist?
I'm not brushing them aside, I'm just saying that if that's the source of your denial, you are ignoring all the other information. You said "all the data", I'm saying not all the data from the trip was lost, just the one tape. We had several other expeditions than the first one as well. If your doubt rests on the missing tapes, I ask what about the instrumentation that was left behind and continue to send data back from the moon? Also satellite images sent back from the moon orbiter now in place?

Four Apollo missions landed on the moon. Each brought back samples from the moon and more data. Each expedition left behind a reflector array that reflects light from lasers shined on them from the earth.

If you doubt we flew in space, why do you not doubt satellites exist?
No that is not just the reason, but you yourself first told me some shit about a telescope and seeing trash and a flag. Turns out you were wrong.
We can also now add missing important tape.
Next lets us discuss this spacecraft traveling through the Van Allen radiation belt. Are you going to cut another paste job to defend this. How did we take a spacecraft built of composites honey comb aluminum past this area in space?? . Hell when I go get Xrays they make sure parts of my body is covered with lead material to avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation..but hey ok
There is no thrust in the vacuum - gasses can't do the "work" - that was my first red pill that fucked with my cognitive dissonance long after i got over non existence of Santa.

Failed physics did we?

It is the action of the gas (matter) against the thruster body (matter), that creates the "force" and thus movement. Newton's third law!

Btw, space contains matter.....Better google that up too, eh?
No that is not just the reason, but you yourself first told me some shit about a telescope and seeing trash and a flag. Turns out you were wrong.
We can also now add missing important tape.
Next lets us discuss this spacecraft traveling through the Van Allen radiation belt. Are you going to cut another paste job to defend this. How did we take a spacecraft built of composites honey comb aluminum past this area in space?? . Hell when I go get Xrays they make sure parts of my body is covered with lead material to avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation..but hey ok
A telescope was used to record the presence of debris and tracks from Apollo missions on the moon. NASA has a moon orbiter with an on-board telescope that clearly shows them. If you deny a satellite can be orbiting the moon then why do you believe satellites orbit the earth?

The missing tape is only important to you. The real value of the mission comes from the samples brought back from the moon and the data that irrefutably is coming back to this day.

The bit about the Van Allen belt is true in the sense that there wasn't shielding that did any good to protect the astronauts. NASA mapped and modeled the radiation belt. The mission avoided the high density regions in the flight path. Dosimeters worn by the astronauts showed the risk of radiation exposure was within safe limits.

Do you want to go through every point used to deny the mission occurred?

The point I don't think you have an answer for comes from reflector arrays left on the moon by Apollo missions. There are four of them. When laser light is shined on them from the earth, it is reflected back by those arrays. I can't help that you didn't know about them, I'm just saying that there is direct confirmation that people were on the moon and they left instruments that continue to send information back to earth to this day.
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I have memes to prove it. This is a flat earth debate thread. Globe-head nonsense is allowed but please stick to the debate. Satan and the Illiminati want you to believe in big-bang and evolution junk. In this thread you will come to realize it is turtles all the way down.
you have a right to your beliefs but you are wrong. everyone knows we live on a round earth that was created by the great Egyptian cat god :):):)
Failed physics did we?

It is the action of the gas (matter) against the thruster body (matter), that creates the "force" and thus movement. Newton's third law!

Btw, space contains matter.....Better google that up too, eh?

yeah, mkay. It's like saying I can propel myself in vacuum just by hitting myself in the head.....

By the way, you have to consider Joule-Thompson with 3rd Newton law .....
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