Is this bud rot?


New Member
Im not sure if this is bud rot or something else. My plant definitely looks sick, everything I had looked up brought me to bud rot, and said to immediately dispose. I am on week 7 of flower. I had chopped one down, to check for bud rot.. and while trimming I noticed that there is no sign of rot on the bud. This is very odd. Could someone please have any ideas of what is going on here? I’m posting the outside pictures and the one that I trimmed up to get a look at the inside. From what I’m reading online, bud rot starts at the inside and works it’s way out. This is happening on the outside it seems. Then again, I am not sure I haven’t experienced this. Would leaves die off close to harvest? These are Blue Dream clones.


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the leaves look pretty sickly in the last pic is your environment on point? RH, temps, PH, PPMs etc? have you checked for pests with a 30-60x and also 100x scope
That could be a lot of things. I do know 1 thing I would pull her up and start again, cud be to late to rectify.
the leaves look pretty sickly in the last pic is your environment on point? RH, temps, PH, PPMs etc? have you checked for pests with a 30-60x and also 100x scope

The environment humidity rose within the 5th and 6th week and we had to get a dehumidifier. We have always had 45-50 humidity. So this may be a humidity cause. This is my first time so I’m new to all of this. We have a dehumidifier going in the room now. We always check the PH of the soil and the room stays in the 70s. We did have spider mites in the beginning of flower.
That could be a lot of things. I do know 1 thing I would pull her up and start again, cud be to late to rectify.
Do you think it would be way too early to harvest ahead of time so I don’t lose everything? We are on week 7 of flower and our goal was to push until week 9-10. This room was well kept and super healthy. A friend had reccomended organocide for the mites, and ever since I have used that.. the room has been falling apart. The room was even very healthy with the mites. The few people that took a look constantly complimented us. Usually my friend is in town so she can go to the dispensary and get someone to come out and look but she isn’t in town for another two weeks. My thing is I just want to know if it’s safe to continue the grow if the buds in the inside still trim clean like the one that I took down? I know no one can have quite an exact answer not being able to personally take a look or get a feel of them. But any advice helps.
did you accept plants/clones from someone else? did the buds get soft and slimy on the outside like rot or did they get kinda hard/crunchy on the outside ?
did you accept plants/clones from someone else? did the buds get soft and slimy on the outside like rot or did they get kinda hard/crunchy on the outside ?
The clones were from a local dispensary. The buds, when I chopped a branch to take a look inside aren’t slimy or chrunchy. I’m hanging it to dry just for a test run to see what’s going on in the process.. and from what I’m seeing the bud looks normal. The pictures I posted is what it looks like on the outside, and the bud in the inside doesn’t look touched by anything whatsoever. I’ve been checking for mold while drying and I’m not seeing any. The sight of the outside is really scaring and worrying me though. It’s definitley hard and crunchy on the outside and seems to have a yellowing and grayish. Blue tint. But this does look like it might be spreading. Sorry if I’m making this more confusing. I’m open to answering any other questions at this point though. I just added a side by side photograph. I can take more pictures if needed of specific areas
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Ok I understand the pics now.
I bet that bud took a while to trim ?
U could start putting it into flush now
Which could take a week or so which would put u around week 8-9.
But a lot more leafs will start to turn brown and crisp up through flush. Just try it and see what happens, keep an eye on it if a sign of it getting worse chop it, try and get something from it. Give your buds a thorough check post dry and cured.
Mite eggs could be in them.
The bud that you trimmed up looks nice,
Ok I understand the pics now.
I bet that bud took a while to trim ?
U could start putting it into flush now
Which could take a week or so which would put u around week 8-9.
But a lot more leafs will start to turn brown and crisp up through flush. Just try it and see what happens, keep an eye on it if a sign of it getting worse chop it, try and get something from it. Give your buds a thorough check post dry and cured.
Mite eggs could be in them.
The bud that you trimmed up looks nice,
Thank you for that suggestion. Reasons why I feel like posting is helpful for when I’m panicking about the grow and can’t think clearly myself! If I can not solve this, and don’t see an issue with nutrients or room control, I will take your advice and proceed with the flush. I wanted to do a bud wash with baking soda and lemon juice just in case there are mite eggs or anything on the plant that should be washed.
It doesn't appear to be bud rot, but something is certainly off. It's hard to tell due to the discoloration in the pictures (Grow lights should be turned off for pics to get the best possible advice -

Especially in the last picture, you can see necrotic brown spots surrounded by chlorotic (yellow) "halos". This is characteristic of a leaf spot disease which can be caused by a wide variety of fungi and bacteria (not characteristic of nutrient deficiencies or toxicities). This includes Alternaria Alternata, a species which is known to produce mycotoxins and is capable of causing respiratory infection in humans. Just to be precautious, I wouldn't smoke that bud, but that's just me.

The only thing I can recommend at this point due to the potential for many pesticides to alter taste when used close to harvest is copper soap such as 'Liquid Copper Fungicide' by Bonide.

